Ring the bell!

Celina gasped and froze with a cucumber mid-way towards her mouth.

"What? No way!" She put it down and shook her head furiously. "Who do you think we are, assassins for hire? We are supposed to be diplomats, that's, like, an opposite of it!"

"This can start a war between our bases as easily as Tobias's actions," Xia stated, staring Marcin down with cold and unfeeling eyes. "What makes you think you ask something like that from us?"

Marcin smiled, showing teeth. "There won't be war, ladies, because there will be a revolution. And… it will suit everyone's best interests. You will have a guarantee that Clear Valley will be in good relationship with Radiant Base, and besides it, the means to catch up with your traitorous teammates."

Celina leaned forward, planting her palms on the tabletop. "Antoni and the rest? You know where they are, Marcin?"