
Doctor Clark, the obstetrician, was a woman in her late forties with salt-and-pepper hair tucked into a neat bun, a suitcase of devices some which had the shape and look that crept Eve out a little, and a no-nonsense attitude. The latter wasn't surprising. Not everyone was open-minded and brave enough to accept an invitation to Eve and Victor's house.

She acted as if Eve was just another patient, and Victor was just another concerned husband as she told Eve to lie down on the couch and asked Victor to keep away. Eve could see how hard the latter was for him, but he acquiesced in the end and settled with watching intently from the far side of the room. Celina and Xia, who brought the obstetrician there, weren't even allowed in at all. The na-bots pretended to be parts of the furniture and avoided Doctor Clark's eye completely.