Freedom At Last!-part2

Zoe starred at him as she kept quiet, but he still continued to talk, "have you seen the height you're going to jump from, or are you planning to fly?, if you're going to commit suicide at least do it decently", in hearing what he said Zoe looked through the window seeing noting but an empty hard rocky ground as she stared feeling dizzy and scared because of the height she saw from the window she sat on.

'What happened I thought that there was a lake or maybe a sea at the bottom', Zoe thought to herself with her heart beating fast, in terror.

With the height she was about to jump from Zoe didn't realize that she was slowly getting discouraged, 'I have no choice, if I jump I'll die and if I step down from here I will surely die, I have no say in this, I can't change the situation…, what have I gotten myself into, if I were to choose, I choose to die from this window, I will not step down from this window, he's a vampire that wants to suck my blood, but I won't allow that I'd rather die, because That's what he wants, for me to step down to become his feast. It will not happen, I will die honorably *hmp*'.

Zoe kept observing the height on how she was going to make the jump, but she felt unsettled with the silence and stares that the vampire kept giving her, if she was going to die either way's, she was at least going to speak up, "why aren't you stopping me?", she asked in a question filled voice as all her knowledge on vampires was that they attack free blood bags and drink them dry of their blood, "why should I, it's not my problem, and besides it's entertaining to watch, go ahead, continue jump! It's fun to watch",

"What?", "yes jump, if you do, I'm sure there would be enough blood to spare rather than having to drink you myself, the hungry vampires on the street can feast on your blood, don't you think?",

'This guy is nuts,' Zoe thought to herself as she looked through the window and then at the man that stood at the door,

'There's no time to decide whether or not to live, either way I'm dead. No I can't, I must not die in the hands of a vampire…, its better I just jump… yes jump!' her thoughts were cut off when she heard the man speak.

"Yes! It would be much better if you just jump", he said sarcastically while taking another bite from the apple, 'how did he-', "My Lord!" madam Elisabeta greeted the man with nervousness as she bowed her head, while entering her office "it's an honor to be in your presence my lord" Madam Elisabeta said with a false smile on her face "whatever, you may rise", "yes my lord".

"Are you aware that one of your slave is trying to escape?" the man said in an un-concerned tone as he took another bite from his apple. The false smile that hanged on madam Elisabeta's face immediately dropped down, when she spotted Zoe trying to escape "What are you DOING!? You foolish slave" madam Elisabeta shouted making Zoe's heart skip in her chest, as she turned her head towards the voice that had startled her.


'Madam Elisabeta!' with Zoe's heart pounding in her chest she slowly removed both her legs from the windowsill as she put it on the ground. "Milady I-", "SHUT UP!"

'Zoe you're crazy, what is the need to humble yourself, you can still make the jump and escape from this horrible place. (Sigh) there's no time to think just jump! Maybe I can even survive it' Zoe looked at the window then looked back at madam Elisabeta. Zoe's conscience screamed at the back of her head telling her to jump through the windowsill and escape.

The man didn't break his gaze away from the young girl who was standing near the open window. Madam Elisabeta seeing this took it as an insult to the high standing vampire in the room, because the girl maintained her eye contact, but deep down madam Elisabeta knew it wasn't that, she was jealous.

Madam Elisabeta walked towards Zoe and slapped her across the face so that she would show respect to the elite vampire, 'Why does she always slap me!' Zoe thought to herself as she quickly bowed her head and tried not to glare at madam Elisabeta.

With the man's gaze broken away, he looked up at Madam Elisabeta, "she's an undisciplined slave…, make sure you discipline her" the man stated, not wanting to rebuke any argument. "Of course!" Madam Elisabeta said with her head bowed, 'I've never seen madam Elisabeta this nervous' Zoe thought to herself.

The vampire walked toward Zoe as he started observing her, taking note of her features and figure from the crowns of her head and to the soles of her feet. Zoe seeing this shifted back but stopped immediately, when her back hit the wall. "How much for the slave?", "Huh?" Madam Elisabeta didn't understand what he meant, because nobody had ever requested to buy Zoe, "don't make me repeat myself"

"But my lord this slave isn't for sale", "I said I want this slave, or do you have a problem with that, Madame or whatever you are called" he said keeping his tone casual and calm, madam Elisabeta didn't need to be told twice.

"my lord I dare not argue with you…, but my lord there are other slaves I can sell to you rather than you taking this undisciplined one" madam Elisabeta said trying to convince the vampire not to take Zoe away.

The man glared down at madam Elisabeta angrily, with the disagreement she gave, "I see that we are not getting anywhere in this conversation.., it seems I'll be having your head for compensation", in hearing this madam Elisabeta quickly bowed her head in fear, as she knelt down begging for mercy, "I-I'm sorry my lord, I didn't mean to upset you… Y-you can collect t-the slave outside of my office" madam Elisabeta replied back, keeping a distance away from the girl as the man glared down at her "*tch*".

Compared to madam Elisabeta who was of average height, this man who stood in front of them towered in his height. 'this is a sight for sore eyes, mwah ha ha' Zoe thought to herself as she had enjoyed watching madam Elisabeta beg for mercy.

With madam Elisabeta not close to her anymore, Zoe wanted to take a closer look at the vampire, but with his gaze that came back at her, she averted her eye's feeling intimidated, With the way madam Elisabeta now seemed to be shaking like a leaf, someone who had been so rude and wicked to all the slaves.

Already having enough sight and plight of what she was about to do Zoe didn't want to risk looking at him.

"You can keep this as your deposit to collect the gold", Zoe watched as he pulled out a classic white bag, with golden embroidery designs on them from his pocket as he handed it over to madam Elisabeta.

"Please my lord. We don't need the deposit," madam Elisabeta standing up, answered with a small laugh to let the man know she trusted that they would be paid.

The vampire didn't respond to it. Instead, he gave one look at the young woman who stood in front of him. He bit into the apple that he held in his hand. Not saying anything he turned around, and walked out of madam Elisabeta's office.

Madam Elisabeta, cleared her throat, "Amber!!", amber came running, in hearing her name being shouted as she stood outside madam Elisabeta's office, "yes milady"

"Arrange the slave to be sold" in saying those words madam Elisabeta walked out of her office, running to escort the elite vampire who stood in front of the store, "wait my lord!"

Amber who had being standing outside of madam Elisabeta's stepped inside the office with a shocked expression on her face. "What were you thinking Zoe?" Amber said in a troubled tone, walking towards Zoe, as she stopped in front of her and sighed

"Amber!" Zoe said happily as she threw her arms around Amber, before letting her hands to fall back to her side, "I'm so glad that you're here, you can help me escape from here" Amber's expression slowly turned from worry into anger, "this time I can't help you Zoe"

"What? What do you mean Amber?" Zoe said in a confused tone, Amber looked up at her, taking out a rope she started binding Zoe's hands together, "what are you doing!? I thought you were going to help me escape!"

"I'm sorry Zoe I can't keep on helping you.., and besides it's an order from madam Elisabeta. If I don't do what she say's I'll get sold away, and I don't want that to happen I cherish myself too much Zoe… I'm sorry"

"please help me Amber, I promise I'll come back for you", "listen Zoe we have being friends for a very long time, but it doesn't means I'll go sacrificing myself for you... You'll have to get over the fact that you can escape because you're never going to escape" Amber's words came out sharp and blank "but I thought we were friend! Friends are supposed to help each other not sell them off" Zoe said through a shaky breath, as she felt overwhelmed with sadness but she didn't let any tear drop fall from her eyes.

Breathing in she said, "I trusted you but you broke my trust", "it was friendship Zoe but the trust was never there... I can't be blamed for your own mistakes!" Zoe felt sadness overcome her, she didn't know why her most trusted friend was turning her back on her in her time of need, when she needed her the most. Zoe was taken back in from where she had come, going back to the front of the shop which had gotten darker before she had left.