The Twins

Zoe gritted her teeth yet tried to offer him a polite smile, "I apologize for offending you, master…, Eliot" 'piece of shit! I belong to no one *hmp*'she bowed her head but the bow couldn't be completed as their head's hit each other, but the vampire didn't look like he was affected by it, rather he had other thing's in mind, 'ouch! I'm sure he made me do that on purpose'.

Looking towards the vehicle window Zoe thought to herself, 'I can still make a run for it just right through the door and escape, if I can find a way to render him unconscious-' "Don't even think about trying to escape from me it will never work, and I swear, I won't give you any chance to do that" he said as his smirk slowly turned into a grin, 'what!?... How did he know-, am I that easy to read?'

Zoe watched as he removed his palms from the window and brought it down to her neck 'what is he trying to do!?, PERVERT!' she shut her eyes closed holding in a large amount of her breath, as he stared at her neck speechless without breaking the silence that lingered in the air. Zoe wanted to break the silence when, suddenly she felt the collar on her neck loosen. Zoe exhaled the air kept within her as the collar that was on her neck fell to the floor of the vehicle.

She never realized that the collar was such a huge burden that she had carried. Since she was little the collar was so unbearable and it made her feel suffocated but she soon got used to the collar, but now that the collar had gotten loosed from her neck it felt like freedom but in a different way 'it feels like a relief to finally get this thing off my neck' she breathed in the amount of free air that she got due to the loosened collar', Zoe looked at him to see his eyes still on her, like as if he was expecting her to say something "… thank you" Zoe murmured in an inaudible tone but it was much more audible to the vampire that hovered above her, "no need to thank me, I just did what was needed". Zoe stared into the clear green emerald eyes of the vampire, 'I think I'm going to get lost if I keep staring into his eyes' Zoe looked away from him, trying to ignore the vampire that kept staring at her or in other words trying to stop him from looking at her.

He narrowed his eyes at her, and before he could speak any further, the vehicle had stopped and the butler opened the vehicle to find the girl close to his master with her eyes wide open, the butler stood behind the door with a shocked expression but it soon disappeared.


Clearing his throat the butler said, "… my lord we have arrived at the mansion"

Eliot didn't bother to move, he rather enjoyed her expression of embarrassment, in the way they sat in front of the butler who didn't actually dare to look at his master, but Zoe looked flustered.

When Eliot went to stand outside the vehicle with a grin on his face, he left her with the bowl of fruits sitting on her lap just as it was before, walking away he gestured the butler to help Zoe out of the limo due to her chained legs "help her out of the limo and introduce her to the whole household,"

"Yes my lord", "I'm sure they're all going to give her a warm welcome" Eliot murmured under his breath sarcastically.

"It would be rude to sit while his lordship stands so it's best you stand and follow his lordship and walk behind," he said before helping Zoe out of the vehicle. When Zoe stepped out, she was flabbergasted at the sight of how large the mansion was, Zoe was afraid that if she kept on looking at the building, she was going to fall back to the ground.

It was a very tall and large, proud mansion that was painted grey in color which was very similar to the clouds that hovered in the night sky. There were statues made of marbles and gold that sparkled under the stars, situated in the midst of a garden that had blooming roses in them, at the middle of the garden sat a fountain, that flowed in a path like formation, in the form of a lotus.

Most of the statues she had come across until now, were of celestial animals like deer's, lions and tigers, some were of beautiful women, spirits and warriors, with mystic powers who had posed with elegance. Not that she would complain about the addition of men, but the expressions each one held was filled with pain and angst. Their expressions, panic-stricken with blood shed, Zoe got enough look at the statues of horror as she switched her head in the opposite direction so she wouldn't see their pain filled expressions, 'I think I have had enough looking for the day, what kind of statue are these, they stand within flowers and fountains but hold's torment within them, I wonder what kind of maniac designed them'

"These statues are beautiful.., aren't they, I designed them myself", the vampire said with a creepy smile on his face, Zoe kept silent, but the butler didn't, "yes, they are quite beautiful my lord", 'old hypocrite *tch*' Zoe thought to herself

"I didn't ask for your opinion old man", Eliot said in a slightly annoyed tone, "I am very sorry to have interrupted you, my lord". A man in a black and white attire arrived at the door, stepping out to take Eliot's coat.

While Zoe was taking in the strange statues and beautiful garden that surrounded them, the butler enquired, "My lord, who is that?" Though the servant already knew judging by the rags on her, but he wanted to confirm what he understood by the young girl's clothes if it was true.

"She is my pet. Williams, clear the room that is next to mine," the butler slowly turned his gaze from the girl to his Master. His Master bought a slave? The butler thought to himself. "Would you want it to be the left or the right one?"

Asked Williams, waiting to hear his Master's order, "On second thought.., there's no need for that, it won't be necessary," Eliot grinned, as his eyes sparkled in deviousness. "Yes, My lord," the butler bowed his head, "but Where would should she stay… With the servants?"

"And why would I allow that?" replied Eliot who stared at Zoe with a blank expression before throwing a look at his butler, "She will be staying with me…, in my room. Pets are not meant to be left outside in the open where others can touch them,"

He said before shifting his gaze to her. The little kitten had to know who her master was, and that he would be the only one she would ever need to serve in her whole lifetime. She had been caught not by the cat but the wolf.

Zoe, who had been looking at the mansion, finally realized the two pairs of eyes that were looking at her. The man who had bought her was undoubtedly one of the richest respected vampires. For him, to live in such a huge mansion, she should have known.

Zoe was led inside, with the butler in front and Eliot, a step ahead of her. As expected, the mansion was spacious enough for two more houses to be built inside of it, looking at the ceilings of the mansion made Zoe feel dizzy, with a bright, diamond chandelier in the middle to match the whole environment. She caught sight of maids who not once lifted their heads to look at them. There were more than six to seven of them who were either cleaning the walls and the stairs on either side of the large hall. "You are home late, did you bring any thing for us?" two little girls came into view, hopping and running towards Eliot, they looked barely past the age of ten. Their faces were light and powdered, their blond hair was nicely done and tied in a bun. Eyes that were bloodshot red like their lips, which looked like they were painted in blood. Their clothes each had flowers on them, decorated with gold and their gown made of expensive silk. "Dawn, Drusilla, did you drink blood?, your eye's are red" Eliot greeted the two little girls who came to his side as he knelt within them so they could leave a kiss in the air next to his cheek's, "yes we did, and it was delicious, oh Aunt was asking where you were last night"

"How fortunate for her to remember," Eliot joked with a hint of sarcasm.

"She was missing you. Brother has been out too and he didn't say a word about where he was headed to," their eyes immediately fell on the girl who stood behind Eliot. Their eyebrows rose slightly, "You bought a friend? (Gasp) is she for us, you didn't have to" one of the girl's murmured, in excitement.

Zoe appeared to be around the age of seventeen, her dark hair, dirty and dried old blood sticking on her dress, and some on her face. For a slave, she didn't look shabby but their brother always bought good looking girls to work for the mansion. Even though every one of them stepped into the mansion alive, most of them left dead due to the lack of blood in their body.

"She isn't a new friend for you," Eliot corrected, "she isn't?" they asked with a little disappointment in their tone "yes she isn't, She is my pet," he grinned.

Zoe didn't like the way he addressed her but she neither had the energy to fight him or to test his patience. She felt like an animal on display with the four pairs of eyes on her which made her uncomfortable. "It isn't fair you promised a new friend after you killed the last one", 'what do they mean the last one, did he kill their slave?'