Chapter 25: priceless jewel

Zoe opened the door of the rest room, walking inside s she ran straight to the wash sink made in marble stones, to rest on it, as she washed her face vigorously to regain herself. Raising her head up in relief, Zoe stared at her reflection in the mirror, a gasp escaping her lips when she saw Lord Caseuss behind her.

She quickly turned around to meet his gaze "lord Caseuss… your highness, excuse me but this is not any place for a gentleman such as yourself", Zoe said, picking her words cautiously.

In hearing what Zoe had to say he chuckled lowly before raising his head to face her "well you see, I'm not trying to be a gentleman, and for a slave to speak so bravely in front of me is quite rare. I admire your bravery" he said, studying her movements, his eyes tracing from her face, down to her chest. Zoe noticing this used her hands to cover her chest, her two hands holding onto her shoulders in a protective gesture, 'such a disgusting… perverted scum!'

Zoe who was closer to the door readied herself to run when Caseuss closed the door behind him, having other plans, other than letting her escape, His hands moving forward to block her from running out.

"Is something wrong, your highness?" Zoe questioned, whilst being wary of the man in front of her.

"Yes …, something is wrong" he said, his other hand going to touch her soft hair, when she shifted uncomfortably.

He reached out to take some of her hair in his hands again, but she opposed his actions, by hitting his hands away, afraid of what he was going to do.

Caseuss didn't react, rather he leaned in to smell her hair, when Zoe immediately pushed him off, where his pupils had turned red.

He laughed quietly surprised by her movements. "Spicy, I like you… so fragile, yet so feisty and strong" Caseuss said, his eye's sparkling with malice, trying to control himself as he slowly stepped back with a grin on his face "it's your lucky day angel eyes…, don't worry, I won't hurt you, at least for now". Caseuss who was captivated and lustful had just strangely walked out of the room, controlling himself.

Zoe breathed uncontrollably, trying to control her breath that had trapped itself in her lungs. Regaining her composure she walked through the halls with shaky hands still frightened of what had just happened, the scene playing repeatedly in her head, with different question's filling her mind 'what was all that about? I should stay close to Lord Eliot, before I regret ever coming to this mansion'.

Zoe entered back the same place she came from, sitting quietly watching to see if anyone had noticed her leave, and oddly as expected Caseuss wasn't in his seat.

"I thought I made it clear that you were not to leave for too long", Eliot said, making Zoe turn her attention towards him.

'Was I gone for that long? I didn't realize it, I must apologies before I make him angry', Zoe thought, pondering on how to explain herself, "I got lost trying to find my way" she said plainly, "that is not an excuse, but I'll try to believe it…, the ceremony is about to start, don't stand up, unless you plan on dying", Zoe glared secretly at Eliot before nodding her head in response '*Tch* blood fucker' "what was that?", "nothing", 'so disturbing, can't someone ever get privacy around him, Garr… I'm bored to death. I think I'll die of tiredness, the ceremony hasn't even started yet and all I can do is stare at fruits! Some fucking fruits. Just kill me - ', Zoe was cut off from her thoughts when she spotted Greta with a dreaded smile on her face walking in, holding a beautiful glass box in her hands.

But looking closer Zoe noticed that the glass box was empty 'why would Greta present an empty box?' everyone in the room going silent. It seemed like the ceremony was about to begin but something was wrong, the aura was different, which somehow didn't seem right, 'can't anyone see the empty box?'

Greta walked towards the queen mother bowing her head slowly, keeping the box on the hands of a royal guard, who stood next to the queen bowing her head again before she walked backwards, before standing upright.

A woman who Zoe had never seen before could be seen standing up, as she gracefully gestured the guard towards herself. She seemed old, but she didn't look old. Her hair was white some gray enhancing the lines of her hair, she held a silver staff in her right hands and she wore a red robe that had a dragon embroidery on it.

The woman carefully placed her hands on the box, as she slowly unlocked it, taking the edges of the box to raise it up when a gasp escaped her throat. She looked like someone had stabbed a dagger in her chest. The woman's expression turning to that of fear and worry as she stumbled back on her steps "what is it!?" the queen said a bit of worry in her tone "your majesty... the jewel... the jewel we have been guarding for years is-" "what happened to the jewel!?" "Your majesty… the jewel is missing".


Everyone in the table gasped loudly as the table was now filled with murmuring and people asking who could have stolen the jewel 'what's so important about this jewel they speak about'. Everywhere went silent when a guard's man rushed into the banquet and stopped to knell with one leg in front of the queen "your majesty the sun is about to set and the shield has started going down… I fear that if the jewel is out of place and the sun sets, we won't be able to restore the shield and the slayers outside the borders might wage war against our territory" "what!? We have to find that jewel no matter the cost, we must all be alert…, inform the militaries up front to prepare before the boarders shield completely disappears"

"Yes your majesty" the guard said before running out of the hall, soon everywhere was filled with murmurings and talking. "Who is in charge of keeping the jewel" the queen asked for Greta to walk out and bow in front of the queen while kneeling down "I am the one in charge my lady".

"Can you explain yourself? How did the jewel get missing… SPEAK!" the queen shouted at the top of her voice, Greta started to shake in fear "your highness I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do it (shaking nervously as tears began to spill from her eyes) she made me do it" as if regretting her choice of words, she quickly closed her mouth shut with her both hands "who made you do it!" the queen said, but it sounded more like a demand than a question.

Greta who was shaking like a leaf slowly turned her face towards Zoe, their eyes meeting momentarily, Zoe could have sworn that she saw a hidden smile on her face. Before Zoe could have attempted to move her eyes away, Greta rose her hands to point at her.

Realizing Greta's accusing finger that was being pointed at her, Zoe immediately froze "she's the one you're majesty! She said she would kill me if I said a word about stealing the jewel, she planned to steal it and dragged me into it, I had nothing to do with this… please believe me your majesty" Greta said falling to her kneels bowing her head as she continued to fake her cry 'what!? That's not true!' Everyone's head was turned towards where Greta had pointed. (Greta had pointed towards Zoe),

"I knew it from the start! When I saw her, I knew she was a thief!" Someone spat from the table "and what proof do you have against her Greta" the queen asked as her face searched Zoe's face.

Zoe looked to Eliot to see him still on his sit, with a calm face while staring at his fingers, his right hand on the table while the other clicking the nails of the fingers together 'doesn't he cares about the missing jewel!? How can he be so calm in this situation?'

Zoe's eyes were widened in shock and terror 'but…, I didn't do it' "I'll Search her your majesty and I will prove it!" Greta said, as she stood from where she knelt, walking towards Zoe. she searched Zoe from up to down, acting like as if she was searching carefully, suddenly she stopped when she finally found it hooked onto Zoe's back dress. It was a long silver chain that had a shiny diamond connected to a round shaped ruby.

Greta brought it up in front of the queen for her to confirm it as the real jewel "it's the jewel!"


We finally found it" Zoe's eyes were wide and her heart was erupting in her chest, and she wished she had wings to fly. Murmurings in the table grew louder as they all stared at Zoe with disgust.

"How dare you steal from the royal blood heritage mortal, you will pay for this? It seems that you haven't been thought a proper lesson" the woman with gray hair shouted from where she stood, raising her hands, a red lightning whip appearing in her hands as she sent it flying towards Zoe, the crackling sound of lightning in the air, as Zoe closed her eyes and put her hands in front, preparing for the voltage of lightning to be impacted on her skin, but the whip stopped in mid-air.