Chapter 30: a contract with the devil- part 2

Zoe followed the cat as she ran with each step getting heavier and painful than the last one "please (panting) wait for me!"

"You should keep up, you're too slow", Zoe ran after the cat until she reached a clear opening, but it seemed that the cat had disappeared 'I thought I was behind her, am i lost?' Zoe's eyes scanned the opening for the cat but couldn't find the creature "was I tricked?" Everything was blurry due to the her loss of breath and Zoe could hear her heart pounding in her ear's 'I haven't done so much running like this in year's'

Slowly her sight started returning and soon she could see the tall trees that surrounded the dark paths as everything became clearer, Zoe thought that she was finally going to learn the truth, but what she saw was too horrific and she wished that she hadn't followed after the cat in the first place.

'Blood! Blood!' There were more than a thousand corpses lying dead on the ground and each of them being slowly fed on by tall demons made of blood, it had many sharp teeth's but no mouth, it's teeth slowly chewed on the living being that screamed for help. Zoe's eyes could not withhold all she had seen and decided to make a run for it 'move Zoe just move, pls your life is on the line. MOVE!' her thoughts screamed repeatedly in her mind to run but the fear gripped her whole body, from her head to her toes, but Zoe was determined to live. Seeing the demon was lost in feeding on flesh, she quietly turned around and just as Zoe was about to run she stepped on a branch, making a loud noise enough for the demon to hear 'it… *gasp* heard ... me!'

It looked to her direction its mouth filled with human flesh, blood dripping from the demons mouth, the pitch black eyes of the demon looked straight at her direction ready to attack, it charged at her in an attempt to tear her apart, the demons jaws looked as wide as a door could be 'HELP! SOMEONE HELP!!please' Zoe held her chest tightly as her heart tighten in fear, as her body stood like an unmoving corpse, tears rolled down her eyes at the thought of dying 'this terrible feeling of being so close to death, it's like I don't have any air in my lungs *gasp*' the demon lunged at her but halted right in front of Zoe. The blood from the demons mouth dripped all over Zoe.

"How dare you! You insolent mortal do you seek DEATH?" the voice said in a demonic mono toned voice that sent shivers down Zoe's spine, 'why did I follow the cat, I should have known that something was wrong 'She moved back slowly with every step becoming heavier and tighter than the last "please let me go, I'll never trespass please" "why should I let you go when I can just feast on you right her", "please I'm not here for an unknown reason, a cat led me here" She said trying to increase her time of living a little longer "a cat?" "…", "what is the empress planning?" the demon said lowly, like as if he was talking to himself "listen here mortal I'll set you free… but before that you must give me an ounce of your blood"

She tried to avoid looking into its clear and dark eyes that held no emotions, the back of her mind screamed for her to run but her body stood unmoving and fear over took her mind. Everything turned blank and empty as the towering demon roughly dug its fingers into Zoe's belly, the pain was excruciating. Zoe screamed in pain as the demon's bloody hand passed through completely to the other side, Zoe slowly turned her head towards the forest's opening in hopes of gaining courage to escape, but all her hopes dropped dead as a dark frame slowly came into view and soon the rays of mid night hit he face and the persons features became clear "m- master?", 'is master here to save me?' Zoe thought but the way he's feature looked dead of any emotions and he seemed different "you shouldn't be alive" Eliot spoke in a dark mutter 'huh?' Eliot's towering frame walked over to where Zoe leaned backwards with her head that was about to hit the ground and the hand of the demon stuck in her stomach, Eliot slowly leaned in and her and his face was just an inch away from his face "master?" immediately those words escaped from Zoe's lips, Eliot's hands griped her throat and squeezed her breathing pipe till the point no air was able to pass through "ma- mas- ter" Zoe stared into her master's eyes to realize that he wasn't her master anymore but a blood thirsty vampire staring at her with red eyes "just hearing those words escape from your mouth makes me want to break your neck.. A worthless thing like you shouldn't be allowed to breath" 'this isn't master... He would never try to harm me in anyway' Zoe thought as Eliot's grip gat tighter and tighter by the second 'MASTER!!! Stop please!'

Zoe's eyes shot open as she tried controlling the rise and fall motion of her chest, "it's another of my weird dreams again, (sigh) it's just a dream" Zoe said as she pated her chest continually in order to assure herself that she was just dreaming. 'Such a scary dream' "are you done waking up?" a familiar voice said making Zoe to look towards the direction of the voice "master" she said in a surprised tone as she quickly got up, dusting her clothes she stood straight and glue her eyes to the floor before saying "master welcome back, I hope you had a safe journey. How umm… would you like me to assist you this…" Zoe raised her head up slightly to inspect the weather outside 'how long was I out, it's the break of dawn' she resumed back to her speaking "how can I assist you this wonderful morning" Zoe looked to the floor as she waited for a response but got none, with questions filling her mind she observantly looked up to catch her master's green eyes looking at her.

Zoe stared into her master's green emerald jade eyes as they stared back at hers unwilling to look away, she felt like as if his eyes were penetrating her soul bit by bit 'look away!' she thought but his eyes were too mesmerizing. A brief silence was found between them as they looked at each other with different thoughts filling their mind

[Zoe- I wonder if he's planning to suck my blood before midnight]

[Eliot- she's looking at me, does she feels the same way I do? The unusual beating of the heart, the feeling of being drawn towards the other?]….

The silence was broken when Eliot cleared his throat while looking at her as if expecting her to do something "is there anything you need master?" Eliot sighed briefly as he gestured her to pull off his black coat, Zoe noticing this, quickly walked on her heel to her master's side. Reaching there she bowed her head slightly as she began to slowly remove his heavy black coat, as she pushed the coat down reaching her masters elbow, she didn't fail to notice his gaze that fell upon her every once and then 'I can feel it.. that aura … he's thirsty for blood again' she thought as she tried so hard to fix her gaze upon the ground, but failed as her eyes caught sight of her masters own emerald eyes, she watched as it slowly turned red, Zoe noticing this suddenly stopped dead on her movements as she noticed his fangs that started to emerge from the side of his mouth.


"Hmmm... You smell good" Eliot said as he inhaled the sweet smell of her blood that ran through her veins "master!?" 'Master's losing his mind slowly.., what should I do!?' Zoe thought as she took two cautious steps backward and ran straight for the door 'I need to get out of here!' Zoe's actions caused Eliot's grin to widen "don't run from me little kitten. It's just blood" Eliot said as he stared sarcastically at Zoe who tried to escape from him.

Zoe tried turning the door knob but her attempts were rendered hopeless as Eliot grabbed Zoe by the hips, turning her around to hit forcefully against the wall. Eliot had Zoe trapped and her two hands held tightly above her head, "please master! Don't drink my blood, I don't want to die!" Zoe screamed her worst fears and nightmares started unfolding itself before her very eyes, Zoe felt fear gripping her all over and wanted by all means to escape Eliot's tight grip, she tried struggling endlessly, but Eliot's grip was too tight.