Chapter 17

They walked for a good few minutes before arriving in front of a grandiose building. The building was almost 50 meters tall with almost 70 meters in width with multiple stories. The group followed Wyatt inside the station as people around them looked at the group. Some were shown to have curious faces, some were shown to think that Wyatt is entertaining the kids by being in his bear onesie and is on the front of the entire group. Some people even thought that they were kidnapping the kids because of how suspicious he looks, they even gave him a disgusted look but Wyatt doesn't care and continues to lead the group inside the station without hesitation. Some were even alerted by the weapons that they carry.

When they opened the door and entered the station, they were greeted by a huge lobby that has multiple big chandeliers hanging from the arched ceiling that is built from a noticeably durable material, as well as multiple plant decorations all over the main lobby to decorate the place and lifted the atmosphere of the station's lobby. Not only that, but rows of seats are also there with vending machines near the walls as well as some shops that sell goods and food, as well as drinks. On top of that, there are some boards that displays which Time Track will arrive at which station on the walls. On the right and left side near the entrances, are escalators on each side. The one on the right is going up to the next floor and the one on the left goes back down to the ground floor. The kids were all stunned and excited to see the marvelous look of the main lobby of the station.

"Where did you know that a place like this existed here? Especially since we're at another District," Mirin asked Wyatt in confusion as her eyes are still looking around the lobby, admiring its different atmosphere from the rest of the District.

"Well, I arrived at District 6 by taking this station so of course, I know," he replied with his usual nonchalant tone.

"Just who are you, Wyatt? Just what kind of rich family did you come from? Even after 3 years of working together at the Dos Office, this is shocking even for me," Axel reclaimed as he is also stunned by the view of the lobby.

"Look, I can answer all of your questions when we get to District 33. Right now we need to get on a Time Track before it's dark, ok?" he said as he stares at Axel who is behind him. He then continues, "Speaking of which, are any of you hungry or thirsty? You can take anything you like from the row of shops there," he said towards the kids as he points at a specific row of shops that are located around 20 meters away from them. The kids seemed confused as they don't seem to trust him that much yet.

However, Sophie notices this and talks to them instead, "Guys! I wish you can believe in uncle Wyatt as much as I do! He is a kind and considerate person! He truly offers us kindness so if any of you want to drink or eat, just take anything you want from the shops here!" she said as she looked at the group of kids who are now seemed to put a little bit more trust towards Wyatt than they were before.

Some of the kids that believed Sophie's words decided to run together towards the row of shops. They were then followed by yet another small part before eventually, all of them ran towards the shop to grab either food or a drink and Sophie followed along to make sure that they behaved. The center of attention for all of the people inside the station was the group of kids who are now charging towards the shops as well as the Dos Office members who are carrying their weapons blatantly obvious at the station.

Meanwhile, Wyatt looked back at the others before saying, "I'll take care of the kids to get them something to eat or drink. You guys can either sit down to rest or come with me to buy something as well," he said as he looks at Axel, Fulario, and Mirin who are still standing near him.

"I'll sit down and wait for you guys, what about you, Fulario?" Axel answered as he looks at Fulario while waiting for his response.

"I'll follow Axel and take a sit as well. My body seems to be getting a little bit old for this," he replied as he looks back at Axel while smiling. He then continues to ask Mirin, "What about you, Mirin? What would you like to do?" he asked in a curious tone at Mirin who is looking at the group of kids that are now picking their foods and drinks inside of the


"I'll join Wyatt. I don't think he can handle all of them despite Sophie is helping him," Mirin said as she looks at the lazy-looking Wyatt who is standing still, looking weird in his bear onesie inside of a high-class station with his twin-blade behind him.

"Alright then, let's go watch over them. They might be done picking their foods and drinks by nos," Wyatt said as he then walks casually following the group of kids, followed by Mirin, they both left Axel and Fulario to sat down on the seats of the lobby.

Mirin then catches up with Wyatt and asks him, "Just what kind of family did you come from?" she asked in a curious tone as she looks deeply at Wyatt's face.

"As I said, I'll tell you about it when we get to District 33. Right now, you go to that other shop while I manage the kids who are in this one," he said as he points at the shops that are next to each other. One sells candies, foods, and snacks, while the other one sells all sorts of drinks.

"Ugh, fine then. But you must tell us when we get there. I'll hold on to your words," she said as she quickly enters one of the shops while trying to look after all of the kids inside of it, she can also see that Sophie is in that same shop with her. The kids seemed to have been broken up into two small groups that are within the two different shops so Wyatt went inside the other shop as he then takes care of the other half of the kids.

The silence of the two men that are sitting next to each other in the lobby and the loud noises of the kids that are inside the shops are guarded by two adults. Time seemed to fly by as people around them followed along with their activities.