Chapter 21

As they were walking back from the shop, they can see that the kids seem to be doing just fine and are now having fun with Axel and Fulario as well as Sophie.

"Hey, guys! We're back!" Mirin said as she waves her hands towards the other group. Axel and Fulario looked towards her and waves back.

"You guys seem to be having a fun time, are you ready to go now?" Wyatt asked, with his right-hand holding his onesie and his left hand in his pocket. He walks over as he picks his twin swords up as he then put on his twin swords back.

"Right, let us get going now," Axel said as he faces Wyatt while Fulario followed along to do the same thing.

"Alright then, follow me, everyone," Wyatt said as he walks towards the escalator located on the right side near the entrance followed by the group of kids and the others with Axel and Sophie at the front and Mirin with Fulario at the back of the group.

They took the escalator upstairs to see yet another marvelous, huge, vast lines of people going in and out from the huge area as they arrive and go from the station. At the wall near the escalator from where they are right now, is a medium-sized stand-looking place that has multiple lines of people, it seems like they are the place to buy the tickets to ride the Time Tracks.

The people are buzzing around the ticket stands to buy them, most of them seemed to be in a rush of some sort. They shoved coins and throw them at the desk as they screamed to buy tickets from the place. Wyatt calmly walks towards the place, and as he is close to it, he then made a sudden stomp on the floor. The ones close to his location felt the shock while the ones who are far from him can only hear the sound.

He then puts his finger on his lips as he signals everyone on the lines to stay quiet. The people who are on the lines were shocked. They looked amongst each other as they question who is the man who bravely sparks a startling act. They then realize that he carries a twin sword with him so they decided to stood down and continue to buy their tickets in an orderly fashion. He then joins the back of one of the lines as he puts his hands back inside his pockets.

"Damn, that was surprising to hear and look at," Axel said in a shocked tone as he couldn't believe his eyes.

"It sure is, he can be scary sometimes when you need him the most" Mirin replied, agreeing with Axel's statement.

"Seems like he's grown more mature," Fulario said as he looked at Wyatt with a smile on his face.

After waiting for a few minutes, it is finally Wyatt's turn to buy the ticket. He walks up to see a man dressed in gray clothes with diagonal blue stripes going from the left shoulder to the right side of his stomach. His hair was that of a wavy light brown hair with turquoise-colored eyes.

"What would you like to buy?" the salesperson asked. Wyatt looks around and then focuses on the group of kids who are watching him along with Axel, Mirin, and Fulario.

"I'd like to buy 30 regular class tickets," he said as he looks at the salesperson in the eyes.

"30 regular class tickets? Then that would be around 30 gold Louras," the salesperson said as he looks at Wyatt. He reached down under the desk and then takes a whole bag. He opens it up to see that the bag is full of tickets. The salesperson then starts to count it until he finally got exactly 30 tickets. At this exact moment, Wyatt has taken out his wallet and prepared himself with 3 crimson Louras to pay for the tickets. He puts the 3 crimson Louras on the desk as well as taking the 30 tickets.

"Thank you for buying the tickets," the salesperson said as he bows down a little bit with a smile on his face.

Wyatt then walks out of line and then starts walking back towards the group that is waiting for him.

"Did you get the tickets?" Axel asked him.

"Of course I did. Now, let's go," Wyatt replied as he once again leads the way through one of the lines that go through the middle of the entire floor to get to the Time Tracks.

After walking for a bit they were then greeted by multiple trains in tracks, next to each other. On the side of the trains is a logo of the Time Tracks which is a white, grayish colour of two-letter T's facing each other. One is facing up and one is facing down with a track that goes through the middle of them from one end to another that makes it appear to resemble that of an hourglass. The train itself was a normal-looking everyday train with the same colour as the logo.

"So, we're supposed to get on Time Tracks number 19 located between Time Tracks number 23 and 43. Oh, look! It's over there!" Wyatt said as he points towards one of the Time Tracks that is next to two other Time Tracks. He then leads the group towards the Time Tracks.

"I would've never imagined being able to ride on a Time Tracks in my life, ever before. I am thrilled to see what it would feel like. I heard that it only took around 15 to 20 seconds to get to the other station," Mirin said in an exciting note.

"You can say that again, it is only the luxury for top-class residents of the City to ride one of this due to its expensive tickets. But now, we're also going to ride it," Axel said agreeing with what Mirin just said.

"Now, now, let us get going and see how it would feel like to ride a Time Track," Fulario said towards the two excited people that can't hold their excitement and of course, the kids are also excited because they've never rode a Time Track yet, but they seem to know what it does.

"Let us get going now, everyone," Wyatt said as he goes through one of the doors leading the group inside. The train was pretty empty with a lot of empty seats. Each of them immediately takes seats as their excitement can't be contained anymore. The happy feeling and the smile of the kids made Wyatt somehow happy and with that, he lets out another smile.