Awkward Us

I'm really shocked to see him. But he is here anyway! I rested his head on my lap, lifting him up by his shoulders. There were some bruises and scratches on his handsome face and hands, thank goodness he's breathing. I called his name a few times and shook him by his shoulders as gently as possible in case anything is broken. His eyes squirmed in his socket and slowly opened it, adjusting to the light. His focus rested on me for a while, then he shoots forward getting up. He panted a little heavily and looked over to the sea before him.

"Where am I?" he almost whispered.

"You are on an island," I said without any emotion. He'll take it.

"How did I get here?" he asked in the same position.

"Um, the waves washed you ashore" I replied ever so lightly.

"What happened?" he asked as if he was asking himself.

"Well, that I don't know," I said getting up.

He was trying to get up but as he did so he winced and I noticed a red gash on his right foot. He was struggling so I offered to take him to the lake, to which he nodded. He hesitated at first but eventually leaned on me as he swung his arm over my shoulder and I gripped on his waist. It was really awkward but I have to help him, well as a human.

We walked towards the lake and by the time we reached it, he was clearly exhausted even though his full body weight was on me. I made him sit on a rock and extent his leg towards the lake. I squat beside him and was about to take water in my palm when he-

"You don't have to do this," he said when I looked up at him.

"It's alright," I said and took a cup which was washed ashore a few days ago, which I used to place beside the lake with some other handmade stuff, and filled it with water and gave it to him.

"Just stay hydrated," I said and started washing his wound.

He didn't talk anything but I could feel his gaze following my every move. It was uncomfortable at first but as I concentrated on my work it was okay. I used some of the medicinal leaves for treating his wound. I had to stop myself from drooling over his veiny, muscular hands as I treated the scratches. The worst part was his neck. Whenever my fingers came into contact with his skin he shuddered and I dare not to make eye contact. But he never complained or withdrew, he just sat there staring at me.

When I was done covering almost all his wounds, I supported him towards my cave. I just asked him to lay down on the leaf bed I'd prepared for myself. He never uttered a word and did what I told him to do. I brought him fruits and water, which he devoured hastily. The silence was a little piercing...scratch that...very piercing.

It is dusk now and I had gathered woods as usual for fire. When I took a peek inside the cave, I saw him leaning against the cave and deep in thought. I decided to leave him alone to his thoughts and went to gather the fruits next before its too dark.

Its overly cold at night on the island and I was huddled in front of the fire warming up my hands. I'd asked him to come out and stay warm but he shook his head pulling his jacket further to his chest. Yeah, stubborn as always. I decided to sleep outside even though there's plenty of space inside the cave. It might be uncomfortable for him for some reason.

I glanced inside the cave and saw him sleeping in the same position; his head on one shoulder and hugging his knees. I went inside the cave and slowly without waking him up, lay him on the leaf bed and covered him with the blanket which was also washed ashore one day. He moved a little in his sleep, adjusting to the new position, and fell asleep comfortably. I couldn't take my eyes off from his sleeping figure looking so innocent and calm. I examined every inch of his face starting from his beautiful eyes which have long eyelashes, that perfect nose, pink-tinted cheeks which make me yearning to caress it, that sharp jawline, and lastly to the most tempting one; his rose yet so soft lips. I sat there admiring the sculptured beauty in front of me. My hands unknowingly reach out to push his chocolate brown hair out of his sleeping eyes when it stopped abruptly. Something lingered in my mind as I withdrew it, stood up, and walked outside.

I lay down as close to the fire as possible and closed my eyes hugging myself to sleep as I whispered in my mind.

He has a girlfriend!