
All throughout Mr. Ken Franks Advanced Chemistry class Momo slept, she wasn't conscious or involved when he explained and demonstrated Potions and Powders, the essential handy tools for shamans. She slept through lunch but still managing to shove food down her gullet, while in the lunchroom Momo and Soren were treated like the plague, leering eyes hushed whispers where dedicated to them but like the auditorium they either didn't know or didn't care. The sleep train kept on chugging through Miss Arina London's advanced history class, even as the woman gave a passionate lecture on why Demons and Portals were a problem in the first place because of the actions of the Psychics, even with all her efforts Momo was none the wiser.

There fifth period class was gym and during this time of the day they were the only ones in the gymnasium along with a hyper tanned woman with bleach blonde hair.


She screamed at the top of her lungs in the pretty much vacant gym.

"Wooo hoooo!! I am so amped!!"

She said still shouting to the heavens, describing what she did next is kinda hard to explain, you see as she talked to Soren and the still sleeping Momo she.. I think was running in place or was it a weird excited brake dance? What ever it was she was as happy as could be hyper like a toddler drunk off sugar.

"My name is Rico!! Rico Nanami and I'm a first year teacher her at D.M.T.A and as you can see it I am ready to kill it!!!"

Once again she screamed again at the top of her lungs as if she was the lead singer in a screamo band, technically because Momo wasn't there consciously only Soren was witnessing.... Well he didn't know what he was witnessing but he knew he didn't like it.

"Now for your information!"

She said while doing squats.

"I replaced the previous Advanced Physical Education teacher his name is Yuri Nanami and yes he is my dad!!"

She screamed joyfully at the word dad, then switched to doing jumping jacks.

"My pops is cool but just between us! his a old fuddy-duddy and his teaching sucked and I told him that I was like dad-"

She started to go on a long tangent about... I don't know? Squirrels just flapping away at the gums and doing weird abstract movements. Luckily for Soren this is the prized moment when Momo decided to wake up, she inhaled strongly blinking rapidly then she stopped suddenly allowing herself to get a fill for her surroundings.

"Where are we?"

She asked Soren.

"In are fifth period gym class"

He responded never once taking his eyes off Rico and the sever stroke she seemed to be having.

"So um? who is that?"

Momo asked as she too was sucked into this weird anomaly.

"Are.. teacher"

"Oh ugh.. are you sure she not just escaped crazy person?"

"Not.. sure still heads or tails on that one?"

Together they stared at the hyper woman going on and on about nothing as she still couldn't to be still.

"No serious what the hell is wrong with her?"

Momo couldn't help but ask.

"No idea"

Rico Nanami continued on with her long rambling story but she slowly found her way back to her original topic.

"So while we were having dinner I just said it, I couldn't contain myself I told him his teaching sucked and I could do much better!! then he said no I couldn't then I said yes I can then he said-"

She lost herself again but she regained herself quickly.

"So I convinced him to fight me and if I won , he would retire and I would take his place!! so we fought and I beat him to a bloody pulp!!"

Momo and Soren's faces grimaced hearing Rico admit that she beat her probably elderly father bloody.

"But don't worry!"

She tried to assure them.

"He still alive and well he'll make a full recovery... well probably! but enough about me lets get to you and what I'll be teaching you!"

For the first time she actually stood still but to remain still she struck a fighting pose.

"Here in Advanced Physcial Education I'll be teaching you all about combat, how to defend yourself in a variety of different ways, how to apply your unique gifts into your own unique fighting style! I'm going to train you two so hard that you can take on any Demon, Witch or Warlock!!"

"A Witch what and who now?"

Momo suddenly blurted out, this actually caught Rico off guard she dropped her pose and stood like a normal human being.

"Oh are you talking about Witches and Warlocks? that's just a name we give to Shamans that are evil and use there powers for evil.. Now!"

She said as she started jumping up and down.

"Lets start your first day with some sparring pract-"

"Oh your still here"

The voice of Rochelle cut Rico off, Rico madness was so captivating that none of them heard or saw her entire the gym.

"RowRow how dare you!"

She said pointing furiously at Rochelle.

"I'm in the middle of teaching a class!!"

"Umm Rico.. what are you talking about?"

She said as she finally caught up to the three of them.

"Fifth periods been over for three minutes now didn't you hear the bell ringing?"

They hadn't.. Rico didn't because she was Rico and the confused students didn't hear it because they were to drawn into Rico just being Rico.

"What of... of course I heard it ring!"

A lie.

"But the bell doesn't release these students I do!!!"

Rochelle stared at her for a considerable moment.

"You don't say..... let me guess you went on another long tangent about absolutely nothing?"


She yelled in surprise clearly caught in her lie.

"I would never my stories are always straight to the point!!"


Rochelle turned her head to Momo and Soren, she gave them a look that said did she go on a tangent? they nodded yes.

"Well weather you did or didn't I need these two"

"But why?"

Rico said in a low voice.

"Because there going on there first mission"

"Wait we are!"

Momo said.

"But ma'am we've got one more period to go to"

Soren reminded everyone.

"I know and you've been excused"

"Aww dope so were are going!"

"To the Ohio Star Gate Mall, a portal has just been opened there and since none of your upper classmen aren't here at the moment"

She said pointing at Soren and Momo.

"That means the job falls to you two, so get ready were going on a little field trip.