Ghost R Like Roaches Part 4

Lets have some fun shall we was the last thing Momo and Soren heard coming from the lips of the possessed Karl Marx, the next thing they heard was a thundering WHOOSH as Karl picked up a turned over table and threw it with only one hand. He threw it like it was light as a feather as if it was a football, the two weren't expecting the body of a normal person to possess such strength and that unpreparedness made them to slow to dodge it. The table shot right down middle clipping them hard on the shoulder, the force of the impact split them apart and knocked them down.


They both cried in pain, Karl cackled like a hyena there pained cries where music to his stolen ears.

"Damn it you piece of shit!!"

Momo couldn't help but shout, like before the fear she felt melted away replaced by her rage and instincts, as she shot back onto her feet her eyes relocked onto the possessed guard but her vision was obstructed as a chair connected fast and hard with her face. This time Momo took the full force from one of Karl's thrown projectiles Momo wasn't simply knocked down, no she was thrown back as if she had been hit by a speeding bus. As she tumbled limply a few feet away Soren screamed.


He struggled to get to his knees, he aimed to get to Momo's side but a similar more personal attack hit him. As his back was turned to Karl took th opportunity to throw a chair at the back of Soren's head, the force knocked him face first to the ground, he passed out losing his grip on the thermos.


Karl shouted, his voice was still so sinister and other worldly the hostages coward away from him even more, fearing the growing alienness he gave off. Momo's nose was broken blood was dripping and and she felt as if her skull was splitting in two.[Did I pass out?] she wondered, Momo chose to fight the pain and tried her best to regain her since of balance.[Where is he? where is that son of a bit-]

"Well aren't you the little fighter"

Said Karl Marx with his blood painted face and 100% genuine evil smile, Momo had lost consciousness for only a few short moments but it was enough for him to close the distance between them. Momo caught a quick glimpse of what he held in his hand, it was a broken leg of a chair. When Momo processed what he had and why he had it she immediately sprang into action she readied the knife she still had, she held it as tight as she held the machete when she killed the stump armed demon. The way Momo extended the knife the way she thrusted it towards Karl was so precise she aimed to slice his jugular but stopped when Soren now coming out of his own unconsciousness screamed.

"Momo his possessed don't... don't kill him!"

She was so in the moment, Momo was so blinded by her instinctual need to destroy that she had forgotten there mission, there job she forgot the criteria that they couldn't kill Mr. Marx, she was able to freeze herself in place going no further, but the ghost possessing Karl wouldn't be so nice. He took advantage of her hesitation and brought his makeshift baton down hard onto her wrist, Momo heard a CRACK and she let go of the knife, before she could react Karl brought the baton back up hitting her hard in the chin. she felt dazed, he hit her so hard that her feet currently weren't touching the ground. But as I said he wasn't being nice so for good measure he brought the chair leg down once again but this time on her face. She violently bounced on the ground and Karl was approaching her gearing up for another beat down.

"So you were given orders not to kill huh!?"

He said with his glimming smile.

"Oh I'm sorry I mean not to kill him"

He jokingly shot a finger back at the possessed body.

"I can understand why.. being honest this poor bastard was just a innocent bystander so of course you bleeding hearts would want to rescue him"

He chuckled as he towered over Momo, he lifted his weapon as high to the sky.

"Next time screw everything and everyone and go for the kill pudding pop"

He swung the baton down with even more furious force but Momo was not out of the fight just yet. She kicked him hard in the stomach knocking the wind out of him, then using her hands to lift her body up slightly she kicked Karl a second time but this time in the temple. This staggered the possessed man who only a second ago hand the upper hand Momo got to her feet and managed to land a clean hit to his jaw, She rushed in to land a right hook but that wouldn't happen as Karl Marx body preformed a movement it hadn't done in a long time.

He used the makeshift baton to strike her hand then used his free hand to punch her in the face and wile she was thrown off he put her in a choke hold. It seemed his actions happened in less then a second, when he was sure he had her he burst out laughing.

"Are you surprised!? honestly so am I, I thought this guy was just a loser but it seem he had a past, I unknowingly activated this bodies muscle memory!"

His hold began to tighten and Momo's eyes began to bulge she couldn't breath.

"Go to sleep now pudding pop"

He whispered this into her ear, with the last of her strength Momo cried out to Soren.

" the bottle ge....t it"


Karl questioned, he turned his head back to Soren and what he saw was the young man struggling to drag himself to a black thermos, it seemed like nothing but he didn't take any chances. Karl forcefully shoved Momo into the floor so hard that the back of her head cracked it. As Soren finally managed to grab the thermos he was suddenly kicked hard in the side by Karl who effortlessly made his way to him, Soren cried out in pain as he rolled onto his back and using the same foot he kicked him with Karl brought his right foot down onto Soren's neck.

"Tell me something little rabbit?"

He stroked his chin.

"What's so important about that bottle? hmmmm is this bottle shaman related? I bet it is, well weather it is or isn't I'll pour it out to be safe"

Foot still pressed firmly on Soren's neck Karl began to bend down to grab the thermos. At the sight of this Momo screamed NO then she blindly rushed at Karl and without thinking she threw a kick, she wasn't thinking when she did it she was desperate but the kick she landed was a lucky one because it hit Karl's left leg his prosthetic leg, you better believe this through him off. He lost his balance his grip on Soren loosened and he started falling backwards. As he moved back Momo moved forward she brought her elbow down on his face as she passed him, knocking him hard to the floor. Momo didn't hesitate nor did she do a follow up attack with her adrenaline still pumping Momo decided to grab Soren and the thermos and as fast as she could she ran away from the center of the Star Gate mall. As they disappeared from sight Karl Marx laughed as he sat up he licked his lips then said.

"So I guess were playing hide and seek, well I'll have you know I like that game"