Small Voice Recorder

Erica was confused by his behavior then she recollected the contents of the note he wrote and understood why he is behaving like this.

The device indicated there are no bugs in this place and Steve sighed in relief.

"Sorry Erica for all of this."

"Hey I understand, so what you wrote in that notepad is all true?"

"Unfortunately yes."

"This is so scary Steve"

"Yeah, I know that is why I am being this careful."

He then checked the time and it was almost 1 PM.

"What happened?" Erica asked him.

"I am waiting for Jack."

"He is coming here too?"

"Hmm, I just hope he reaches here without being followed"

"What the hell is all of this? Who is this person?" Erica was frustrated with what was happening.

"We will soon find out." Steve assured her.

After five minutes Jack joined them.

Steve then inspected Jack too and was relieved that he too was not bugged.

"Did anyone follow you?" Steve asked him with concern.

"No, I went to my home for lunch and then from a secret route I exited my house and only I am aware of this secret route, I have a car already parked there and from there I came here."


"What is happening Steve? What is the meaning of all of this?" Jack, who was absolutely clueless, asked him.

"I'll explain everything, first please sit down and make yourself comfortable."

Jack and Erica sat on the two chairs opposite to each other, Steve sat on the single chair at the end of the table with Jack on his left and Erica on his right.

He then explained the events of last night to the two people.

Last night

After leaving Erica's house, Steve came back to his room which was booked in a five-star high end hotel.

He was tired and sleepy, so after having a bath he settled on the bed to sleep, the bed lamp in his room was turned on and Steve preferred sleeping in a complete dark room and didn't like light interrupting him so he went to turn off the bed lamp, he couldn't find its switch but he touched a weird device, he thought it was a switch and pushed it but it broke and fell down.

For a second Steve didn't understand how a switch could fall down, but then he realized it was a small voice recorder.

Steve was shocked to his core and he therefore searched his room, he looked for secret places where bugs can be hidden.

He is a lawyer and knows of the perfect spots to bug.

Within five minutes, he was able to find twelve bugs.

He didn't remove them and let them be as he didn't intend to alert the person who bugged his room.

This was a hotel suite, at a highly secured place, which means the person or the group of people who decided to bug his room were not easy as no one could easily access his suite this way.

So, Steve turned off all the lights and started thinking deeply to come up with a plan.