Not right

⚠️warning graphical use of words and some triggering scenes may be present, viewer advised ⚠️

'Flesh, flesh, flesh,' the deranged man with his full head morphed into a crocodile ate a young child who had morphed into her buffalo completely to run away but wasn't fast enough. His teeth ripped her apart as the predator he was as sirens echoed all around the scene.

"What do we have?" Asked an offical detective to a police officer as he walked closer to the robots that were on standby to stop people from leaving or accessing without permission. "We have a case of a deranged feral sir, male, 'Second gender' crocodile. Hesitate had 7 repeated offences."

Flipping through the digital boards tabs of the numerous charges the detective hands back the tablet digital board. "So you've cornered him here"

"Yes sir"

"What's he doing?" Looking uncomfortable the police officer cleared his throat before saying,

"Partaking his meal in a young 14 year old child who had been riding her bike around the block."

As if the light seemed to vanish from the detectives face a serious aura extruded as his body began to grow a few meters, black fur pushed out from his flesh and covered his body as his clothes ripped apart. His eyes turned fully black and his face morphed to a snout and large fang like teeth.

The police officer took a step back as the detective on his two legs over towered him like a small bus upright.

'A black bear' he thought but only to notice that there were patches of brown. 'He was born with his 'Second gender'.' (In many cases when two people have a child with the same 'Second gender';some cases a child is born as an animal for the first month before reverting till the age of 10 to better accustom to their 'Second gender' over time. Others a certain test is done with the baby once born to determine if the child was born with it's own 'Second gender' instead of those who develop one over time before and after they turn 10. So in short, if two of the same 'Second gender' species have a child and it is born as an animal, it may both have it's mother and Fathers characteristics. So two wolves, one light and one dark could make a hybrid of a child with the 'Second gender' of a dark wolf with a light tail and ears. In rare case's a child born female can have a male 'Second gender' this works the opposite way as well.)

Not needing to say anymore on the situation, the police officer pressed a button making the robots part away for the large black and brown spotted bear who was the offical detective to enter. The dark eyes of the detective looked as his ears listened to the sickening crunches of the feral's latest meal. With a gruff huff the detective moved towards the sound as he activated his skill 'Soulless', a skill that made his 'Second gender' seem more terrifying. As a bear against a crocodile 'Second gender' there wouldn't originally be any competition. But a Feral was unstable and not in a right mind to understand the situation or differences in strength. Once they have lost their human mind to flesh or drugs they are far more dangerous, especially with abilities and extra skills one may have.

'Never underestimate your opponent.' Something the detective lived by as the man he was looking for halted his actions and lifted his scaly head up to where his eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. A hiss from the crocodile feral gave the detective a heads up that he wasn't to come closer. But that wasn't an option and as if sensing this the feral scrambled up dropping bits of organs and chunks of flesh from his jaws. 'A repulsive sight.' Even though he'd worked in this job and seen so many, the fact in the matter was that this was always a disgusting reality of having 'Second gender's'.

Lowering his head the detective lowered his ears to his head and bared his sharp teeth in warning. The feral simply snapped his jaw as he lowered himself to the ground on his hands almost. 'A smart one' thought the detective as he popped his jaw in one last warning only to get a throaty hiss in return. 'He wants a fight and with the fact he's still half morphed he might have some advantages.'

Looking from the feral crocodile man's morphed head to his human tattered body it was clear the guy's balance was off but the fact was it was still dangerous to assume victory. As if on queue the feral ran towards the detectives bear 'Second gender' form. Rising to the challenge, the detective got on his back legs to meet the feral in an aggressive hug only with jaws and claws in the mix.

The squirming of the feral had the detectives big furry arms tighten more as the feral's crocodile jaws dug into his neck tearing and mauling at his fur and flesh. No fear or worries just anger and aggression as the smell of blood only intensified.

Part of an official detectives job is to immobilise and report as well as analysis. Fighting isn't in the quota but if it's needed, than it is written in unwritten rules depending on a situation. As an official, you are permitted to morph/shift into your respected other half once again to contain situations. But even so, killing a feral even though they have killed others isn't desirable. Even if they do deserve it, it's not a police or detectives job to serve that justice.

Tightening a bit more while holding onto the last of his anger the feral having being knocked out by not being able to breathe still had his jaws clamped onto the offical detectives throat. Gripping the top half of the jaw he ripped it off and out of his flesh. Blood followed painting the alleyway more than the man's drenched bloodied clothing. 'Fuck that hurt' he thought as he dropped the feral to the floor and started to revert back to his human appearance.

" Official Detective Alex, that was some fine work" Praised one of the representatives of the nation.

"It was nothing but my job sir" replied Detective Alex as the medical team attended to his gaping wounds, he'd brought a pair of spare pants with him as it's always usually going to go down the path were he's one suit less.

"No really you did fine work. We were looking for this one for awhile" scrunching his face up in confusion the detective kept his mouth shut but ultimately thought 'why wouldn't a nation representative not be able to find this guy? But better yet what are they doing to his body?' Looking past the man before him he saw a team of medical surgeons had started to perform a light surgical procedure on the ground just outside the crime scene. They worked diligently till they pulled out a packet of something inside which could have only been a non-degradable plastic bag from the feral's stomach.

'What is that?' He simply thought as they then resealed the guy and took him away.

"It's best to not disclose anything you saw just now detective." It was more a threat and order than a simple piece - of - advice.

"Right" he replied to the nation official as he nodded and left detective Alex lost for words. 'What the hell is going on in this city?'.