Meeting the Lady's Pets

"I've never seen such a strange power as yours", said Lady Domestica.

Honestly I really didn't feel like talking. I was being taken against my will for god's sake! No, there must be no god in this cursed world.

"Could you perhaps tell me more about your 'Heaven's Door'?"

"If I tell you, will you take these ropes off of me?"

"Well of course!"

"But I refuse! If there's one thing-"

"Yes yes yes! I already heard you say that! Now tell me what it actually does!", she said impatiently.

"Are you sure you're an actual Lady? You look and act like a childish bimbo!"

Looks like she has an even shorter temper than the damn bandits. She slapped me! This is starting to become more and more like an actual kidnapping. Fortunately, this allowed me to sneakily use Heaven's Door on her. I had to do this extremely fast before the holy knights noticed anything.

"What are you doing? Are you showing me your power right now?", she said innocently.

"Why of course! Now sit back and relax as I use it!"

What I didn't realize was that there was a ninja maid hanging from the roof of the carriage, who jumped down with a knife ready to slit my throat.

"What do you think you're doing with Miss Domestica?", I heard her chilling voice say.

"W-well I was-"

"I don't care what you say! This is clearly an act of violence and you shall receive capital punishment!", she yelled angrily.

All I could feel was searing pain coming from the pack of my neck, hear a bunch of screaming, as I slowly lost my consciousness.

The very next day:

"AHHHHHHHHHHH", I screamed getting up from my sleep.

"Oh god! I had the worst nightmare ever! There was a hot looking bandit, some crazy girl, and worst of all a piece of crap of a maid! Thankfully it was all a dream!", I said relieved.

To my displeasure, most of the people I mentioned were sitting right next to me. I was in a room befitting royalty, with a bed that you could find in any decent hotel. Realizing that they were awkwardly looking at me, I quickly tried going back to sleep.

"We know you're awake! Now get up! I need to explain to you your new life as my pet", Lady pain-in-my-ass said.

"Wait! What do you mean by pet exactly?!"

"Well because of that nasty scar my maid gave you, we obviously had to heal you. The only problem is that you don't have a single strand of mana in your body so no healer could do anything. I had to give you the mark us nobles use on our harem members in order to give you mana myself", she said simply.

"That's hilarious! You make it sound like I'm a part of your harem now!"

"That's because you are filthy swine", the maid confirmed, to my horror.

There must be a way to escape this! Wait what if I get a stand to get rid of it?

"How long have I've been asleep for?", I asked.

"About 2 days. Anyways get up. We have to introduce you to the rest of my harem before we go to school", answered Lady Domestica in a rush.

Immediately, I went to the stand wheel. Come on Lady Luck please be good to me!!! Then the wheel started turning at extreme speeds. I could visibly see Domestica getting annoyed waiting for me.

"What are you looking at?", asked the maid.

[Goo Goo Dolls: Shrinks people instantly]

"How the hell is this stand gonna help me!", I yelled.

They weirdly stared at me after my small outburst.

"Uhgggg! Let's get this over with! Let's meat you little toys"

"...ok?", Domestica said weirdly.

We started to walk through this long winded hallway. We passed through some doors and more rooms, until we finally reached a garden. I saw about 3 handsome teens sitting down drinking tea. I also noticed that it was nighttime. They noticed us and shifted their attention.

One of them had red hair and eyes. He was a bit taller than me too. The next one had white hair and dark skin. He just looked like a total beta cuck. The last guy was probably the best looking one here. He had black hair and eyes. He was tall and muscular with a good structured face. I would definitely bang him if I had to choose between these three.

"W-welcome back Lady Domestica! How was your trip?", said the white haired guy.

"And more importantly. Who's this weirdo standing with you?", the red haired guy said jealousy.

"Well I actually met him during my travels. Due to some complications, I had to make him a part of my harem to save his life. He has quite the interesting power though", she responded.

"What's his power?", the handsome guy finally responded.

"Well if you weren't blind, my power is obviously the ability to make things smaller", I said.

"Wait smaller? But didn't you turn all those people into paper?!"

"I didn't think you would be such a moron! Obviously my power is to make huge things smaller", I said shamelessly.

"What did you call Lady Dom?!", yelled the red haired guy. I could see him ready to deliver a punch to my beautiful face so I had to defend myself.

Almost instantly, he became as small as a rat. Everyone was clearly surprised as they took out their weapon on reflex.

"Wait how did you do that!? I clearly saw your power before! How did you turn him so small?!", Lady Dom asked.

"Sorry that's confidential"

"You bastard, turn me back to normal before I kill you!", I could hear the small red haired guy say.

Out of nowhere, I could see Goo Goo Dolls approach him with something in its hands. I couldn't exactly see what it was, but I could certainly smell it. It sounded like spoiled meat from the skin of fresh road kill.

Actually, after taking a closer look at it, that was exactly what it was.

"Goooo", the stand whispered.

"W-what is that thing?", said the white haired guy scared.

"Hey what are you doing with that thing?", I asked the small stand.

It looked at me curiously, before pointing the dead skin at the red haired guy. It quickly started approaching him with the dead skin.

"G-get that thing away from me!", he yelled.

"Aww. It just wants to play, you're overreacting!..I think"

Surprisingly, he actually stood his ground against the stand. At first he started to run away from it, until it finally caught up and grabbed him. It started to try and stuff him into the dead skin as he struggled.

"Let go of me, you damn beast!", he yelled as he got close enough to punch it in the face.

I immediately felt pain on my face. I completely forgot he took damage dammit! And it was right in the eye too! On the other hand, the stand started to viciously attack while the other guy tried his best to fight back.

I turn off the stand before I get injured again. Well it's definitely not a ridiculously op stand in the first place. It was Jolyne's first fight after all.

"How come that creature popped up? If I remember correctly, a small man in white appeared when you yelled Heaven's Door right? How did you change your gift?", Lady Dom asked me.

"Actually it's a very secret technique from my village that no one must know!", I said with finality.

"Please tell me! I really need to know how!", she pleaded.

"Well fine I'll only tell you cause you asked nicely. It's called nonofyourbusiness jutsu!", I declared.

"Uhh. Why is it called that?", asked the white haired guy curiously.

"Because it's none of your business!"

"You're being awfully rude for someone who could die at any second", the maid threatened me with a knife. I could hear the Lady sigh in disappointment.

"Well I suppose it's fine if you don't wanna tell me, but please tell me in the future. Nell please lead him to his bed, we'll be going to the academy tomorrow", she said surprisingly calmly to the maid. Reluctantly, the maid led me back to my room.

Before I could be left alone to sleep, the maid caught my attention.

"Look I'll be frank, I don't like you. But I know you still might be angry with me for stabbing you, so please take your anger out on me and not Lady Domestica. She deserves so much more better than what I can provide her...", she said silently. I could see a tear forming in her eye before she left.