Situation in Kadiri Palace

During the night Prince Mahisa completed his duties which had piled up a lot. Even though he had been doing all his assignments for hours, still there were still a lot of piles of documents on his desk. He sighed and grumbled to himself, "Ouch, why is Bhadra so cruel, I can't even go out for a while to meet my wife. What is she doing now? She must be very lonely in this strange palace," said Prince Mahisa.

It was getting late and it was now midnight. Actually, Sinta was waiting for Prince Mahisa in her bedroom. In contrast to the Singhasari Royal Palace which is the center of government for the Singhasari Kingdom along with its states, in the Central Palace of the King and Queen or if the King has concubines, they will sleep separately. But in the Kadiri Palace, Prince Mahisa, who was a subordinate king, had a room with his queen.

"Mahisa, are you still working on your Royal duties? It's late at night, I'm so worried," said Sinta.