Perform Queen's duties

After suffering a miscarriage, the King asked his younger sister Putri Rimbu to help the Queen carry out her Royal duties. Putri Rimbu now occupies a guest room in the Queen's Palace. Previously, Tania, whose condition had not fully recovered, always forced herself to do all her tasks, which made the King very worried, so he asked his sister to help the Queen.

It doesn't feel like a month has passed, with the help of Putri Rimbu, Tania's job as a queen has become easier, she has also developed several programs including those regarding education and public health. After Tania lived for several years in Singhasari she saw that the Education and Health conditions in Singhasari really needed to be improved. This time Tania plans to open an elementary school as well as a medical clinic. In addition, because the number of healers at that time was still small, Tania also opened a medical school.