Indulging in more Sex

The following days, she stayed at Kazuya's house for one more day and told her husband to expect her the next morning, which he surprisingly took easy, not even minding it.

„Yes, that's good. Go deeper."

He put one hand on my head, while his other hand kneaded my right breast, causing me to moan and feel pleasure.

I locked my lips around his shaft and pushed his dick in and out, trying to coil my tongue around it in my mouth, while doing so.

He couldn't take it longer than ten minutes, which made me proud to have developed techniques and wondered if my husband would even last a minute.

Her husband was already way back in her mind and considered him less and less with each time she sexually pleasured a other man.

*slurp* *suck* *slurp*

She greedily sucked on it, while wrapping her tongue around the tip of his dick and he always blasted his cum after seconds.

„Ohh...I'm cumming..!"


He thrusted his dick to the back of her throat and climaxed. He spurted a hot load of cum and filled her mouth completely.

She liked the salty weird taste for some reason and his climax, while fondling her breasts, made her drip with love juices. She started to feel inside itchy and her body was starting to flame up.

Kazuya looked down and formed a smirk. He loved her horny body, that heated up speedily and played at her entrance with one finger, teasing her.

„Since this will be our last time...what do you want deep inside you..?"

He stared at her, while talking and knew only one answer would come out of her upper lips, while the lower showed it clearly.

„I want..ahh..your dick...grinding inside me..!"

She moaned and started to pant, but tried not to cum. She wanted more than his finger playing with her and he just wanted to hear it with both of her lips.


He didn't play much around anymore and aimed his dick at her entrance. He slammed it in her with one push and she wrapped her legs around his hips.

*pah* *pah* *pah*

Heavenly tightness enveloped his dick and every time he thrusted deep to knock lm her womb, he felt a suction, like a greedy vacuum sucking for his hot spunk.

The thick and long dick she wanted to have every morning was pushing in and with every time deeper, enough to hit against her womb. The feeling and sensations brought her pleasure and she felt like, the pleasure was binding her. She could only think of his lance piercing her deeply and she started to clam on his dick more.

*pah* *pah* *pah*

He felt more and more like the hole was sucking his dick in and he was sure, this was the best hole he ever had.

The twitch in his lance signalized her, that he was close to cum and her molded brain could think of only one warm thing.

„Schooot..aahh...your shemeen..inshideee mee.."

She sluggishly spoke and by hearing say this, he wanted to cum in her womb badly and pushed with one last thrust deep enough to hit her womb, which sucked him greedly.


He climaxed and filled her insides with spunk to the brim, that some started to leak, after he pulled out and both started to heavily pant. They were indulging in it for a long time and this was the last time for them.

After that, I left his house and left my thong back to remember me. It felt wrong to let someone else than my husband let that posses, but it made me feel horny simultaneously.

I drove back to my apartment and as I walked to my door, my neighbor Reju greeted me.

„Hey Yuria, I haven't seen you for a while?"

I remembered then again, that we gave him sometimes leftovers and he enjoyed it a lot. I totally forgot about it.

„I had to watch over one of my friend's kids and couldn't give you leftovers. I'm sorry for that and hope you didn't hunger."

He had a slight surprised expression and looked at me, as if I was too kind.

„You didn't forget, but it wasn't that bad. Although I did miss Yuria's precious meals."

„How about I invite you over for dinner?"

He looked at his wrist and read his watch.

„Sure, I gladly accept!"

He had a happy face and walked to the stairs. I was kinda worried, that he might see me not wearing any panties and hastily went into my house.

The first thing greeting me was my son and his best friend.

„Mom, welcome home!"

He ran to me and embraced me happily, which I returned and looked to the right to see a flushed kid, which I always find cute.

„Tanji, are you ok? Why don't you greet me?"

I faked a sad face and he was surprised. He immediately shook his hands to decline my idea.

„N-no...I was just..dehydrating.."

Now it was my turn to be surprised and I found his saying weird, but ignored it.

„Our Neigbor Reju will join us today at dinner."


Kize grabbed his stunned best friend by the waist to rush in his room, but I halted him.

„Hold on, Kize. Where is your father?"

He looked back at me and said in a rush.

„He went strolling and will be back soon. He was last night pretty silent, though."

I thought it would be stress of work and walked to the kitchen. Today I would make roasted meat, because it tasted too good in the restaurant and she couldn't forget it at all.