Reju staying over III

She regained partially her senses and forgot about the noises they were making. She wanted to stop, before she would even go further, but Reju placed his warm dick on her belly and the warmth from inside, also from the outside, made her feel good.

„Yuria...that was great! Let's do it again!"

She looked at him, as if he had been a madman and wanted to stop this, but Reju pressed on to continue.

„C'mon, servicing your husband is nothing wrong?"

He rubbed his tip on her clitoris down to her entrance and again up, repeating it in a circle form, like before. She was starting to get horny and love juice dripped out of her hole.


He sticked one finger in her and played with her insides. The feeling of rough meat fingering her, made her hazy and she felt the same crippling inside her body again.


„See this finger, your body want's it badly!"

He extracted his finger and presented it in front of her loosened eyes. She was lightheaded and because she had orgasmed, she was more sensitive, causing her to lose her mind.


„Ok..ahh..dear..but one..mhh...last time..!"

„Ah, don't worry, I will make you want more!"

He stopped rubbing her vulva and aimed his dick for a full swung thrust. The love juices acted as lotion to make it easier and he slammed inside her roughly.




Both moaned and a hot stick was reaching her womb once again with one thrust. She had a minor orgasm and the tingling subsided from her insides. It moved everywhere in her body and her loosened eyes rolled up.

If her husband would see her current statue, he wouldn't believe, that his beloved wife appeared now like a slut in heat, that loves to be ravaged and peculiarly, it was the kind neighbor!

*pah* *pah* *pah*



She moaned and the thrusts were faster than she could take. He was this time rough and pushed in and out with full swung. He

slammed his dick hardly in and she moaned with each thrust. Her breathing couldn't take it anymore and with the hotness, she curled her tongue out.

*pah* *pah* *pah*



She started to like the rough sex and recognized the rhythm of his thrusts. Every time he pushed outside, she thrusted against his hips, while he slammed inside and hit her cervix with each time.

He fastened up and his balls clapped her ass continually with each slam. He used one hand on her hips, while the other fondled her left breast and the view was something unforgettable.

Her lewd expression on the bed, while her breasts swirled with each push and he fondled those, that didn't even fit in his rough and big hands, while his dick made him feel pleasures. Her eyes loosened up to the point, that she looked blankly and rolled everywhere. Her tongue coiling around with saliva dropping on her sweated breasts, creating a pit.

*pah* *pah* *pah*

„..I'm close to cumming..!"


Her brain was again slushy and Reju saw her lightheaded enjoying the pleasures. She felt his cock swell again inside her and she clasped with her tight walls on his dick, while her cervix clung on his tip.

*pah* *pah* *pah*

„..fuuck meee..!"

He pressed his lips on hers and locked it to silent her moans, that she was carelessly releasing. Her hole was that of a cum sucker and every time he went deep inside to her womb, her cervix was like a vacuum and suctioned it, while her tight walls clung on his dick. He couldn't take it anymore and saliva leaked from their kisses, while his tongue invaded hers. They played, until Reju parted and a saliva thread bound them.

„...oohhh...I'm cummmiiiing!!"

„ it insideeee..!"

She moaned again loudly and the rough sex made her sweat everywhere. The stunk reached Reju's nose and his dick begged to finally release it.




He shot his hot spunk and released until it filled it to the brim. He felt immense pleasure and Yurias eyes rolled up. The pleasure and sensations enveloped her whole body. She could only think of the sex and panted on the bed.

He sticked his dick out and cum started to leak out. The hot cum dripped down to the anal hole and then on to the bed. Her vision blurred and after some time she could regain her senses.

She saw Reju lying on his back on her left side panting, as he was using a lot of stamina and the memories flooded her. She shouldn't have done it in her bedroom, where she sleeps with her husband.

She saw her whole body stinking of sweat, while the bed stunk of a mix from sweat and cum. This definitely looked like wild sex from animals fucking and she needed to clear this up, before the kids wake up.

„U-uhm..Reju, I'm sorry for doing that to you.."

She tried to make it seem apologetic and hoped, he would forget it, but he clearly was unsatisfied.

„If you ever need a good fuck, just hit me up. I will always play your husband if you need to, hehe!"

He was persisting and I ignored it.

„Please, go back to the living room."

I made my stance clear and he sighed. He went back to the living room, while I cleaned up the mass, that was created by our sex and I went to the bathroom to shower. After I was done, I cleaned myself and fell on my bed. I thought of the chance of pregnancy, but fell asleep of tiredness.