Rough Sex I

Yuria was filled and walking out of the train felt really weird for her. She had a warm sensation between her legs, but moving while feeling the flowing liquid was new to her and strengthened the idea of a exhibitionist.

„I know a love hotel nearby. I will show you what real pleasure means."

She was walking after him and he led the way to the love hotel, that he claimed to know.

„Wow, look at that hot chick.."

„Damn, she looks so young.."

„That melons sticking out.."

The mutters of passerby's didn't escape the ears of Yuria and everyone looked at her in awe and lust.

They were stunned by her tight buttocks and the breasts, that they wanted to touch really bad, made them hard in a matter of seconds.

Some of them had their girlfriends near them and the women stared at her enviously, while also looking defeated by her beauty.

Yuria couldn't do anything else, than press her legs tight, so the liquid wouldn't leak out, because they would immediately know what she did in public and the idea of it made her really horny, but she didn't want to be a extreme exhibitionist.

„We are here."


After walking about 15 minutes, they arrived in front of a big hotel with multiple floors and entered trough the entrance. There, a woman worked as receptionist and looked at the new customers.

„Welcome, dear customers!"

The receptionist greeted them and with a closer look, was shortly surprised, but readjusted it to a business smile, as if she was used to these relationships.

„We like to have a room. The usual."

The receptionist quickly made the payment and gave the keys to their room, that the middle-aged man happily grabbed.

They went upstairs and entered their room. Yuria was only once before in a love hotel with her husband and that only at their honeymoon. They booked the typical and this one was by far different.

The room's interior design was made out of ash wood and a king size bed was ready. The middle-aged man groped her by the ass and pressed his on her juicy lips.

Yuria was first surprised, but enjoyed the sensation and opened a slit for his tongue to enter.

He inserted his tongue and played with hers, while saliva started to leak out. He dominated her tongue and retreated his hand from her ass.

Yuria was unhappy with the hand gone and wanted to pout, until she felt a rub on her vulva. Love juice was already leaking and now flowed rapidly.

He started to undress her and the blue floral skirt fell to the ground. Yuria took of his pants and with the pull, his big dick flew up, which Yuria grabbed. She started to move her hand up and down to his shaft with her hand in a fist.


„..mhh..your too good..!"

„Hehe, your hand is quite clumsy, but I will plow you good!"

He parted his lips from her and the saliva on her mouth made her look sexy. Her hazy expression made his cock rock hard and he put his hands back on her sexy ass. He threw her on the bed and she subconsciously spread her legs.

„Time for some good plowing!"


A sound of hit meat rang through the whole room and he inserted his dick with one thrust. The feeling of being filled made Yuria happy and she immediately tightened her insides to feel every bit of his cock.

The middle-aged man had a bliss look and enjoyed the pleasure just by inserting his dick inside. It wasn't even half an hour and he was already addicted to this mindbreaking hole.

*pah* *pah* *pah*


He initiated his thrusts and slammed roughly. The sensation from a mix of pain and pleasure pulverized her brain to dust. The pain came, but was instantly replaced with massive pleasure and she was loving the pleasure, that made her breathing harder.

*pah* *pah* *pah*

„..fuck me..aahhh..harder..!"

„...ohh...your hole is like a drug!"

He was overwhelmed by her cervix suctioning the tip of his lance and if he didn't had trained his climax before, then he was sure to ejaculate in simply minutes.

He wanted to fuck the brain out of her and moved her lower legs to her head. He positioned her in the mating press and didn't restrain any strength with his thrusts.

*pah* *pah* *pah*

„..aahh..not this position..!"

„Can't do!"

She didn't want to use this position, because it made her whole body weird and he didn't care. She was feeling the flame inside her rising and electric shocks run trough her whole body with each thrust.

She couldn't form any thoughts and only had his manly dick in her mind. The pleasure made it hard to breathe and she opened her mouth, while swaying her tongue out.

*pah* *pah* *pah*

„..shit..I'm cummiiiiingg!"

„...aahh.don't..pant..hold back!"


He pushed his dick in her tight insides and the look of her foggy expression, he couldn't hold it any time longer back.

He rammed with the last time and bend himself enough to enter her womb with the tip of his cock. He climaxed inside her womb and played with her clitoris, to crush her mind with sensations and pleasure.

She felt the hot liquid filling her again up and had a big orgasm, spraying her honey juice out. With the earlier cum, it started to leak out of her pussy and she was everywhere in her body hot.

She couldn't think of anything, than his dick and her thoughts of shame vanished.