Aphrodisiac?! I

Yuria was observing the house from the inside, while heading to the living room. She just liked to rate other people's houses.

At the entrance, it went upstairs leading to the second floor and presumably, her Son Kize and Tanji are probably playing in his room.

My previous theory was right, the house was really spacious. The hallway lead to a bathroom and a storage as well, while continuing to the living room.

Once you reached the living room, a broad TV lighted the room and the room was all clean. I must say, that the husband of Akira really cares about his cleanliness and hygiene likewise.

„Please, take a seat, while I bring the tea!"

The man showed the kindest smile, Yuria had ever seen and sat on the couch, expectantly for the tea. She complimented their home and praised their taste of style.

„The house is really well-designed and furnished. Say, were these portraits your or Akira's idea?"

While she gave her admiration and tried to be friendly, Ginju opened one cabinet. He grabbed a mysterious white glass bottle with a rosa liquid, shining in the lamp's shades of light and pulled out the soft wooden piece, that hindered it to leak.

„It was hers, but I was the one, who bought them. I hope you like it!"

With his mischievous smile, he replied, but also poured a little bit of the liquid from the mysterious bottle into her tea cup sneakily. He closed it and put it back.

„..Yuria, let's see your real self.."

Thus, with the words being muttered, he returned back to Yuria with the kind smile and placed the tea cup.

„Thank you!"

The soft and feminine voice saying such generous words to him, made him feel more excited and sat beside her.

To initiate his plans, the first phase is to wait for her tea cup being emptied, so the stimulation can affect her.

The second phase is to stay friendly, until he detects the lust in her eyes or body. If this takes place, he will slowly take action and get her used to the touches on her body. The natural respond will be affected by the stimulations and sexual interest will rise in her head.

The last phase is to start the fucking. He won't hold any longer back and fuck her brains out.

In particular, he doesn't try to unwillingly have sex with them, but to get them used to the effects, that guilt for their husbands, will clean his hands from potential suit of unwilling sex.

They started to small talk and eventually, she drunk the whole tea cup. Unknowingly riding into her doom, she talked about life, vacation plans and constant problems appearing.

„Hey Yuria, did you notice how my hand is totally bigger than your's?"

Ginju maintained his friendly and harmless look, while intertwining hands with Yuria. He was already attempting many times and 'accidentally' touched her.

The blush on Yuria's cheeks didn't escape his eyes and he started the last phase, which is his favorite.

„Your face looks beautiful and young, Yuria..", The sudden compliment took me by surprise and the last time I remembered to hear those words from my husband, was so far in the past, I couldn't remember it anymore.

„T-thank you. I'm quite the conscious type.."

Ginju always beamed of kindness and generousness. It was like the only thing sparkling in the room and everything else got irrelevant. The point of visiting, my husband or my son blanked out of my mind.

The living room was, as if a volcano broke out and erupted with hot lava, spreading the warmth everywhere on my body. I could feel the sweat flowing down my arms and on my big breasts.

My body was lusting after something and after I felt his hand intertwining with mine, I was tempted to feel his warmth as well.

I wanted to feel more and he, the star of the room, was the thing I needed. I stared at him and he locked his gaze with mine.

He came closer and pressed his hot lips with mine. The taste of the tea in his mouth seduced me to feel his lips and tongue more.

I opened up a slit for him to enter and he speedily wrapped his tongue around mine. I tried to get him back, but as if I had be the prey and he the predator, I was powerless. He gushed his saliva inside mine and I tasted the sweet fluid, that merged with my saliva.

We were passionately kissing for 10 minutes, until I needed to separate from his mouth, that satisfyingly dominated my upper lips.

But my lower lips were rapidly leaking with my love juice, ready to be plowed and awaited a thick meat lance to enter. It wanted to be filled and be also dominated.

The middle-aged man really gave me a new kink for domination and I wasn't concerned, on the contrary, I was pleased.

„Yuria, you little heated dog!"

Ginju pressed his fingers against my thongs and gazed, if I was turned on. My stains weren't the only proof, but the love juice streaming was signaling his allowance and my horniness.

I couldn't worry about anything right now, but rather if he wouldn't plow me and wore the seductive smile, I seldom use.

„Ginju, I am so horny..can you please do something..?", and as if a horny high schooler watched me, he excitingly unzipped his pants to free his little friend, while demanding, „Position into doggy!".