All Alone

Izuku hugged her, "I'm sorry" he said as uraraka cried, don't cry uraraka San be happy for me uraraka heard tsuy's voice in her head.

I love you And I always will...

Good bye uraraka san~

You turned away from the window, "tsyu" you said bitting your tounge, you looked at shoto, "why did she do that" you said banging your head on the window.

"Tsyu Chan" uraraka said falling to her seat, you and all the girls hugged, tokoyami looked away with sadnesses, "why her she was the kindest" you said wiping away your tears.

"Once we get out of Japan we will host a burial for her and everyone in UA" Iida said taking of his glasses.

You felt bakugo's hand on your shoulder, "I'm sorry" you heard bakugo whisper, you turned to him.

"Please just leave me alone" you said walking to the bathroom, izuku came behind bakugo, "god damn it" bakugo said putting his head down in shame.

Tokoyami put his head on the glass, "why didn't I do anything, if we had our quirks I could saved her" tokoyami said to himself, Aoyama went beside tokoyami, "I mean maybe she might have wanted it to happen" he said.

Everyone looked at aoyama, "how could you say that!" Mina shouted, uraraka got out of her seat, "I do remember back at the school when she tried to call her parents no one answered, so that told her, her parents were already gone" uraraka said.

A tear went down Mina's face, "and she never told us about it, she sat there in pain for two days straight" mina whispered to herself.

Everyone went quite, no one talked, you put your head on the door hearing what mina said, you covered your mouth, all that pain, I didn't notice, I'm the worst friend. You thought sitting on the floor.

You heard a knock, you looked up at the door, "bakugo leave me alone" you said to the door only to hear a girls voice.

"Y/n it's me" you heard uraraka's voice, "can I come in?" You stood up and unlocked the door to see a red eyes uraraka.

She walked in and looked at you, "did you heard what I said?" Uraraka asked and you nodded, uraraka sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me" you whispered to her, she looked at herself in the mirror, "because I didn't know she was going to sacrifice herself" uraraka finished.

Uraraka turned to you and hugged you, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you" uraraka said, you hugged her back, there was a movement in the plane.

"What's going on?" You asked whipping away your tears and opened the bathroom door, you saw mina being holdeded down Kirishima, "what are you doing?!" You screamed going over to mina but to be pulled back by bakugo.

"Stay back!" Bakugo shouted at you and uraraka, "she's been bitten" izuku said, you turned to uraraka, "who's been bitten?" You asked.

"Mina!!" Izuku said, your eyes went wide, "how?" You asked, bakugo spoke up, "probably back in that race to the plane" bakugo said.

"It's true, when kirishima was carrying me those things bit my leg" mina said on the floor.

You grabbed your hair in frustration, "why does no one tell me things" you said, "what are we going to do, she will turn soon?" Kirishima asked worriedly.

Bakugo looked at everyone, "who else is bitten huh?" He shouted, what are we going to do? You thought.

"Please kill me or at least throw me out the plane" mina said, you saw her hands were turning for pink to a green like colour, "there's no way I'm throwing you out the window!" Kirishima screamed at her.

"But ejiro if you don't I will turn into them" mina said, you shaked your head, why is my friends all dying you thought.

You heard kirishima sigh, "open the door!" Kirishima ordered, "thank you ejiro" mina said being picked up by kirishima.

Jiro and momo opened the door, "I'm so sorry" momo and jiro said, as mina laughed, "least I won't be in pain" mina said.

Uraraka turned away, kirishima turned to bakugo, "it was a good run bakubro" kirishima said, bakugo was confused until he saw kirishima fall forward out of the plane with mina still in his arms.

"KIRISHIMA"!!!!! Bakugo said running over to the door to miss kirishima's hand, bakugo watched his friend fall all the way to the floor, bakugo didn't say a word, you pulled him back.

Kirishima, mina and tsyu you thought bitting your lips as it bleed, "kirishima h-he" uraraka said falling to the floor.

"Double suicide" shoto spoke, izuku's hand was on the side of the wall holding him up. You heard heavy breathing from bakugo.

You went Infront of him, "BAKUGO!" You shouted, he went into shock, you grabbed bakugo's hand and brought it to your cheek.

"Land this plane now!!" Uraraka ordered shoto, he listened and landed the small plane on a clean road.

You pulled bakugo out of the plane, you shaked bakugo, "bakugo snap out of it!" You shouted at him.

Momo and jiro fell to the floor, "i-i can't do this anymore" momo said standing up and running off, "momo!" Shoto shouted running after her.

A tear went down your face onto bakugo's, everyone went after momo and shoto but you stayed with bakugo.

You reached into your pocket and found a picture of UA before this zombie apocalypse.

You put your head down on bakugo's chest, "everyone" you said lifting your head to see no one there, you went worried and grabbed bakugo close to you.

"Where is everyone?" You asked yourself looking around before you heard a scream in the woods.

|Next chapter: Safe Place?|