
"I'm sleepy" you said, izuku smiled and rubbed your head, "then sleep" he said, he looked down at you and you was already fast asleep, izuku laughed, "cute~" he said picking you up.

Izuku heard police sirens, "there here finally" he said walking to the door, all might put the man on his shoulders, when all of the security systems went down, all the hero's was let free.

"Isn't that recovery girls granddaughter with izuku midoriya" a hero said, "she saved us" another said, cheering and clapping for you.

Izuku smiled looking down at you, he smiled, yeah she did izuku thought, when he went outside the police and other hero's was there.

"When did you all get here?" All might asked, "we heard a voice on the speakers, didn't you know that the speakers go out to the whole island." The officer said.

Izuku looked down at you and hugged you, you knew that other hero's was around so you called for help izuku thought kissing your head.

A car pulled up the to building, recovery girl and gran Torino came out the front back seat. "Y/n!" They both screamed your name, your grandma touched your head, "she's okay just asleep"  recovery girl said with a sigh.

"That reckless girl" gran Torino said shaking his head, "thank you izuku" recovery said to Izuku, your grandma knows about yours and izuku relationship.

"Everyone in the car, we are going back to UA" recovery girl ordered everyone into the back seat of the car. "Officer take this man to prison for me thanks" all might said getting into the car.

The inside of the car was huge from the inside it looked huge but from the outside it was small. "Driver airport please" gran Torino said as the car moved.

Izuku had you on his lap, you had your head in his neck, his hands was over your stomach, uraraka watched you both, "uraraka?" Jiro said getting uraraka attention, "huh?" She said turning to jiro.

"Are you okay?" Jiro asked, uraraka nodded her head, "I'm fine" she said rubbing her arms. "Where here!" Recovery girl said, everyone got out of the car.

Izuku carried you all the way to the plane, he sat you down in a seat and made sure you was comfy. Izuku sat next to you, everyone picked there seats.

Bakugo and Kirishima was sat behind you and izuku, "keep your hands to yourself deku!!" Bakugo said behind you.

"Kacchan!" Izuku said turning to him, "what you want to go!!" Bakugo shouted trying to get out of his seat but was stopped by kirishima, "calm down both of you, you might wake y/n up" kirishima said which made them both sit back down.

|At the end of the flight|

Izuku touched your cheek, "y/n we have landed" izuku said, you opened a sleepy eye, "were back in Japan?" You asked.

Izuku nodded, you smiled yawning, you held out your hand to have izuku help you up, izuku walked you out of the plane, "thank you" you said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Y/n" someone said your name you turned to see your mom come running over to you, she hugged you, "I-I saw the news" your mom said, "I'm so proud of you" your mom said kissing your head, a tear slided down your face.

You felt izuku touch your shoulder, "oh yeah mom I have something to tell you" you said, your mom looked intrigued, "what is it?" She asked.

"Well me and izuku are...dating" you said, gran Torino was at lost for words, your mom looked at you. "Suprise" you said, your mom sighed, "you should have told me sooner" your mom said hugging both you and izuku.

Izuku felt his phone go off, he looked down to see it was his mom calling, "mo-" izuku was about to say until he heard a cry, "your alright aren't you, your not hurt are you!" Izuku's mom said on the phone, izuku turned to you, "y/n I-" izuku was saying before you said, "go I bet she worried about you" you said, "really are you sure?" He asked you, you nodded your head. He bowed to you, "thank you" he said using his quirk.

|With izuku|

Izuku landed on his street and ran to his apartment, he knocked on his door, the door opened to see a wet eyes momma midoriya.

"Mom" he said hugging you, "I was so worried about you" she said, "I'm sorry mom" he said, "I will have to thank y/n's family" momma midoriya said whipping away her tears.

"You don't have to thank my family" a voice said behind izuku, he turned to see you, he whipped away his tears, "is this y/n?" Momma midoriya asked izuku.

"Yes mom meet my girlfriend y/n" izuku said, Momma midoriya eye's went wide, "girlfriend?" She said, you both nodded.

Momma midoriya smiled and hugged you, "thank you" momma midoriya said, she cried more as you hugged her back.

|An hour later|

You, izuku and momma midoriya was in the leaving room talking, "again thank you so much" momma midoriya said, you shaked your head, "it's no problem since I know he did the same for me" you said.

"Oh I almost forgot I have to thank your family" momma midoriya said getting out of her chair.

The sound of knocking on the door made momma midoriya go to the door, she opened the door to see your mom, "you must be y/n's mom" momma midoriya said, "and you must be izuku's mom" your mom said.

Your mom turned to you, "you two stay here while me and Mrs midoriya have a catch up" your mom said, izuku's mom followed after.

"Be safe you two" your mom said walking away, you both sighed, "so embarrassing" you both said, you turned to Izuku.

"So what now?" You asked, he leaned over to you and kissed you, "izuku~" you said putting your arms around his neck.

|Next final chapter: love 🍋|