WebNovelMr Garson86.67%

Chapter 13

I waited for Thamur, went back to the room. I didn't want Molly, let alone Nick, to see me in a bathrobe. A dazzle of this morning comes to mind, Thamur called me Lady Garson. I bite my lower lip when I think that he really wants to marry me, I would never think that a man like him would fall in love with me, let alone wish me. And I'm sure of that desire because I still feel my sex pulse. I sink my face into the pillow, embarrassed for acting like a teenager, who just had her first time with her boyfriend. I push those thoughts aside and sit on the bed, lift myself out of it more carefully this time. I go into the bathroom and look at myself for a long time, untie the knot in the robe, showing my belly in the mirror. I run my hand over it, even though it doesn't show any growth trait. I turn my body to the side, I pass the fingertips from the region next to my breasts to my navel, the skin in contact with my fingers makes few hairs in the region stand on end. I notice that my breasts have grown, but it is almost imperceptible. Somehow I feel even taller, if that is possible. Thinking that I can be pregnant causes mixed feelings to explode inside me. In a way I never thought I would stay, or even get married someday. That was what my Father said, according to him. Who would marry someone like me, hearing those words was the same as a slap. Since that day, I have no idea what self-esteem is. I shake my head away from these thoughts, you are no longer a Bellinda teenager, so stop thinking about it. I say to myself mentally, keep such thoughts away. I redo the robe knot and go back to the room, in the same second Thamur enters the room holding a bag, I see that by the style of it was not at all cheap.

—Here, seeing this is down. Breakfast is ready.

He speaks leaving the dark-colored bag with a large silver-colored V on the bed, I cross my arms watching his gestures.

—I feel bad for making your driver wake up early, just to buy me some clothes.

—That's his job, and besides, Ed is used to it.

I run a hand over my chin, leaning against the wall behind me.

—So you mean you buy clothes for women often?

I ask even though I don't want to know the answer, this is something I can't avoid. And I admit that I am jealous of thinking about Thamur, buying clothes for other women.

—That's not what I meant.

He speaks opening the bag, taking out a flowered fabric dress from inside, placing it next to the parlor.

—Sometimes I suffer from insomnia, so I ask Ed to go to the drugstore to buy tranquilizers for me. Only that.

He continues with his attention still focused on the bag, looking for something. I admit that I feel a great relief to get hold of me when I hear his explanation, I know that I am not the only woman Thamur has ever had. And he has certainly been with women who are more beautiful than me. But I can't help asking, I'm a jealous woman.

—I think I forgot a bag down there. I'll go back.

He speaks going to the door, but two knocks do it for him. Without hearing a permission, the door opens and I see Molly through her head into the room. She has a big smile.

—I just came to bring this here.

He speaks by holding up a bag, in the same style as the other.

—Thanks, I would go down to get it.

The same talks about going to the door taking the bag.

—Okay. I'm waiting for you down there.

I feel my cheeks heat up when Molly passes her gaze full of innuendo before she closes the door. Thamur leaves the saloca next to the other and comes to me taking my hands. Your warm touch on my skin makes me shiver.

—Get up and get down, when we have breakfast we go straight to the clinic to get the result.

—Aren't you going to change clothes?

—In the guest room where Nick slept. I wait for you down there.

The same seals our lips in a slow kiss, full of innuendo. The softness of his lips captured me completely, Thamur is really good at what he does. It separates our lips and gives me a quick kiss on the forehead before leaving the room. I find myself with a silly smile on my lips, I try not to think about him even if it is impossible. And focus on something that really deserves my attention. I feel nervousness gradually dominate me in thinking that today I will know if I am pregnant or not.

I open the bag from which Thamur took the dress and see that she has lingerie, I throw the robe on the bed and put on the underwear. I am surprised to realize that it fits me perfectly. Wearing the dress a little exaggerated, after all you would never think of wearing something of this size. I take the box inside the other bag and open it, dazzling me with the beauty of the loose tops. I hear the door open and I don't need to look back to know it's Molly. After all, she's the only one who walks into my room without knocking.

—Wow Bellinda, you look very beautiful.

She speaks with wide eyes, looking down and up my body, watching the dress.

—You think? Because I think it's an exaggeration.

Decree raising her heels, I see that her eyes shine when she sees them in my hands. She enters the room completely and closes the door.

—It's not a bit.

He speaks taking the heels from my hands, watching them more closely.

—This style of clothing is not my style, and I think Thamur realized that.

—That's why he must have asked for this type of clothes, he likes to have beautiful Bellinda.

I absorb what she says, and I wonder internally if he likes women like that. Thamur, he's such a mysterious man that I can't even think about what's going on in his head.

—Let me make up on you?

Molly's voice, turns my attention back to her. Her excitement is trying that I can't deny, I curl my lips in a smile and nod.

—All right, but nothing heavy.

I speak by pointing to it as a warning, she agrees leaving her heels on the bed.

—I'm just going to get some things and I'll be right back.

She talks out of the room, I sit on the bed and wait for the same return. I think about what Thamur said about living with him, and maybe now is a good time to tell Molly. As if I know what I'm going to say, she enters the room, I see that she is holding her small pink makeup bag in her hands. Molly, leave the suitcase beside me on the bed and open it, taking something out of it. The same holds my face towards her and starts to pass something.

—Molly I want to tell you something.

She continues with her attention focused on what she is doing, but she nods so I can continue.

—Thamur, asked us to live with him.

I speak at once bluntly, it stops for a moment and watches me. But in the next instant it continues.

—That's great.

He speaks with a wide smile on his lips, holding a brush and brushing something across my face.

—I mean, it will be a little more complicated to see Phil. But everything is fine.

I sigh and hold her hands, stopping what she is doing.

—Molly, Thamur doesn't live here.

—So where does he live?

She asks rolling her eyes, her smile a little but mucho.

—I don't know, but I don't think it's in this city.

Gradually her smile fades, and I let go of her hands, which are slowly lowering.

—I don't want to go Bellinda, I have a life here.

—That's why I said I foresaw some time to think, and consult you. If you don't want to go, we won't.

Decree passing an understandable look to it, which lowers its gaze fleeing mine.

—Damn it! Now I'm feeling guilty.

She speaks by running her thumb through the brush hairs. I hold her hand and lower my head capturing her gaze.

—Don't be sorry, Thamur and I can fix it, okay?

She agrees shaking her head, her sad look is replaced by a more cheerful one and her mischievous girl's way around.

—So let's get this over with, we can't keep your fiance waiting.

I burst out laughing at her comment. Molly, she puts so many things on my face that some don't even know the name. Then she helps me with my hair, the result is incredibly satisfying. When I look at myself in the mirror, I feel like I've never felt before, it's amazing what some things can do to you.

I go down the stairs and find a Thamur Garson, wearing his navy blue suit without a tie, a few buttons open on his white blouse makes him emanate pure power. The neatly combed hair makes me want to run my fingers through his locks, and pull hard as I moan with pleasure with his cock right at the end of my sex. If you control Bellinda, you are not like that. As I look up and meet mine, I see a small spark spread across his iris. It could be desire.

—Good Morning.

Nick's voice makes me turn to him who appears behind Thamur, coming from the kitchen with toast in his mouth.

—Good Morning.

I speak shyly, hoping he hasn't noticed the tension between me and Thamur. I pass by, giving him a shy smile and I sit at the table serving myself. I take a sip of coffee and grab a toast, Thamur sits down with Nick in front of me. A little while later, Molly, sits down next to me. I don't need to look at Thamur, and know that he is looking at me. I feel his eyes burning my skin. I try to act as natural as possible.

—Nick, I want you to go to the company and resolve some pending issues.

He speaks while taking a sip of his coffee, I find myself wondering if Thamur, is one of those men who drink pure coffee without sugar. The thought makes me smile.

—All right, and ah. Soraia wants to talk to you. She hasn't stopped calling me for a second if she wants to know where you are, since she doesn't return calls and messages.

—I'll talk to her later.

Her voice sounds dry, as if she doesn't want me to hear that, I wonder why. I finish eating my toast and take another sip of coffee. I watch as he passes the napkin over his lips and gets up.

—Let's go?

He speaks with his gaze directed at me, I nod and I pass the napkin lightly on my lips, trying not to remove the lipstick. I get up but Molly takes my arm.

—Okay, if you leave, just touch up.

Speaks handing me the lipstick, I wink at her and say goodbye to Nick, with a wave. I grab my bag from the couch and throw the lipstick inside. I do not need the jacket since it is sunny today. Thamur opens the door for me and we go out, I wait for him to turn off the car alarm, and before he can open the door for me, I do it myself. The same goes in and starts, when we stop I remember the conversation with Molly.

—We will not go.

I speak suddenly, he joins his thick eyebrows, not understanding what I said.

—I talked to Molly about marrying you and she doesn't want to go.

I answer with my gaze on the window, looking through the tinted glass at anything. I look at it out of the corner of my eye and see it agrees.

—I won't force you to go, if that's what you want.

His voice sounds understandable, I turn my head towards him and watch his face. I don't see any trace of irritation or anything like that. The light turns green and the car starts moving again.

—What are we going to do, then?

I ask a little distressed, as he said the main company does not stay here. And maybe he has to go. I bite my lip awaiting his response.

—Then I think I'm going to have to live with you.

He speaks looking at me and then turning his attention to the steering wheel, his words take me by surprise. Involuntarily my mouth opens to form an "O".

—But you have the company, your home. And don't tell me you don't have a life there.

—I actually do, but you are worth a lot but worth it.

Without a note, I see that we arrived at the clinic, I watch the same man turn off the car and turn his attention completely to me. What he's saying is surreal, he's switching his life to stay here, with me.

—Of course, if you let me stay.

His eyes watch every move I make, having a man like Thamur Garson living with me in a simple and humble home. It is something surreal. The same is still pending my answer, I swallow and answer.

—If it's okay with you.

His lips curl upward in a smile, he runs his hand over my face and brings his lips to mine in a quick kiss.

—Lets go in?

I agree, I got out of the car and went around opening the door for me. God, what's going on with my life.