hongjoong- he looked so angry he had no signs of sadness just anger and aggression

seonghwa- I calmed down a bit and took my hand off the wall letting hongjoong free of my grip.

seonghwa: sorry


hongjoong- seonghwa put his finger on my lips to make me stop talking

seonghwa- why won't he just shut up already

seonghwa: stay still and don't look at me shooked please

hongjoong- he took a chair and smashed the window open

hongjoong- I looked at him with a shooked expression

seonghwa: I told you not to do that, and put the shirt on I can still see your abs

hongjoong- I then noticed I still didn't have a shirt on, and put it on right away.

he jumped out of the window and signaled me to come along, I then jumped out of the window and we ran off school grounds

seonghwa: I have to go home bye

hongjoong: not so fast

seonghwa: what do you want know?!

hongjoong: well I can't go home because my dad will kill me for being out so late.

.... so can I stay at your place????

seonghwa: hahahah!! NO! are you mental? we just meet idiot!!

hongjoong: please??????!

seonghwa- well I mean I will probably be able to take advantage Soo

seonghwa: fine but only today you got it?

hongjoong: thanks we're is your house I don't want to sleep on the floor so please let me sleep somewhere comfy

seonghwa: don't worry my house can hold thousands

hongjoong: sure it can (sarcastically)


hongjoong: WHAT??!?!?? YOUR RICH?!?!

seonghwa: told you I was

hongjoong: whatever my house is bigger

seonghwa: doesn't matter Im still more rich than you

hongjoong: just shut up and go in already

seonghwa- *rolls eyes*

seonghwa: so this is my house, I will show you were you will be sleeping

hongjoong- he lead me to a guest room that was bigger than my room, I was shooked

seonghwa: sorry it's really small but I hope it's ok with you

hongjoong: ummm.....? it's huge

seonghwa: wanna see my room?

hongjoong: no thanks, I think I'm good😶

seonghwa: you sure

hongjoong: yes I'm sure

seonghwa: here change into this now I know those cloths arnt suitable for sleeping

hongjoong: umm thanks

seonghwa: don't be to unsure about being here you are the one that wanted to come here, soooo...

hongjoong just go so I can change

seonghwa:: ok

seonghwa- I walked away, but remembered something

seonghwa: HONGJOONG

I bursted open the door that hongjoong's room was in, I seen him shirtless, then seen his back

it has a "🍁" maybe it stands for something?


seonghwa: sorry!!! I just came in to say that ummm..... don't go through that door.

hongjoong: oh ok I won't

seonghwa- I left the room as fast as I could


hongjoong- I really couldn't sleep thinking about that door, seonghwa told me to not go in the room but it just makes me want to go into the room even more...

hongjoong- I just decided to go to seonghwas room, seonghwa told me were his room was just in case I needed something, and also that it was ok for me to be a bit loud because his dad is on a business trip and his mom was gone for the day, so I just decided to get up and go to his room, he said I could if I stayed in that room I would have definitely opened that door, and if he didn't tell me not to open the door I wouldn't want to, how could he, he knows that people do that when they are told not to.

hongjoong- I went by the door to hear seonghwa speaking, I then opened the door and he was on his phone looking at pictures of something

seonghwa: ohh!!!! hahaha uhhhh h-hongjoong why are you here

hongjoong: I really want to go in that room you told me not to

seonghwa: uhhhh why

hongjoong: because you told me not to

hongjoong- I then see his hand under his blanket

hongjoong: hahahahahah should I leave or not what I'm thinking

seonghwa- I noticed my hand still under my blanket, I slowly removed it from under my blanket

hongjoong: ok I just really want to open the door, why can't i

seonghwa: come here right know

hongjoong: what do you want

seonghwa: don't you dare open that door

hongjoong- he grabbed me *;) you know* and I then got scared and started to panick

seonghwa: just look at your face so ""panicked""

hongjoong: s-s-seonghwa stop it! y-you little I'm going to kill you

seonghwa- I feel sorry for him but I really don't care, he came back with me so he is going to have some fun tonight

hongjoong- I grabbed his rist and pulled it away from me

seonghwa gave hongjoong an evil smile grabbed his waist and pulled him on top of him

seonghwa: you might be making a big mistake

hongjoong: well we will see who is making a "BIG" mistake

seonghwa: I don't have any cloths on

hongjoong: hahaha I know, now what were you looking at on your phone

seonghwa: "no please don't" i tried to take it away from him but he finally got and looked at the picture I was looking at

hongjoong: were the heck did you get this photo from because I didn't take it. are you stalking me

seonghwa: no you dummy someone sent it to me

hongjoong: so did you ever see any other of my photos

seonghwa: huh?

hongjoong: good... that would have ruined the mood

seonghwa- I was actually kind of scared know he seems so intimidating and just seeing his back and abs I'm pretty sure I will not be able to walk tomorrow

seonghwa- hongjoong looked at me with and evil smile

hongjoong: why do you look so worried don't be worried be scared, I'm gonna Kill you tonight

seonghwa- oh God

seonghwa: w-wait h-huh-hongjoong s-stop

hongjoong: mmmh, stop talking

seonghwa: you are so c-cruel

hongjoong: mhmhm, *breathing deepens*

seonghwa: hongjoong ple-

hongjoong: dang it just shut up already

seonghwa- he covered my mouth with his hand. WHY ME?!!!

seonghwa- he kissed me and we continued to do a bunch of other other crazy things for the rest of the night

including using other things like you know


sorry guys I can't put anything super bad here as it is for younger fans. you can imagine the rest in your head. and also it is uncomfortable to write. hope you understand

stay safe🤗