10: End of the World

Max sighed and hugged Chloe again, she just reversed time once again, because not letting William die changed everything she had known and causes so much pain to everyone, she decided to change the past once again and return once more, letting William die and return the timeline to normal. Just as she going to talk to Chloe, she paused, a man was standing tall and straight in the doorway. Klein Knight... This mysterious guy knows more about time travel and the supernatural than her. "Are you happy now?" He asked with a slightly angry/disappointed face, which shocked Max. Suddenly, Klein coughed blood, a great amount of it, on the ground. Chloe was about to call him an asshole when she noticed it was deep, dark blood.

"*cough* *cough* You know, just because I can feel time and reality changing to accommodate an alternate timeline, I didn't know you could do that kind of stuff, found new to use your powers eh?" Klein coughed more blood while holding his chest, it didn't hurt nor caused any damage to his body, but it was irritating to cough blood every 10 minutes! "Klein! Oh my God! What happened!?" Max asked in worry, she didn't know much about him, but what she knew was that he helped her saving Kate and now he was bleeding for some strange reason. "You happened, Time Tief...You know... Some can remember things even when they technically didn't happen. Time travel is dangerous not only to yourself but to others, Maxine." Klein ended his sentence coughing more blood as he cleaned his mouth.

"Now, let's discuss what you tap have been doing..." Klein looked at the board which had names, papers, documents, and photos. "Huh... Nathan? Isn't he, like, dead already?" Klein asked as he looked at Max and Chloe, who looked confused and surprised by this information: "What?" Chloe asked as she looked at Klein's bloody hands that were ready to touch the papers: "Hey! Watch the fucking blood." Klein's hand stopped and he embarrassedly moved his hand back as suddenly something unusual and strange happened. His blood began to float from his body, forming a small sphere of concentrated blood. Even the blood on the carpet floated and became part of the sphere, Klein had the idea to control the blood inside his lungs to take it out, but he doesn't like the feeling that it brings... Like a snake leaving your guts.

That's one of the reasons Klein is coughing the blood now and then.

The sphere of blood changed into a blood butterfly and flew out of the window, where it looked like it was but a red butterfly. Max could not resist it as she took her camera and shot a photo of this strange liquid butterfly which flew away and disappeared. Klein now hands clean, touched the photo of Rachel Amber and Frank together... "I didn't know Rachal dated Frank... Interesting i guess. It's a pity that it happened to her..." Chloe's attention was instantly hooked as she looked at him and asked: "What happened to her!?" She was curious and worried, the way he said it seemed like a tragedy happened to her.

"She? I'm deeply sorry about what I'm about to say but, she's dead." Klein's words echoed deep within Chloe's heart and head, they repeated themselves like an echoing thunder, which not only affected her place expression but also made her shed tears. "No! You're lying! This can't be!" Max was shocked since she knew Chloe, Chloe never acted like this... Maybe when her father William died, but there was something else. Chloe probably had a crush on Rachel and now her heart is broken. "Listen, you may not believe me but I know it happened... I heard it. How the killers were arguing about it and how it accidental. She died of an overdose, Nathan Prescott and another man... He calls him Professor Jefferson work together in some creepy shit, the 'Dark Room'. The same place Kate was taken after she was drugged." Klein said while looking at the photo of Kate in the documents that were possibly David's.

"You know, that guy is very creepy and I don't like him. I don't have any proof against this statement but... I guess I can take you to the place and we can search for any evidence, I just want this all to end so I can rest." Klein coughed blood again, but before it could fall to the ground it floated and formed a small fish, it was very detailed and even its movements looked natural. "Because you see... SOMEONE just thought it was a great idea to bend time, space, and reality to change history and cause a fucking massive butterfly effect!" At the mention of a butterfly effect, Klein looked above Chloe's head, which had the illusion that only the butterfly sees a blue butterfly which was huge! It was bigger than an adult Golden Retriever.

"And because I am not natural, reality tried to fucking erase me! That's why I'm fucking bleeding right now." Klein coughed blood once again, this time his blood floated beside the fish and transformed into a shark, that began pursuing and attacking the blood fish, who continued to run away swimming through th air in circles. "So I will help you find the place where Jefferson and Nathan used to drug young girls and photograph them, you won't rewind time for at least two days while I heal, and I will take care of the typhoon and you leave the city with the people you care about, just get them in a fucking bus and leave because i don't think i can disperse a Class 6 Typhoon... Just slow it down a little."

Before they could say anything, Klein's wings bamfed out of his back with the cracking sound of his flesh opening and his bone-breaking noise coming from his back as it began forming... A pair of golden feathered wings, it was almost angelic if not by the fact that Klein began coughing blood again as his lungs were full of blood. Just 2 more days ad his body will adapt and absorb the energy inside and maybe he can get a skill. "I will find it first before taking you there... Because I don't know the place. I know the general direction which i will take and then come back, go to Blackwell... There's a party going on now i think... End of the World's Party or something. Be wary of Jefferson. Stay close and be careful, if any of you die, i don't know what will happen." As he finished his sentence, he vanished from their sight. Like that, they stood there for about 2 minutes before they left for the Blackwell Academy.