29: Just Bone Already.

[6 Months Later]

"So everything's ready?"

"Yeah. It will start receiving students as soon as summer is over."

"Good. Start to look over the documents of potential powers and use the influence to transfer them to our school so we can protect them."

"Yes, teacher."

Klein sighed. The school was done, all he had to do now was to bring the teachers, but that would be easily done as long as he uses his cards right. Three super-powered teachers and members of the Student Council will all have powers, for it was his way to connect the students to the school.

It's been a year since he started to train his new 5 students and they progressed so much that they were able to graduate and completed the 1st Rank, they can call themselves his students proudly and even shout it to the sky. Now, Sean, Max, Daniel, and Chloe all wanted to at least have a 2nd Rank and be considered Elite Students of his. Both Max and Sean will have difficulty achieving that because Klein has a mental barrier that protects him from every mental attack while Sean has only regeneration and his physical strength. Chloe had her ability to convert energy, which she would use to "cast" magic, which was just shaping energy and using it to attack. It can be considered a low level of magic, but the real magic is to create matter from energy and enchant it using energy to attack, which is something Klein is learning.

Daniel had the power with the most potential, his control was great enough that he can control more than 10,000 spheres at the same time, he just needs the theoretical knowledge to be able to start to control matter and change it. He is having a hard time learning it because he is just 13 years old, Klein also thinks he has ADHD because he can't focus on one thing for long, and if that isn't having fun with his ability, then he can't focus at all. Klein is patient with Daniel while explaining it every day for him until he learns, after all, they have a year till the Memory Wiping happens. Klein has been keeping tracking the organization and trying to find about the person who will erase the memories, but until now he couldn't find anything about that person. He suspects that this person is being kept by someone with the power to erase someone's existence without erasing their existence.

It is complicated...

Erasing their existence without erasing their existence. Erasing all information, memories, or even knowledge that this person exists but not erasing the person, this ability might have a limited effect because Shunsuke and Klein remember ever talking about this person, everyone else doesn't. Their memories were erased about this person just by saying this person exists...

(A/N: Like Forgetmenot but for other people)

Klein focused on increasing the ranks of two of his abilities, and it was hard. It took him 6 months to raise these abilities ranks from (F) to (D)... It naturally is a very difficult ability to use! Klein almost accidentally opened a black hole, it was good that he had the ability [Meta Powers: Gravity Control (S)] to control the gravity of the black hole, his reaction speed was amazing, if he was late to react then the earth would be gone.

These abilities were:

[Meta Powers: Meta Space Manipulation (D)]


[Meta Powers: Meta Time Manipulation (D)]

The amount of energy and patience to successfully use this ability is enormous and Klein had a hard time learning how fragile the laws of time and space are. Only one slip and the whole world could have ended before he could even blink, this is very dangerous indeed. Klein could use [Meta Powers: Meta Space Manipulation (D)] to open portals to places he has already been to, which he used to bring Maw to Japan, where his two lovers were. Right now, they were hugging awkwardly while doing small talk and trying to not do something weird.

"Can't you three just bone and be done with it?" Sean asked. Max, Chloe, and Daniel, all held their laughter as Klein chuckled. They spent too much time with Klein! "What the fuck are you teaching those kids, Klein!?" Amanda asked while looking a little embarrassed towards Klein, who just smirked and said: "I told them your situation. They all got the same conclusion... They spent too much time with me I guess." Shrugging, Klein did not care about the awkwardness that took place in this room. "Anyway, you three are going to teach a bunch of kids. Ready?" Klein asked them in Japanese, all three nodded as they learned Japanese after a whole year of great effort to not get their ass beaten up by Klein.

"Amanda you are the English teacher. Kevin, you are the Art teacher. And you Herald, you are the Counsellor, your job is to analyze the mental state of the children and help them. You understand that, right? When children go to detention, you will be there too. Keep your eyes, ears, and nose ready to analyze everyone." Klein explained their roles, Herald sighed. He was good at analyzing people because of mainly his power which gave him greater senses, but also because of his previous profession, be for the was captured. He was a psychologist, yeah, ironic right? He can't help but chuckle at that... "When classes see back, so will you three. So you all have three months to awkwardly live together and bone. This is your house now, the keys are in that drawer, there are some documents and money too. Take it easy and be happy." Klein said, he gave them no time to say anything as his hands moved and a portal was opened, he and his students darted towards the portal and left the apartment.

"So..." Kevin began. "Should we... bone?"

-Scene Ends-

A/N: Who can get the reference gets a cookie