42: New Apprentice


*gust of wind*

*dust blown away*

A series of events happened in the next 6 days in which Yoinaegi arrived at the island. First off, today was the day in which 90% of the world's population will awaken their power, the energy in the air is practically gone by now, which means people around the world were subconsciously absorbing It inside their bodies and using that energy to energize their dormant mutated cells, which are now going to awaken. Klein estimates that there is a good 5 minutes before the whole world goes into chaos as people get power, he suspects that there will be more than one world ruler wannabe that will want to take over the world.

(Read this over dramatically):

And who would stop them? Who would stand up against these people? Who would fight for their freedom and who would even bet their lives in protecting the innocent?

(Cut to deadpan):

Well, Klein certainly wouldn't.

Who is stupid enough to sacrifice their life for someone they don't know? Who would "fight evil" without getting anything from it? That's just free labor. Also, these "heroes" can pretty much-become government puppets, that is why he would rather become a vigilante or villain himself. Maybe he should? I mean, All for One is secretly stealing powers, which won't be so secret when he notices that 90% of the world would get abilities. But who would notice or even care that someone, somewhere lost their ability? That's humanity for you, they don't care about anything until it happens to them. It's just seeing Africa and feeling pity for them, but you will never feel what they feel or felt before, which impedes you from feeling sympathy... Humans' emotions are confusing.

Back to the begging.

Klein trying to develop his [Meta Powers: Meta Space Manipulation (D)] by creating a technique that would need a great amount of control and focus, which would be something that will help him in increasing this ability's rank. What is this technique? Simple, he would tear a simple, dimension line between space and the target, open it at insane speed, and close it. The void would absorb the air around it for a second, creating a vacuum that would be filled with a lot of air at the same time, causing an explosion. And that's what Klein wants, he will take that kinetic energy and concentrate it in one single sphere, which will have the power of a grenade and can increase in power if Klein keeps adding energy.

Why is he doing this?

Klein wants to be prepared to fight against someone more powerful than him which could defeat him quickly. Even though he might not die in that battle, nor feel any pain, he would still be defeated and he hates being weak or losing so be prepared he shall, the bomb attack got so strong that charging it for 5 seconds can create a blast strong enough to be comparable to a nuclear bomb! The rift in space is now half a mile long as Klein opens and closes it, creating a huge explosion area where he takes it and concentrates it into a kinetic bomb. The best part is that kinetic energy is very unstable, which makes this training hard for Klein, which will help him increase his [Meta Powers: Meta Space Control (D)] up to rank (C) and hopefully (B).

Seeing Klein do that, Yoinaegi tried to imitate him and almost lost an arm, soon Klein realized the boy was bored and trying to play with powers and because he was there, the boy would try to imitate whatever he was doing. Klein then had the idea of training the boy, which worked pretty well because he was a genius! He learned everything Klein taught him extremely fast, principally techniques using energy that he could gather from the air, like energy constructs and energy blasts, Klein saw that in one day the boy had learned more than any of his students ever learned about their power. He also discovered that the boy needed to first absorb energy from around him, it may be passively simply breathing or actively by meditation.

His maximum capacity would also increase with his body strength, which Klein needed to work on because the boy's body was weaker than wet paper! A simple breeze could make the boy sick, this made his energy reserves extremely thin, so he had to work on his control and uses because he had little energy to work with. Maybe in the future, he will have enough energy to cause great damage to his enemies. He also began to have the same training as Klein's other students, his bones were broken and regenerated so he could get a weak healing factor, and he was fed Boost Fruits, these fruits increased ever so little the maximum capacity of the energy his body could handle, just like energy could strengthen his body, the energy from the fruit could too.

However, it was only three days, no matter how great his progress was, in three days nothing major could happen to him but his incredible learning speed and control over his abilities, it was like he was born doing it.

Today, however, was a special day.

Today chaos will reign! Today, Klein woke up to the news of a new era, the era of powers. 90% of the world population suddenly awoke powers out of nowhere on the same day (?) at the same time. This would certainly cause chaos because some people might not be able to control their abilities and cause disasters, others may alter their physical appearance and deform them in some way, or even be harmful. Klein would also like to know how the government would react now, would they still go to war against each other? Klein will give it 2 years maximum before they start to think about war again... It is such a pity, he wanted to be on the battlefield killing people... Maybe his emotions would subside if he simply let them all put in one go, going berserk and killing everything? Maybe.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

I'm thinking about writing some events that happen. Also, maybe some "natural events" happen as well, like someone who awoke the power to cause earthquakes and can't control their power... You know? Stuff like that.

Also, I will make it more X-Men, have some people have random negative powers such as glass bones, transparent skin, or even the power to only explode their head. Like, they don't need their head to live and they can grow another one, they just can make it explode.