67: Extreme Danger

Imiya Yatamoto was a reincarnated individual. When she died bleeding out with an open wound on her back after fighting for her friend's safety, she got her wish. What she was fighting again? Oh don't worry, it was just a big white pale humanoid creature with the ability to unhinge his jaw and screams whenever someone sees his face. Entering a murder streak that will only end when the person that saw his face is dead. Let's just say someone spread his photos around on the internet. But that is not important right now, because, after death, she was received by some random God that explained to her that after she fought with the creature and died, an organization appeared and took the creature with them, and also that her last gesture saved millions of people.

What was her last action? She took her pocket mirror and showed the creature its reflection. She didn't know what happened after because she died not long after, but the old man told her the creature killed itself after seeing his very reflection. This saved millions of people because soon after he would go around the world, killing every single entity that saw his face, getting faster and faster as more and more people would have seen his face. So the old man granted her an opportunity: She would spin a wheel and get a random world, then she could choose one power that she would have, and after that, she could live freely. She found it suspicious at first but went with that anyway, after all, she was dead and there was no return.

After she spun the wheel, it stopped in [Boku no Hero Academia] and the Rob, as it called himself, congratulated her and had her choose a power, she remembered how her little sister and a friend of hers would say if she ever gets the opportunity to be reincarnated, she should go with a power that has potential to grow and not instantly powerful. She didn't question and asked for power with great potential that could grow with her, and she got a system.

Not a normal system.

A [Gamer] system! With [Options], [Status], [Inventory], and even a [Shop]. She could buy things, such as a quirk, which was very pricy but she got one. It was called [Radar] and she could sense everything around her as a sphere of energy would detect everything that entered and left its range of 5 meters. It didn't consume energy from her when in its a passive state, but when she consumed energy to increase the range of the skill, then it could reach hundreds of meters. She could also get skills, she regretted buying a quirk later on when she learns magic, but that's okay. One of her skills was [Observe], which gave her information about everything about the person.

Their [Lvl], [Status], [Skills], [Titles], [Job], and even what they are feeling right that instant. She leveled up this one up to the maximum level, so much that she neglected some skills of hers... Anyway, when she got this skill to level max, she could know anything about anyone unless their level was above hers in at least 10 levels. She was [Lvl: 100] now, so practically no one could hide information from her! She was really strong but also really stupid, she had physical combat prowess as she grinded her levels fighting monsters with her hands and ignoring her magical abilities. Now in U.A, she is learning a little bit more on how to use her... "Quirk".

Well, she could use her stored points to raise her [Int] stats and be done with it, but she would rather not arise any more suspicious... Her brother is already enough. In this life, she has a twin brother by the name of Yatashi Yatamoto and he was annoying. His quirk was the ability to phase through walls and float, he is a literal ghost! One day he saw her vanish from her bedroom when she was entering an Instant Dungeon she made with her skill. Since then he is convinced she has some deep dark secret she hides from the family... Which isn't that far from the truth. She is in Class-1 A while her brother is in Class 1-B, both were in U.A and made their parents so proud...

Imiya was very proud of her strength and when she saw Izuku throw the ball at meters away, she knew she could copy that with her physical power, but she was here to train her magic power so she touched the ball and sent it to space by teleportation. It was a skill tome she found in a dungeon and for the first time, learned it. She was impressed with it and continued to train it, after a week she got popular and was selected as the class representative. She was on the bus, sitting near the window when she looked at Izuku, who looked tense. She decided to use her [Observe] on him and she was surprised.

[Name: Izuku Midorya]

[Age: 16]

[Job: Student]

[Quirk: One for All]

[Lvl: 20]

[Titles: Deku, Wimpy, Quirkless Idiot, Useless, All Might's Successor.]

[Status: Healthy, Slightly Nervous and Scared]


Str: 21

End: 25

Dex: 26

Int: 55

Wis: 55

Char: 100

Luck: 100,000]


[Mumble Mumble lvl Max], [Courage (Stupidity) lvl Max], [Whip lvl Max], [...]

[Threat Level: Harmless for you.]

[Seems stressed no one else can see it but him, and it is following him with its black, hollow eyes.]

Imiya looked outside of the window and saw nothing, she decided to use her [Radar] quirk and found out... Nothing as well. So she, in her mind, declared that Izuku was having a hallucination. However, when they arrived at USJ, a sudden message appeared on her system:

[Attention! Attention! An external force is trying to forcibly remove the system! I repeat, an external force is trying to forcibly remove the system! Activating emergency protocol, the system will shut down for 24 hours.]

She immediately spun around and used [Observe] till she saw a screen appear in front of her:




[Titles: Wicked Angel]

[Job: N/A]










[Threat Level:???]

Her body froze. 'WICKED ANGEL!?' She shouted internally as she remembered every single history book she read about the Wicked Angel and how brutal he was, how powerful he was, and how dangerous he was, but she always thought it was a simple exaggeration of the facts... But now, she sees it, The Wicked Angel is dangerous. Extremely dangerous.