69: Spoiled Blood (Nice)

After that whole ordeal with the villains attacking USJ, Klein was once again bored out of his mind as he nothing to do but try to train... No, he could do some things, like killing something! But if he kills something, he knows he is going on a rampage and will only stop when his bloodlust is satisfied, which seems to grow stronger and stronger every day. He fears he might lose control... His Psionic energy is going rampant a lot more than it would normally do, it is a sign that his feelings are getting in the way. Every Telepath would know that feelings, emotions are energy that can be used as fuel, but it is also a nuisance when your psionic powers are too strong.

You lose control easily because even a little bit of emotion can make you lose control. Klein only doesn't lose control because of his [All Mighty Powers: Superior Adaptation (EX)] that quickly adapts his mind to the errant psionic energy, preventing a backlash of powerful mental energy that could explode his head.

With a sigh, he decided to do a little meditation to calm down... It was when it happened. Memories flashed, his head hurts, he is looking at a field of blood and flesh, his eyes land on a reflection of himself holding a severed human head still connected to a spine, it looked like it was removed from the body recently as there was still blood and some pieces of flesh. The reflection swung the spine still connected to the head, laughing while channeling energy on the spine, making it expand and be filled with blood, transforming into a blood puppet. Suddenly the reflection of himself smiles and looks at him, then he knows this was something he did in the 3rd World War, this was known through a poem known as the "Spoiled Blood" where the author tells the world about a beast...

The reflection smiled, and began to speak, Klein knew that poem with the back of his hand... After all, it was he who wrote it:

"With red eyes and bloodied hands"

"The beast stands upon the lands"

"Harvesting lives and souls"

"Taking names of those once known"

"With burning hands and hurting feet"

"Running through the fields of blood"

"From this great beast flee"

"Fighting back only leads you to an ending, not so good"

"Oh spoiled blood that gashes this battlefield"

"Oh spoiled blood that breaks the justice shield"

"Oh spoiled blood that rotten this land"

"Oh spoiled blood, walking with death hand in hand"

"Oh, spoiled blood, when will this over be?"

"Oh, spoiled blood, a question I ask you"

"Oh, spoiled blood, how many deaths are upon thee?"

"Oh, spoiled blood, have mercy on us too"

(A/N: This poem above was written by me, I like poetry, but I feel like I could do better. Not now though, am tired)

When the reflection finished reciting the poem, Klein sighed and said: "I know... My bloodlust is so strong that even my emotions founded a way to materialize in a hallucination... But I refuse." Klein smiled at the reflection. "Not yet at least... I promised myself that I wouldn't do it, I wouldn't simply commit genocide because I want to. I am not that insane yet... Yet." Klein chuckled as the reflection of his smiled, melting into the blood below him, he knew that his body was adapting to the energy in his body that was being produced by his emotions, but he still gets tired.

Klein continued to try and calm down, but he couldn't. Every time he closes his eyes, his reflection appears before him, quoting a poem or showing him the things he has done, like that one time he used [Manipulation: Blood] to have the blood inside a person burst out in spikes, spinning, and destroying their body to oblivion. Or that one time he used [Physiology: Bladed Body] and made blades spread out of his body as he danced on the battlefield, cutting and killing every single person... Ally or enemy. He didn't care, all he wanted was to kill something to feel alive because everyone was a threat to his security. Everyone wanted to kill him and he was never truly safe, he is only safe when there is no one else to bother him.

Klein opened his eyes, he knew he had closed them when he was alone in his apartment. He looked outside just to see the sun setting down... He looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it has been a whole day since he has been meditating and trying to calm down. He never truly accepted that he is as aggressive and murderous as he is because he is scared, scared of everyone, and everything that he thinks wants to kill him. It kinda makes sense if you think about his time in the Afterlife Battle Royale Arena, where everything and everyone wanted to kill everything and be the last one standing... He kinda wishes he trusted someone, but in the back of his head, there is always a voice telling him not to trust everyone because they want to kill him.

Shaking his head and deciding to not think about it, Klein just sighed and got up, he has some questions for a certain purple-haired girl that seems to be a reincarnated individual. He just hopes she didn't come through the Afterlife Battle Royale, that would make her a threat... Big or small but a threat nonetheless. He will go when the sun rises, after all, you can't just be creepy- You know what? Klein is worse than creepy, so why would he care? A blue portal opened in front of him and he crossed it, appearing on top of a skyscraper, from his back a pair of golden feathery wings appeared and he flew away, going for a talk.

-Scene Ends-

Author Notes:

I've been bored and decided to write another chapter about Klein's mental state that is deteriorating! This world is ending soon, maybe 6 or 8 more chapters.