75: Tea?

The lady was as beautiful as the first sunlight of the first day of spring, he golden hair blew with the wind as the whispers of the earth and soil spoke about her beauty, she was wearing green robes and had a single, red flower on her left ear. Klein looked at where he has landed and saw that he destroyed some part of this woman's properties, but what he found strange was that everything around this was frozen complete winter, no flower grew... No tree had green leaves, no bird would sing, and no life could felt unless in this very small pocket of spring amongst the coldest of winters. Klein quickly got up, using [Manipulation: Earth (S)] to put the earth where it was before he deeply carved through it, he bowed in apology and said:

"I apologize for destroying your beautiful garden, my name is Klein, may I know yours?" The woman frowned a little but still couldn't hide the surprise behind her expression, she smiled politely and said: "My name is Persephone, j am the owner of this garden that you transpasses. Now, tell me Fallen Star, how come you fell from the heavens above?" She was curious, that was certain, she wanted to know why Klein fell from the sky like a ball of fire. "I was in a meeting with Chaos, they permitted me to visit this world, so here I am. And must I say, I'm impressed by the beauty of this place, I once again ask for your forgiveness... I did not intend to damage your garden."

Persephone looked deeply into Klein's eyes as if to search for any kind of lie within his words, but found none. "Now tell me, young God, what have you come to do in this mortal world?" Persephone was a very curious girl, indeed, it was because of that she was successfully kidnapped by Hades, Lord of the Underworld, and was able to become the queen of such place. "Oh well, I've come to see the wonders... The mortals... And maybe learn more about everything. Chaos told me about some things but did go profoundly into the depths of the history of this world, maybe you would be so kind to tell me more about this world, lady Persephone?"

Persephone was quite surprised to see such a young God with manners! She soon remembered her son, Zagreus, which was dead by now... She still can't face it, the Fates told Hades he wouldn't have an heir and that Zagreus would die, she still believed he could live even though it would defy Fate, but when he died she could not hold on and left. What she didn't know was that a short after she left (And Klein left Halls of Cosmus), Nyx went to speak with her daughters to be able to resurrect the child that died, going against her daughters. The resurrection would take some time, but it was certain it would be a success because Nyx made her daughters change fate for it to be so.

"Oh well, You look to be a young God, with no affiliation with Olympus...?" Klein titled his head to the side, it reminded Persephone of her favorite living creature of the whole Underworld... Cerberus. "I do not associate myself with Olympus and their likes," Klein answered truthfully and Persephone looked deeply into his eyes, he didn't flinch as she analyzed him. Years with her mother Demeter, learning from her mother how to spot a lie and know when someone is to be trusted or not led to this moment, Persephone could are through Klein... And all she could see was curiosity comparable to a child and Sincerity, not once had he lied to her. She nodded, well she has been alone for a long time in this garden she created for herself at the edge of the Styx River, in case she wanted to go back to the Underworld one day... Who knows?

"I may tell you about the things you want to know... Now ask right away, it's been quite a while since I sat down with some tea and company to talk about things." Persephone smiled, entering her small abode, she took a tea kettle made by herself and began to stir up some tea. Klein was quite surprised to see this, he wondered if Greeks created teas or just drinks in general, he knew that wine had a deep root within Greek mythology. Hell! There's even a wine God! "Come, drink with me and let's talk." Persephone cheerfully guided Klein to a small place near the Styx River where a small table and a stool were. Persephone embarrassedly said: "Forgive me for being unprepared, I do only have one seat." Klein shook his head.

"Do not worry lady Persephone, this can be easily taken care of." The dirt beneath Klein's feet rose and formed a detailed chair with floral pattern, Klein sat down and cheerfully looked at Persephone, who sat down on her seat and offered him some tea. Klein drank it and soon both began to speak about this world and its wonders...

Who knew that day a great friendship would be born between the two?

-Scene Ends-

This chapter is only 800+ words because I am sleepy, it's just I am too generous and wanted to post another chapter.

You're welcome.