88: Sweet Sadistic Smile.

Zagreus soon asked: "Okay. I need you to trust me and close your eyes."

Klein raised his left eyebrow, doubting why should he, but soon he saw Zagreus's puppy eyes and slowly gave in, closing his eyes. It's like he is going to die anyway, even if Zagreus can hurt him it won't be fatal as Klein can probably regenerate faster than he can damage him, making him pretty much invincible for Zagreus to kill. Plus, Klein would feel any danger being directed at him in any way, and he thinks Zagreus is not a threat. When he closed his eyes, he made sure that he would still be listening to what Zagreus was doing. Without letting go of his hand, Zagreus got down and touched the backpack, opening it and taking something out.

Klein presumed it was a gift of some sort, why would Zagreus give him a gift other than to try and court him? Let's see if it's worthy of his majestic being! Okay, not so arrogant. "Y-you can open your eyes now." Klein slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a small, cute canine creature with red eyes, black fur, a short tail, and big teeth for a baby. "It's a small Hellhound... They are native of the Underworld, you can find them easily there, they breed like bunnies. Is that expression right? Mother taught me but I don't know what a bunny is." Klein, however, did not answer as his eyes were locked with the puppy's eyes.

"Hum... Klein?" Zagreus asked a little nervous, did he not like the gift? Is this the wrong thing? Did he fail? But all his doubts were answered when Klein moved his left hand and touched the puppy's head and Zagreus could swear he could see pink bubbles floating around his body. Klein was expressionless but Zagreus felt like he was smiling, the puppy also cooperated very well, and as soon as Zagreus put it down, it ran up to Klein and jumped on his lap, where he began to receive numerous pets from Klein. Zagreus sighed in relief and soon smiled as he looked at how Klein gave attention to the cute thing and for some reason, he felt a little bit jealous.

"Thank you," Klein said. It's not every day he receives something from someone... I mean, he would occasionally get gifts from Persephone and give her gifts as well, but he never received a dog! Klein had already decided the name of the eleventh generation of this Hellhound when he looked back at Zagreus to see him smiling happily. Why was he smiling for? He just thanked him there is no big deal about it. Unknown to him, he gave Zagreus a small smile, which was so natural he didn't even feel his muscles moving. "You're welcome," Zagreus answered, soon the atmosphere around them started to become a little awkward for Zagreus, as he couldn't find something to talk about.

Soon, Zagreus saw salvation! The last apple that was on the table, a softly glowing azure blue apple. "And... What's this one?" As soon as Zagreus asked, Klein's focus shifted back to the apple on the table... He sighed, Zagreus looked at Klein surprised for a second to suddenly see melancholy in his eyes as the apple reminded him of a simple time, where he was teaching his students in Elysium, the Archipelago. "This is a Booster Fruit... It increases someone's ability to handle C-01 Energy and enhances their gene if the gene is mutated by the energy stated prior. It has several uses, but its juice is liquid C-01 energy and can be used in serums too." Klein smiled as he explained the uses of the serum to Zagreus.

Klein was a nerd. Surprising, right? He liked to talk about the things he loved, and he learned to love some things such as DnD, he misses playing it with his students when they were all bored out of their minds and wanted to do something interesting. His first character was a Draconic Sorcerer, he even faked spells by conjuring the energy in his hands and producing illusions of the spells. It was fun...

Zagreus's mind was spinning as he tried to understand what exactly was Klein talking about, but soon he began to speak about things he was curious about: "And before you came, I was ready to experiment plant transformation with Divine Energy, Cosmic Energy, Void Energy, and mixed Energies." The term Divine Energy is something he grew up with, his father always telling him to learn how to use it for his benefit, ever since he was a young child he would follow his father's instructions on how to use Divine Energy... But nothing would happen. "Divine Energy?" Zagreus asked, assuming he was confused, Klein said: "The energy every God or powerful being can use to manipulate the fabric of reality with relative ease?" Zagreus shook his head, saying: "No, I know what Divine Energy is, but I don't know how to use it... Or even if I have it."

Klein stated: "You do have it in your body. I can feel it." He could feel Zagreus's Divine Energy in his body, as well as his Lifeforce, Psionic, and Soul (Spiritual) Energies. "Mother told me you have excellent control over Divine Energy... Maybe you could teach me?" Zagreus asked hopefully, Klein was curious about Zagreus's Divinity so he accepted.

-Scene Cut-

"Anything else happens when you die other than being reborn at the bottom of the Halls of Hades?" Klein asked as he wrote down what Zagreus said a few minutes ago about his fighting capabilities. "Oh, right. When I die in the Underworld, I can defy death and not die, but stay alive and not be reborn within the depths of the Halls of Hades... I call it Death Defied." Klein raised an eyebrow, but he did not question Zagreus's naming sense, after all, his was just as bad. "Does it happen out of the Underworld?" Zagreus shook his head, saying no. "Does it work in other people?" Zagreus began to ponder, but he never really tried!

"I've never tried," Zagreus said with a smile. Klein nodded and said: "Well... You said you want to learn how to use Divine Energy, right?" Zagreus nodded. "Then I'll teach you..." Zagreus was happy! Klein agreed to teach him how to use Divine Energy! He will surely be able to do everything Klein can... Right?

Wait... Why does he feel like he is cold all of a sudden? Is he going back to the Underworld? No, it was only Klein smiling at him. Huh, odd. A sweet, sadistic, smile.

-Scene Ends-

Author Notes:




