102: Olympus Banquet (Part 1)

Hermes nervously walked forward, behind him came a very formally dressed Zagreus, with black robes and dark-golden leaf crown, his eyes shone in appreciation as Hermes just took them with him to Olympus, it was easy enough for him to do after all. Hermes was nervous because he was being watched like a hawk, the man behind Zagreus was wearing robes as well as an ear accessory Klein himself made for Zagreus, which he thought was not good enough for him to wear, but Zagreus was wearing it anyway. It was Klein that picked Zagreus's clothing so Zagreus naturally picked Klein's clothing as well!

Klein was wearing black robes as well, but they only covered the lower half of his body as the upper half was exposed, On the left shoulder he presented a piece of golden armor that had spikes and looked like a Gladiator piece of armor, his right arm was free but his right arm wasn't, with two different golden bracelets on his arm and forearm were connected by golden chains that were over his shoulder and dangled on his upper body. He was wearing no sandals just like Zagreus, but there were chains around his legs as well as what would be considered by modern-day people a skirt that was also made of gold that dangled there, just above the dark black robes that covered Klein's lower half till his tighs, exposing his strong legs.

On his head, there was also a golden crown, a little different from Zagreus's crown but was equally as beautiful. With both of them walking side by side, one would think one of them was the emperor whole the other the guard, with Klein being the guard in this case. Zagreus was trained to be royalty, so of course, he knows how to portray that. As Hermes was leading them through the golden bricks of the streets of Olympus, Zagreus was comparing it to the Underworld... This place was too shiny for his likes, but it was beautiful as well. Klein followed Zagreus around like a duckling follows their mother, Zagreus would stop Hermes and ask him about some buildings, and Klein would wait patiently and sometimes even comment about one thing or the other.

When they arrived at the place they should be, Klein felt a presence observing him, he moved his head back and stared at the one staring at him, his eyes came in contact with a woman of pink hair, barely wearing anything and smiling at him while looking at his body... Klein frowned and got closer to Zagreus, taking his hand as gripping it tightly hoping he would not be bothered by that woman. Zagreus suddenly felt a shiver run down his spine and moved his head around slowly, searching for the source of the feeling when he saw the same pink-haired woman Klein was talking about just a second ago to him, just like don't look at her or something. But just as he looked at her, he felt like she was beautiful! Zagreus is bisexual, so he is attracted to both people of his gender and different gender, so when he looked at her he thought she was beautiful...

Zagreus didn't know, but his eyes were glowing pink as he looked at her.

The woman suddenly fell limp on the floor, her head was nowhere to be seen, and when Zagreus looked at Klein he could swear he heard him gulping something down while golden blood dripped from his lips. Hermes, however, saw it... Klein's mouth unhinged like a snake and his neck expanded so fast he thought he was dreaming, from the neck several mouths appeared together with eyes and teeth, it quickly flew towards Aphrodite and bit off her head, but not only that, it also cut her body to tiny pieces! Just as the body fell, it detached into uncountable pieces. Klein smiled at Zagreus as if nothing had happened, and even Hermes did not dare to think about the thing he just saw... From the pieces of flesh, Aphrodite was reborn because her punishment was way worse, not only this time she could no longer use her Divinity even though she had Divine Energy, but she was also imprisoned in time.

The moment Klein cut her head of and ate it, cutting her body to tiny pieces, he locked her consciousness into a loop of loneliness and pain. It lasted uncountable years, but only miserable seconds passed. Klein did not like she tried to charm Zagreus... He needs to teach Zagreus how to protect his mind.

[Ability Registered

[Enchantment: Love Divinity (S)]

Increases Charisma and grants you love magic... Just that.

[Magical Powers: Love Magic (F)]

From making someone fall in love to breaking someone's heart, Love Magic is very abstract and free to use.

Please have a nice day.]

Zeus did not even notice that Aphrodite died and was reborn from her very flesh in seconds, without her Divinity this time. When he saw Zagreus enter the palace, he smiled and raised his hands to the ceiling, and shouted: "The guests are here! Let the party begin!" Soon music began to fill the palace, the guests of the banquet were some nymphs, spirits, lovers of the gods, some heroes, and the Gods and Goddess themselves! Zeus noticed that there was something different about Aphrodite, but she was just on her corner, not talking to someone or even speaking at all... She is like that when her favorite couple doesn't get together after she tries to help and one of them dies or something like that, so he just left her alone and focused on the threat.

That man following Zagreus, Hermes told him he was dangerous and strong, he must be sure that this man doesn't go against him in any way, shape, or form.

When he narrowed his eyes at the man, the man looked back at him and stared into his eyes, it was then that he noticed ichor, the golden blood of the gods, flowing down his lips. 'What?' Zeus was confused for a second before he looked to see Aphrodite cowering when the man looked at her, Zeus had a bad feeling about this. "I welcome our guests to Olympus, Zagreus my nephew, how are you? I hope Hades is as boring as he always was!" Zeus chuckled loudly as Ares went to talk to Aphrodite and Hermes, which was sweating, came to talk to Zeus. He needs to tell him...