105: Good Boy (Part 2)


As soon as those words left his lips, Zagreus was kissed by Klein who as gently as possible, began to pull his robes away. Klein already was almost completely naked, take away the thin cloth merely covering his boner and then he would be on his birthday suit. Zagreus enjoyed the kiss and placed his hands on Klein's head, messing his hair that felt very soft. Klein's beard tickled his hairless face a little making him smile and giggle a little. Klein chuckled with Zagreus as his fingers touched Zagreus's cheat and abdominal area, his fingers gently going upwards to Zagreus's cheeks to hold his head and caress his face.

Zagreus gave in and let Klein hold him, and Klein did exactly that. He held Zagreus close to him and kissed him a few minutes more, just those kisses made Zagreus weak and somewhat submissive. Klein chuckled when he saw Zagreus's lustful expression, he then said in a slightly commanding voice: "Sit." Zagreus unconsciously did that, he thought back to Megaera, which would command him to do things too, but with Klein, it felt different...

It felt good.

Zagreus decided to forget about the fury and focus on the hot beefcake in front of him. When he sat down, Klein sat down in front of him and smiled, reaching his hand for Zagreus's erect penis. It was smaller and cuter than his, it would be half the size of his own. While Zagreus was completely average, Klein was double the size of that easily. Zagreus only saw glimpses of Klein's full erection before, and he knew he had a monster under his pants but this... Zagreus gulped and wondered if he would be alive after they were done... But he thinks he would die happily at least.

Seeing his momentary fear, Klein stopped and asked: "Are you okay? I can stop if you want me to." Zagreus just shook his head and whispered near Klein's ears: "Is just... Big. The biggest one I've ever seen." Klein felt happy for some reason, you know men and compliments, they don't get complimented very often so when you get one you love it dearly. Klein pressed his lips over Zagreus's neck and shoulder blade, where he began to suck the skin, giving him a hickey. Zagreus slowly lied down on the bed just as Klein said, once again, in a slightly ordering tone: "Spread your legs." Which made him spread his legs without a second thought, Klein approached his erection while Zagreus eye his when suddenly he felt a cold liquid on his dick which made him squeak. Klein raised an eyebrow and then smiled mischievously as his member throbbed just by the sound that Zagreus just made... It sounded cute, almost like a rabbit, so in this situation, he was the BIG bad wolf.

His finger touched Zagreus's hole as he slowly penetrated a finger, ready to prepare his lover. He doesn't want to hurt him, but it will be a little hard not to because of his size and girth... Zagreus sighed and grunted when he felt the lubricated finger of Klein touch him. "What's that?" Zagreus asked as he saw a bottle beside Klein, Klein smiled and showed the nectar bottle he gave him months ago. Zagreus was surprised, he asked: "You kept it?" Klein moved his head awkwardly to the side and his other hand soon began to scratch his neck. Zagreus soon noticed that Klein was blushing a little, his finger still inside him, he said: "It was the first gift I received from you."

Zagreus almost died, how can someone be hot and cute at the same time!? Can't he just choose one!? Klein, however, coughed and said: "Anyway..." As his three fingers left Zagreus's fully relaxed hole. "Now... Can I?" Zagreus was surprised because he had not noticed that there were three fingers inside him, and by the smile Klein gave him, his confusion was visible as Klein said: "While you were talking, your body relaxed, so I tried to keep your attention elsewhere while I prepared you." Zagreus smiled softly at Klein, he soon remembered the monster in front of his hole and took a deep breath before nodding. Klein slowly pushed his penis inside Zagreus's tight hole, which made Zagreus groan in pain as even though he was prepared for it, it was big enough that his body was trying to open itself to accommodate it.

When Zagreus thought Klein was fully in, he looked down to see that he was halfway through, he felt like Klein had gone much deeper than that, and seeing that only half was inside made him take a deep breath. Klein patiently waited as Zagreus breathed in and out slowly to try and adapt to this new and strange feeling. It was then that he nodded to Klein that he could keep going in, to which Klein hesitated a little before going further.

Zagreus felt like he was being torn in half, but he had torn in half before so he knows how it feels, and this feels a lot less but still a little painful. Zagreus suddenly gasped when he felt something hit a part of his body that he didn't know he had, his body reacted as his hole clenched tight again and his muscles tensed. Klein knew what this was, he had found the prostate. Zagreus panted as Klein a little concerned offered his hand, which Zagreus took with his teeth and started to suck his fingers. There was still some nectar there. And nectar is very intoxicating for Gods... Zagreus soon nodded to Klein and said: "You can move." Klein pulled back and Zagreus relaxed as Klein mobed as slow as possible, making him clench again when Klein entered him and once again hit the same spot. It was sweet and something Zagreus never felt before.

"Again... Do it again." Zagreus pleaded as Klein started to pick a pace, faster than before. Zagreus would react every time his prostate was hit, his small squeals and moans made Klein smile and smirk every time he hit them, Zagreus didn't know how much time had passed when he finally could not handle it anymore and the ejaculation process began. His muscles tensed as a white liquid was released by his penis, in great quantity and several shots. Klein also did not care and proceeded to cum inside Zagreus, making Zagreus moan loudly as he felt his insides getting full.

Klein soon took his penis out and Zagreus's ass released the massive quantity of semen from inside by popping bubbles of white liquid together with the golden Nectar, Klein raised an eyebrow again, he knew it would happen but he didn't know he could cum si much... He smiled and soon approached Zagreus's hole with his tongue and scooped some of the semen out with his tongue, taking it to his mouth. He grabbed Zagreus by the chin and raised his head slightly, kissing him and mouth feeding his semen to Zagreus. Zagreus was surprised by this but he swallowed subconsciously making Klein smile and ask: "What do we say when someone gives us something?" Zagreus weakly answered, his voice very hoarse from all the moaning: "T-thank you..."

Klein smiled and kissed Zagreus's forehead and whispered: "Good boy."

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

Writing this was awkward as hell, had to ask someone I knew because I am a virgin soul. He told me what I should write, since he and his partner are very open about sex I made some questions and they answered them. Also, the cum-feeding is something I learned to write this...

Kinda hot not gonna lie.

Also, finer details because ya'll pervert:

Average Dick:

Size: 9.16 cm/3.61 inches (not hard) 13.12 cm (hard)

Girth: 9.31 cm/3.66 inches (not hard) 11.66 cm/4.59 inches (hard)



9 centimeters (not hard) 3.54 inches (not hard)

14 centimeters (hard) 5.51 inches (hard)


10 centimeters (not hard) 3.93 inches (not hard)

13 centimeters (hard) 5.11 (hard)



20 centimeters (not hard) 7.87 inches (not hard)

36 centimeters (hard) 14.17 inches (hard)


15 centimeters (not hard) 5.90 inches (not hard)

25 centimeters (hard) 9.84 inches (hard)

And thanks to that research, I found out I am above average. It gave me a good ego boost. Also, if you are curious, I hope you have good research... For academic purposes, of course.)