139: Arrival

In a different world, a beautiful sea could be seen. The blue waves pushed the eater forward on the beach, hitting the white foam against the sand and rocks before pulling back and returning to the sea. This process repeated endlessly, ever since the beginning of time waves would hit the stone, the stone would then turn to sand, and the sand would even turn to pearls on certain occasions...

But what could catch your attention was not the beach itself, but the children running away from the monsters that were chasing them. The monster was a tall, burly humanoid with long nails and a pair of thin, bony wings that spread behind his back as he ran after the children, this was none other than a Fear Lich that was chasing these children because he loves the taste of their fear, the oh-so intoxicating fear that they were emanating... It was delicious! The creature took this form because it was what one of the children feared the most, and the child had seen this creature before and the Fear Lich knew it was a powerful creature from the Death Dimension.

The creature the Fear Lich had turned into was a Soul Sucker, a being that devoured souls to feed and sometimes for pleasure, because the stronger the Soul Sucker was, the fewer and fewer souls they would need to devour to survive, coming to the point where they would need no souls at all. But at that point, most Soul Suckers already got addicted to the feeling of eating a soul, and they would never stop unless killed or banished back to their dimension. A little known fact is that Soul Suckers are weak against strong good emotions and raw Psionic Energy, the only way to permanently destroy a Soul Sucker is using Soul Magic to destroy them, but that is something risky because a Soul Sucker can devour your soul if you try to use Soul Magic against it.

The children by that time were slowly falling behind, getting weaker and slower, the fear of death was still there, which made the Fear Lich feel extreme pleasure as he consumed their fear, he was also preparing to eat their flesh and bone because it also tasted amazing... What? Who said a Fear Lich can't consume the flesh of his victims? Exactly, no one.

His bony fingers stretched towards the child but before he could even touch the child, he felt his body break into several pieces, the last thing the beast saw was a beautiful young man with red and green eyes, holding a sword made out of golden energy that cut his body In half, slowly he felt his consciousness escape his broken body that slowly turned into small light particles before vanishing from sight. The children were safe... They were safe! But who just saved them? They turned their head to look at the hero that saved them to see another man beside him, holding his hand and looked down at them, his eyes were blue with a golden ring around them, and the way he carried himself made the children feel like they were before a God.

But which God?

The man with blue eyes looked up and suddenly his eyes began to shine in green color, making all the children back away slowly, they just saw a monster destroy their entire city-state before they escaped, the oldest of the group kept them safe at the cost of his own life when he ran the opposite direction and caught the monster's attention to himself before he ran away. The taller man smiled at the smaller and said something in a completely foreign language that the children couldn't even begin to understand (English): "Zagreus dear, we are in the 5th Century B.C, I think we just arrived in Ancient Greece again. From all I could gather from the world around us, this world has no Divine beings, but there are beings from other dimensions with the ability to bend and use other types of energies than the inhabitants of this world."

Zagreus looked at Klein confused, which made Klein chuckled and kissed his lover's forehead, explaining what he meant: "This world has Mana like our previous world, but the Mana is richer here than in our previous world, which means mortals are more regularly born with the ability to use that energy and harness its powers, got it now?" Klein could swear question marks were floating above Zagreus's head, he smirked and held him from behind before he pointed his finger forward as the mana around him gathered in his finger, becoming visible to the naked eye. "See? Mana." Klein used [Magical Powers: Mana Manipulation (S)] to change the mana, extremely neutral energy that could be easily converted into any other type of energy that the user knows how to use, the small sphere of mana began to change color and texture.

Becoming fire, water, air, earth, a green ball of life force, holy and unholy energy, chaos energy, and with a lot of energy it was even able to copy Cosmic and Void energy as well! It was an amazing energy, Zagreus, however, quickly focused on the kids on the ground that were backing away from them. His fatherly instincts could easily tell him that they were scared while Klein was playing with Mana with ease, he elbowed Klein in his stomach so he could stop, but that didn't do anything to Klein other than make him slightly horny. Zagreus rolled his eyes and pointed towards the children, making Klein sigh and disperse the mana that he had gathered... Mana had so much potential to be something great and he was experimenting with it, but that could wait!

Right now they need to know a little bit about this world, Klein could feel that something was wrong with space in this world... He could feel some holes here and there, and he could also feel Time moving strangely in some places as well, he would need to see that part of the world. But now, they had another problem...