Back to the Future

I was now eleven, and a lot happened over the last few years in my life. From the mission to bring down Dark Lord and his cronies, to destroying his Horcruxes and the final underwhelming battle, where he was destroyed. The subsequent weeks were hectic as well, as I finally opened up to Albus, and he agreed to teach me, but this time, to do it right.

He also saw me, as his act of redemption, since he blamed himself for the actions of Riddle. So, he must have thought, through me, he would at least right some wrongs.

I had showed him, what I did, to guilt him into teaching me with zeal. And I realised, I may have overlooked, how much time and effort went into mastering Wanded spells.

I was still adamant, on depending on wands, so Dumbledore offered to try wandless magic, to compensate instead of waiting for me to turn eleven.

He told me, that my magical reserves were through the roof, and even amongst the various communities, where wandless magic was more prevalent, my reserves were unprecedented. He compared my magic reserves to talented adult sorcerers from those communities.

And, that meant, that even if I was wasting magical energy, I could try all spells wandlessly, as he did with wands.

He gave me a primer on magical theory, and after that, he recommended a looong list of books to go through.

He wasn't cagey with knowledge, and allowed me free access to Restricted Sections and his own personal library in the office.

I had spent a lot of time reading books, and practising to imitate magical spells. But I found a thorough primer in Arithmancy was the keep to replicate the effects of various spells and understand what I needed to focus on.

The current Arithmancy teacher was a middle-aged woman, who was very kind and sweet. I had often barged into her quarters, during weekends, and bothered her with my questions.

She had taken a shine to me, because of my tactical mind, and mathematical prowess, which I retained from my past life, which I had only improved upon, in this world.

And with their Socratic methods, the Arithmancy Teacher and Headmaster had managed to make me improve leaps and bounds, as I continued using Timeturner, to make the most of my day.

When I turned ten years old, I was ready to perform the ritual. The Graphorn baby, was adequately grown, and chained. The Python was kept in the cage, the Occamy, Demiguise and the Acromantula young ones were kept to retrieve as needed.

I wanted to use Lethifolds, Manticores, Nundus, Zowu, Chimaera, Dementors, and even Boggarts or Poltergeists as my ritual sacrifices. But Alas! I cannot use a being, or an Unbeing to empower my ritual, because arithmantic calculations revealed it would curse my soul with the dichotomy to simultaneously exist as part human and part that being.

That led me to the hypothesis, that vampires, hags, werewolves, dementors, and banshees are the failed cursed products of this ritual tried on a being.

A vampire can be the failed ritual, when a bat Animagus is sacrificed, a werewolf, when a wolf Animagus was sacrificed, and something similar for the other beings. This hypothesis made me aware of the extreme dangers, that such rituals posed, and I decided this would be the last Skin-changing ritual, I would ever do.

My sacrifices were non-sentient magical creatures, and I wanted Graphorns for their extreme magical resistances, even superior to that of the dragons. The Demiguises, for their minor precognition and Invisibility, the Occamy, for their sheer vibrant colour and choranaptyxis, the ability to occupy the space where I am in. And finally, the Acromantula, due to sentimental reasons.

I had successfully performed the ritual, had a giant feast after the ritual week, met Dumbledore and shocked him with my quintupled magical reserves, and met Aragog, to show him we are kin now.

The next year went without any significant event, as I was getting more and more proficient with imitating spells, without a wand, but for some spells, I could not do away with the wands.

Even spells like the Patronus spell was impossible without a wand, as the more complex spells, had the wand and the wand gestures as the crucial part of the spell itself. That is why, noone can cast the complex spells like Unforgivables and the Patronus Spell without a wand.

Unlike the complex spells, Transfiguration spells were intent based, and depended on the mental picturing of the intended result. Those were the easiest to deconstruct, and I could now bother both McGonagall and Headmaster with advanced Transfiguration beyond my years.

I was firmly of the belief, that Hogwarts years should be spent learning wanded magic. But that did not mean, I couldn't practise elemental change and battle ttansfiguration.

I had promised to not learn on any transfiguration, that affects the body, or the immediate environment, but I enjoyed the ability to change the ground into water, then into fire, then into ice, then into rock hard steel, and finally into rocks and gravel again.

I was very good with these spells, and Dumbledore wouldn't teach me more, until I started my wanded magic. But we were now in a bind.

Ollivander had confirmed for me, that regular pre-made wands wouldn't work, as they would burst from the sheer magic I would accidentally channel through the wand.