Real mother. Did I hear her right. A smile came at my lips and she said " You are so big now." I hug her and said

" Take me with you mother. I don't want to live without you anymore."

She nods and asked " Tell me the people you live with are they good." I nodded and said " Only mother della is good that guy is not a good man. He kissed me. This is his habit to do so on and off and I tried to stop him but he doesn't listen. plus he beats me. "

She nods and said " Listen Bhiter. I am your mother but I am not the one for you anymore. I ..I can't take you back to the family. "

I look at her in disbelief and asked " Why mother? " She took a breath and said " Listen Bhiter. I have two more kids. A son and daughter .Asher is bigger than you and Nihal is younger and I don't want someone to disturb their lives so I don't want you to come to us. So in court say that you don't want to come back to us. "

I look down and said " I also need you mother. " She stood up and said " Consider we are dead. " She left saying so, if they think that way than why her husband filled a case.

After school I head for my house. When I reached house as usual They were having sex on couch and she was in pain. I went to my room and sat on the bed.

I was looking outside and that's when I heard Della's voice

" Lunch is ready dear. " I went downstairs and sat on the table. I started playing with my spoon. Della asked

" Are you alright? " I nodded and smile " I am fine. "

After lunch I went to my room and started using my mobile. I went through some videos and wanted to watch a movie. The door open and she came in and said " Dear is there something wrong? "

I sat up and said " Mother why can't I have a laptop. I want to watch movies and tv shows but I don't have a laptop. You know what in my class every kid have a laptop and wifi connection. "

She nods and sat with me and said " So my daughter needs a laptop? " I nodded and shw said " Well study hard and win on your own in 10th grade. I just role my eyes and said " Means I cannot watch my movies before 10th grade."

Sean came in the room and said " Della I am boing outside, Need anything for house? ' She look over at me and said " Yes just buy a burger on your way back. " I smile and he left.

I put my head in her lap and started using my phone. I fall in sleep in her lap. When I wake up in the evening I saw there was a box in front of me.

I called out to Della. " Della , Della. What is this? " She smile and said " What is this? People call it a laptop. " I hug her and said " You bought it for me, How? Where did you get money? "

She smile and said " Anything for you dear. Just don't tell Sean that I bought it. " I nodded and open it and started using it.

I downloaded movies and stay up all night to watch three movies. Next morning when I wake up. Sean came in my room and said " Get ready , We are going to court. "

Thank God I hid my laptop.

I sat up and went to washroom and brush my teeths and head outside with them. Della whispers in my ear looking outisde " Choose your family , They are wealthy and good people they are going to fufil your every desire. "

I didn't say a word and kept looking outside. When we reached court we head inside. I sat between Della and Sean. The lawyer came. in the middle and said " My lord , Thid kid is my client's kid. She was given by doctor to a family without twlling her parents. They left her in tje hospital for her health and asthma but the doctor handed him over to a family without telling her real parents. I want to call the doctor in the witness box. "

" Yes you may. " The judge allowed. Doctor came in the box and the lawyer asked " Why didn't you tell my client that you are giving their child to someone? "

He look over at Judge and said " Because they never asked for her after they left her. Her father used to come on and off but after sometime he also stopped."

He nods and said " I want to call Miss Bhiter in witness box? " He allowed again. I look over at Della and she nodded. I head to the witness box and the lawyer asked

" Dear how is your family. " I try not to look at Sean but I look over at Della and said " They are really good. "

He look at me and said " Dear do you want to go with your real parents? " I look over at my real mother and then at judge. I smile and said " Uncle. A woman who gave birth to me. She came to me yesterday and said that I should choose my adopted family because sje doesn't want her other kids to get distracted because of me and della on the other hand said that choose them they can give you a good life. How can they give me a good life when they don't want me. I don't want them for me my mother Della is enough I want to go with her I don't want new people. "

Judge nods and said " With all the witnesses and discussion this court announced Bhiter to stay with her real family for three months and then decide with who she wants to live with. The court is adjourned until than ."

He stood up and left. Sean and della came to me and hug me.