I got ready. I wear my black dress and black heels and as usual I curl my hairs and head to the restaurant to meet Ilyas.

I took drivwr with me because I was not in the mood of driving myself. When I came there Ilyas was already there sitting on the table waiting for me.

When I reached the table he stood up with a big smile at hos face and said " Good evening dear. " I nodded and he sat down. I sat in front of him and said " Did you wait a lot? " He shake his head and said " Nope, I just arrived myself. "

I nodded and he asked " What do you wanna have for starter? " I smile and said " Orange Juice. " He nods and called out to waiter " Excuse me. " The waiter arrived and he said " One Orange juice for the lady and one for me and please bring the dinner after that."

He nods and I smile " You gave order already. " He nodded and said " Yes, Because that's my treat. " I nodded. He asked " What do you think? Can you pass tge exams? " I smile and said " Yes, I have good vibes of it. "

Our jucie arrived and When I was drinking it he said

" Bhiter, I meed to ask you something? " I nodded and said " Yes go ahead. " He smile and blush and said "I umm...I have liked you from the age of 17. I was very attracted to you. I wanted to ask, If you have no one in life will you be in my life? "

I was looking at him with my eyes wide open. But my eyes get back to normal on their own because that's something I wanted to ask him too. I smile and put my hand at his and said " Don't be embarrassed, I would love to be with you. "

He smile and kissed at my hand and said " You don't know how much you relief me. My heart was in my throat. I was thinking about a rejection. " I smile and said " You are a good man don't be ridiculous. "

Oyr dinner arrived in mean time and we started eating. Once we were done we head for my house. I was with driver but he sent him off and said " May I drop you? " I nodded and we head for my home.

When he dropped me he went off with me and hug me and said " I would like to see you daily. " I smile and said

" Yes me too. " He look over at my lips and then in my eyes and then again at my lips and lean closer and I close my eyes and kissed him.

When he let go I head inside and he left. When I came in the living room Baba called out to me. " Bhiter. " I look at him and head to him " Baba, How are you? " He nods and said " How was dinner with Ilyas? " I nodded and said

" It was good." He nods and said " I saw what happened outside. "

I become very embarrassed and looked down. He smile and said " Don't need to be embarrassed dear. I was talking to your mother that I want you and Ilyas to be in relationship. I want you to get marry Ilyas after your graduation. "

I smile and said " If that's ok with you then I am ready." He smile and hug me and said " That's why I love you dear, you never denied me. " I smile and said " That's because we always think the same at the same time."

He kissed at my forehead and said " Go have some rest." I nodded and said " Good night Baba. " He smile and said

" Good night. " I came in my room and shut the door. I went to washroom to get freh. I look myself in mirror.

I can't play with his geart. I wanted to get out of Nihal and Behlul life and for that it was compulsory.

I am going to love Ilyas. He is rich, His is handsome. He will going to be a good husband. I got fresh and head to bed to have some sleep. It was a long day.

Next day when I wake up. I went to washroom and got fresh. When I came back my phone was ringing. I put the cell phone at my ear and talked to him .

BH: " What Behlul"

BEH: " You are avoiding me, that was a mistake. you know I love you. "

BH: " Love the girl you made love to, I am getting engaged soon with my cousin. We can't be together anymore. "

BEH : " Why is that? "

BH: " Simple behlul, If you weren't with that girl still my father would never going to say yes to you because you are not well developed and you don't have a decent job. "

BEH ; " So you are saying I am poor. "

BH: " Think whatever you want, bye from me. "

I hung up without letting him to speak more.