The Good Times - Happy Birthday

Exiting the shower, I can't help but look towards the mirror and sigh, as I stare mesmerized at my reflection, 'sure I may be flat as a surfboard covered in honey, but I'm a hell of a looker if I do say so myself.' That's when it hit me, I had finally realized what had been eluding me my whole life. My face lit up with joy as I realized I'm not a pervert.

"I'm as narcissistic as a cow flipping chicken burgers in space, wow… this is… eye opening."

Amazement filled my eyes, my face contorted in surprise, my sheer genius astounding me 'Indeed, it brought many answers to my life, it even explained my respect for breasts, I always knew I wasn't a pervert. I can't help but feel glad, after all my only issue is a narcissistic personality, and that isn't really a detriment, now is it? Nope, of course not!'

Quickly realizing I had been staring at the mirror and talking to myself for an unhealthy amount of time, the healthiest amount is 3 minutes after all, I pull on my socks, pull up my dark blue jeans, and put on my favorite bright blue sweater, it even has my name on it.

Exiting the bathroom I Consciously choose to ignore the many questions resulting from the presence of confetti and colorful streamers, walking into the kitchen I'm hit by a right hook, not literally dummies, I figured out what I was forgetting, today was MY Birthday.

I turn around ready to sprint off in a mission to find mom and dad, who are curiously absent, only to encounter two familiar grinning faces.



Unfortunately, I was not prepared, I got scared, I jumped, but don't tell them that because I had managed to play it off, who knew I could make such a high pitch, currently blood was rushing to my face, I was sure I already looked like a tomato.

"HAHAHA, of course sweetheart we wouldn't ever forget our little star's b-day"

Dad managed to respond first with a hearty laugh, he had a gruff voice, it was rough and a little scratchy, but it fit well with his looks, he had a tan, and then he had his huge *MUSCLES*, I mean you'd think he could kill a bear with those things, as always, I almost feel ashamed for having such slim muscles. Of course the best part is the scar across his right eye, badass jet black hair cut, and smooth black stubble, It always makes me think he must've been in some war or something, y'know a bonified war hero… and those dark blue eyes that stare into your soul… haaaaa… he's just plain awesome. Well… he was badass… until a teddy bear suddenly appears in his hands from behind his back.

"What did the teddy bear say when it was offered birthday cake? No thanks' I'm stuffed."

I can't help but give him the classic "Are you serious" stare, groaning and mumbling under my breath. He could just look behind him at the woman glaring into the back of his head and get a hint, before I can get further in this thought process I see it, 'MY NAME', its on the teddy bear. I just can't help the tears you know, they roll down your face when you don't want them to, like a lightning bolt I leap into his arms.

"T-t-thank y-y-you I-I'll treasure him *hic* I-I'll name him *hic* Tedivoth Numericus the third, I love you."

As he embraces me I can't help but see his face through my tears, the look adorning his face seemed to imply that he had seen the most confounding thing to ever exist. For the life of me however I couldn't figure out what could've confused him, so like all things with no immediate answer, I forget, and I move on. Soon the gentle and soothing voice of my awe-inspiring mom, resounds from beside me, she's giggling up a storm and I can't help but look. Honestly, I almost feel bad that I took so much time talking to myself in front of the mirror when I see her smile, almost, I mean maybe a little… it's a really stunning smile though, especially because you don't ever see mom smile, she always seems to have that tired, and sad look, twenty-four-seven.

"pfffttfthahhahahhagggaaahahahha…. *gasp * …HAHA *cough* *cough* *cough*… … … *ahhhem* ow, I think I'm getting old. Oh, sorry it was just too adorable… and you should take what you can get, my laugh is only reserved for you two after all. Well, I also have a gift… that well not *slowly pans her stare to dad with a grin on her face* an object that holds immense emotional value *mutter* and a name *mutter* it is most certainly something that you'll have lots of fun with, it'll also be a great help to… *bbbzzzzztt* *bbbzzzztttt* *bzzztttt *bbbbbzzzzzttttt* *mutter* goddamit are you serious *mutter* I'm sorry my lovely Mizu, but I have to take this call real quick, excuse me for a moment."

I really pity whoever called her… that was the look of someone ready to string someone on a cross and whip them *shiver* I don't think anyone ever gets on her bad side and lives… most likely it was her mysterious work calling her in, and though I know it can't be helped, it still makes me a little depressed. Dad likely seeing my aggrieved look, decided to step in and cheer me up with a few sentences.

"…. Well how about this honey we'll go hunting like you wanted and then… wait for it… …. …. you'll finally get the answer to your most frequent question, we'll meet up with your mother at her work, and you'll finally get to see just how amazing your mother is."

Excitement filled me; I'd finally see what mom does!!! I was practically skipping in circle's; you couldn't stop me even if you dropped the moon on me. Despite my new mood, I couldn't help but feel a pit in my stomach, and notice the ominous dread that filled the air, and as much as I tried to ignore it, I couldn't help but notice my pa's face. He was smiling but, when I look at his eyes… it was like he was on the verge of crying… he had been like this for the past week too, as much as I wanted to completely discard these unhappy thoughts and feelings I couldn't, they stayed like an insect burrowing into the back of my mind. Delving into these unsavory thoughts I heard the sound of ma's shoes, she seemed to be leaving, now that I think about it ma seemed strange this past week too. Ma smiles rarely, and she also always has a tired, almost depressed look stuck on her face. But she'd been unusually happy this past week, no, she smiled, but, whenever I looked in her eyes, I just see fear, they've acted like this before too, but after a few days they return to normal, normally I just ignore it, but this is the longest time they've acted like this.

"Hey Mizu, you okay, are you coming, get ready were about to go hunting, let's see if we can't get ourselves a deer, yeah!?"

My pa's voice laced with concern managed to wake me from the rabbit hole consuming my thoughts, I assume my mask fell off for a moment, and seeing the look on dad's worried face just seemed to confirm it. I tightly held Tedivoth in my arms, Gathering my thoughts, my smile reappeared, we'd go hunting, we'd catch a deer, we'd have a good time, and we'd end the day with a bang at mom's work place, and everything would stay completely normal and fine by tomorrow morning.