
"And how do we do that?" Asked April, she had prepared the roast beef and placed it into the oven. It would take hours to slowly cook and was one of her mother's recipes. She hadn't made it in a long time and she hoped that her father would remember her mother.

Bernie continued her thought, "Well let's let them into the Davis Manor and give them the grand tour. Be yourself and be humble and as gracious as always. But they will slip themselves up eventually. people can only hold in their true colours for so long."

April leaned on the kitchen counter and paused before adding "Mmm true they are greedy and not all that smart. Yes, they fooled me and my father for years but I think as I have woken up to their behaviour my father will too. Especially after we changed my father's tablets."

"What was wrong with the tablets he was on?" Bernie enquired.