[World 1] Chapter 1

Jiang Mu was driving when she received Qin Zhiye's call. 

"What's the matter?" anyone who will listen will not find any emotions from Jiang Mu's voice, but the tone was gentle. 

There was silence for a moment, and he said: "I want to see you." 

Jiang Mu tapped her index finger on the steering wheel twice, and said in a helpless tone: "Zhiye... We have broken up." 

"I know, but ... why need to break up, aren't we're good when we're together?" there's a pain in Qin Zhiye's voice, he couldn't accept that Jiang Mu wanted to break up with him. 

A week ago, when she just mentioned breaking up, he didn't take it seriously, thinking she would come back sooner or later. After all, when the two were together, she liked him so much. 

But in the past three days, she didn't send him any word or message, and even his friends posted photos of her and another guy playing in the bar, and she did not respond to his messages. 

Qin Zhiye wanted to find Jiang Mu a long time ago, but when they broke up, he was still slapped with a few ruthless words. At this time, letting him bow his head was really shameless. 

It wasn't until today that he heard that she appeared in the SY club with a boy yesterday, and he realized that she was really going to break up with him, and he probably had a new boyfriend. 

He drank a few bottles of wine, not reconciled, so he called Jiang Mu. 

"Do you still need a reason for break up? If you want to listen, I can say countless reasons." Jiang Mu smiled faintly, her voice softly pinching his ear. 

Her voice was as usual, but her words were so cruel that he couldn't accept it. 

Qin Zhiye: "You don't love me at all?" 

"Does it make sense to ask this now?" Jiang Mu said with a smile, "We're all grown-ups, don't be so troublesome when breaking up." 

Qin Zhiye collapsed: "Jiang Mu, you are a real scumbag. I didn't believe it when Luo Ming told me." 

Jiang Mu smiled suddenly, "Luo Ming? He told you about me?" 

She paused. "Yes, after all, he's been with me."

"What do you mean? You..." The amount of information was a bit too large, and he couldn't accept it for a while. 

Luo Ming is his best friend. 

"Okay, I'll hang up if there's nothing else anymore. You should go back soon, don't drink too much." Jiang Mu said lightly. 

Throwing the phone in the passenger seat, Jiang Mu continued to drive, when the phone rang twice. 

The two messages were sent almost simultaneously. 

One is from Qin Zhiye and the other is from her new boyfriend Meng Yuan. 

Qin Zhiye: [ I really love you, Mu Mu, will you come back to me? ] 

Meng Yuan: [ I'm here, waiting for you, I ordered champagne. ] 

Jiang Mu ignored the message from Qin Zhiye, then started typing a reply to Meng Yuan.

Suddenly a strong and dazzling light came. She looked up and saw that a large truck in front ran into an SUV. Jiang Mu was startled, and quickly turned the steering wheel to turn. Who knew that another car came at the intersection on the right. 

The moment she ran into it, her mind was blank, followed by the severe pain of the soul being pulled, and she quickly lost consciousness. 

When she opened her eyes again, she had already appeared in another place. 

She lay in the bathtub, her body was completely frozen, and the water in the bathtub was so cold that it had flooded most of her body. 

What's going on? 

She quickly got up from the bathtub, but because she got up too quickly, there was a loud sound of water. 

The water slid down her naked body, and she felt colder when she came out of the bathtub. 

Jiang Mu frowned and turned to look at herself in the mirror. She was shocked to find that there was another woman's face in the mirror. 

Her face was very pale and there was no blood at all, but because the woman's facial features were very beautiful and temperamental, she was completely devoid of complexion but she also had a strange beauty. 

She squeezed herself, feeling the pain.

Is she a wearing soul? 

She stared at the mirror for a long time, and finally calmed down slowly. 

She quickly found a clean bath towel to wrap herself up and felt her body slowly warming up. When she finally wasn't so cold, her head suddenly swelled and many memories that did not belong to her poured into her brain. 

The original name is also Jiang Mu. She is just 30 years old this year. Her parents have died and left a large inheritance. In the eyes of outsiders, she has a family property of hundreds of millions. She has a decent job with her husband, and has a lovely daughter. It can be said to be a winner in life and live a very happy life. 

The original body originally thought so. 

Until a week ago, she discovered that her husband had other women outside. 

She has always been pursuing perfection, unable to accept this fact, but she is unwilling to give up her marriage for so many years, and she doesn't want her child to lose his father. At first, she chose to forbear, but more and more unbearable truths followed. 

It turned out that her husband started fooling around outside two years ago, and his current lover has been with him for more than a year. 

Their mutual friends knew about this, but no one told her the truth, and everyone helped her husband to hide it from her. 

Even their daughter was taken out by her husband to play with his lover. When she went abroad to study, the woman even came to their house. 

After knowing all this, the original owner collapsed. She had always been pursuing perfection. She suffered a huge blow to her mind and suffered from mental problems. She needed drugs to sleep, but in the end she chose to end her life. 

The time Jiang Mu passed by happened to be the day when the original body discovered that her husband had a woman outside. 

Jiang Mu, who had accepted the fact that her soul was wearing, sighed. She found a piece of clothing in the bathroom to put on, drying her hair while thinking about her current situation.

Although she went from an unmarried girl to a thirty-year-old married woman, she didn't feel too uncomfortable. After all, she was dead. Now it is God's favor to be able to be reborn. She was better-looking and rich in her last life, and she has nothing to be dissatisfied with what she has now. 

As long as the current predicament is resolved, she will be able to live a happy life again. 

However, taking care of the child is still a little troublesome, and she can only take one step at a time. Maybe she also has maternal glory. 

Jiang Mu was thinking, suddenly heard a voice ringing in her mind. 

[ Successfully bind the host and are connecting. ] 

What sound? 

She was taken aback. 

[ I am the system that brought you to this world to rebirth you, you can call me Xiaolu. ]

Jiang Mu: ... A little green is inseparable everywhere. 

Is it because the original body is green, so she binds a system called Xiaolu? 

System: [ No, because my full name is Green Tea System, so I am referred to as Xiaolu. ]

Jiang Mu's expression has become very subtle, she thinks too simple. 

[ If the host wants to continue to live, she must complete the tasks released by the system, otherwise she will return to the original world. ]

The original world... didn't she died already?

Why are you going back? Go back and die again? 

Jiang Mu paused, resisted spitting, and asked: "What mission?" 

[ Your ultimate mission is to become the queen of green tea, the world's invincible hand, and change the world's narrow concept of green tea. ] 

She is a little surprised, there is such a mission system? 

It's really interesting.

[ The system requires you to make a real green tea, your words and deeds must conform to the image of green tea, but must be different, green tea has its own unique charm, so that you can be called the queen of green tea. ]

Jiang Mu asked: "Do I still have to be a queen of green tea? I am already a scumbag that it's not good to be a queen. If you let me make green tea, it's a little overkill." 

System: [ The host says so, but you underestimate green tea. Green tea is also classified as high-rank and low-rank, what we are achieving is a high-rank green tea. Besides, if the scum girl doesn't know how to order green tea, it will only hurt people. It's not a real scum girl. A real scum girl is gentle like the ocean. People know her scum, but they can't let go of it and can't extricate themselves. This is also the highest level of green tea. ] 

Jiang Mu did not hold back and smiled, "Oh, I see. The system knows a lot of things." 

System: [ ... Of course, we are professionally trained. ] 

Jiang Mu: "Okay." 

System: [ And we won't let the host work for us in vain, the system will also give the host a lot of benefits. ] 

"What are the benefits?" 

[ There are many rewards. Increasing the green tea index will bring benefits, such as improving the beauty value, and you can also get rewards for completing the original owner's wish. You can choose to improve skills, such as acting, intelligence, cooking, etc... ] 

Hearing this, Jiang Mu's eyes brightened, but she did not miss the another point of information in the little green words, "What does it mean to fulfill the original owner's wish?"

The system continues to answer: [ In short, you'll be entering in different worlds for training, in order to make you the queen of green tea, but entering each world also requires a price. The price is to complete the original owner's wish. After completion, you will get skill points. This time the original owner's wish is need to be done, so that you can go to the next world until you become the true queen of green tea. ]

Jiang Mu tries to understand it, and it's actually very easy to understand. Just like a role-playing game, each level has a wish, and if you realize it, you can get rewards and go to the next level. 

"So what is the wish this time?"

[ The original owner regretted after committing suicide. Her wish is to abuse the scumbag and the mistress, and treat each other in the same way, so that the scumbag and the mistress will eat their own evil consequences, and then take good care of the child. The fulfillment of her wish will also directly affect the final reward. ]

Jiang Mu nodded, this wish was similar to what she thought. 

"Okay." Jiang Mu shrugged nonchalantly, agreeing to cooperate. 

To be honest, she thought it was quite fun. 

At this time, pattering footsteps came upstairs. 

She turned her head and looked at the stairs, only to see a little girl in a pink fluffy dress coming downstairs and running towards her.

That was Chu Ying, the daughter of the original body, whose nickname was Yingying. 

"Mom, mom." The three-year-old Chu Ying has a very cute appearance, her skin is white and her eyes are big. 

Jiang Mu was been called a mother for the first time, and she couldn't help but feel re-fresh. She looked at Chu Ying tenderly and said, "Well, why is Yingying still up?" 

"Daddy hasn't come back yet, he promised to read me a story." In fact, Chu Ying is already very sleepy, her eyelids are drooping. 

She has been spoiled since she was a child, and she likes listening to her father reading stories the most, and she is more sticky to her father. 

Jiang Mu looked at Chu Ying and thought: That dog man should be with the little mistress at this time, so he doesn't remember that he needs to come back and read you a story. 

The original owner had always believed in her husband before, and never suspected that he would fool around outside. 

In fact, this dog man is too good at pretending, hiding well, and with so many people helping him, the original owner has been fooled without discovering a thing for so long.

Had it not been for the help of her original natal family, how could this dog man now become the president of a listed company? 

Now that Phoenix man turned over, he forgot to take the original vow. 

She sneered in her heart, and she still had a hand in cleaning up the scumbag. 

Can he still scumbag her?

Looking at Chu Ying, who eagerly looked at her, Jiang Mu smiled and said, "Then let's call Dad together and call him back to read you a story." 

Chu Ying was a little surprised. 

Mom never let her disturb dad before. 

Chu Ying: "Really?" 

Jiang Mu: "Well, of course." It just happened to disturb the good things between that dog man and lover. 

Jiang Mu took out her cell phone and quickly found her husband Chu Shuo's phone number and dialed it. 

Of course, the first call was unanswered. 

You can imagine what the dog man and woman are doing now. 

She decisively called again. 

After ringing for a while, Chu Shuo finally answered the phone. 

"Wife, what's the matter in such a hurry? I'm still in a meeting here, I won't be able to come back later." 

Hearing Chu Shuo's pretentious voice, she felt it was quite funny. 

Jiang Mu: "You have a meeting so late, husband, you really worked hard." 

Chu Shuo was a little embarrassed, coughed, and said, "You should rest early, don't wait for me." 

However, Chu Shuo's voice became so gentle, it sounds nice. 

In Chu Shuo's eyes, his wife has always been very dignified and conservative, and she is not a person who knows customs. 

"But Yingying and I miss you very much. Yingying is waiting for you to come back to read her a story. She won't sleep if you don't come back. Oh... is it inconvenient for you now? Then I'll hang up now. Anyway, Yingying and I are also used to you being so busy, it's okay." 

System: [ Ding! Green tea index increases and fine lines on the face decrease. ] 

Chu Shuo was shocked to hear these words, for a moment did not react, Jiang Mu never said this to him before.

He glanced at the woman lying on his chest, met her moist and pleasant gaze, but Jiang Mu appeared in his mind. He hesitated for a few seconds and said, "No inconvenience, I will be back as soon as I finish my work. " 

His tone is also deliberately softer. 

Who knows that Jiang Mu's next sentence is: "Oh, you have to finish your work? Hey... husband, if you're busy, just sleep over there and don't come back. Unless you get drained and drive without energy, and get involve in a car accident on the road then you'll be dead."