[World 1] Chapter 18

   "Of course I have to tell you, otherwise you don't know what I am doing now and I am not mentally prepared." You Chenguang smiled, "However, even if you suddenly turn around...I won't blame you." 

    "No! What are you talking nonsense, take it off." 

    Jiang Mu said shyly. 

    "You want me to take it off quickly, okay, since Mu Mu has spoken, I will speed up now." 

    "You! You are too bad." 

    Jiang Mu smiled to death with her back to You Chenguang. 

    This You Chenguang is a real show. 

    The show is not good. 

    You Chenguang thought that Jiang Mu was ashamed by him, so he pursed his lips, fearing that she would turn into anger from shame later, so he stopped talking. 

    When You Chenguang posed and told Jiang Mu to turn around, Jiang Mu hesitated a little and asked, "Are you really ready?" 

    You Chenguang: "Well, yes, you can watch it." 

    Jiang Mu slowly turned around, even though she was reading countless handsome guys, she was amazed by the picture in front of her. 

    You Chenguang's figure is too good! 

    The skin is not very white, but the complexion is uniform and shiny, the chest is wide, the shoulders are wide, and the collarbone can be used for fish farming. Look at the beautiful and sexy six-pack abs, and there are two obvious mermaid lines. Slowly extend... 

    Jiang Mu really wants You Chenguang to remove the blanket covering the key parts, which affects her appreciation of the beauty in front of her. 

    It's so beautiful. 

    Jiang Mu almost touched it directly. 

    Fortunately, her concentration was good and she held it back. 

    "You adjust your sitting posture again and move it to the right." Jiang Mu's voice was soft and soft, like a feather falling on You Chenguang's ears, scratching and scratching.

    You Chenguang felt itchy in his heart. He moved to the right as Jiang Mu said, but when he moved, the blanket on his body also fell, almost falling off. 

    Fortunately, You Chenguang held it down with his hands, and it didn't completely evaporate. 

    "Looking at your eyes are straight, do you want to see my blanket fall off?" You Chenguang raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Mu, jokingly. 

    Jiang Mu glared at him, "I didn't." 

    "Really not? I don't believe it, you've been staring at me with squinting." 

    You Chenguang was talking nonsense. Jiang Mu looked at him with simple eyes. Although her heart is lustful, but You Chenguang will not be able to see it. 

    "Don't talk nonsense, believe it or not, I'll hit you!" 

    Jiang Mu stood up, and her bulging appearance made You Chenguang very happy. 

    "I just want you to beat me." You Chenguang smiled at her, smiling softly and brilliantly. 

    He didn't wear any clothes, and he laughed like this, it was a crime. 

    "Come here." You Chenguang continued to seduce. 

    "I'm not coming, are you too boring?" 

    You Chenguang nodded: "Well, so boring, I want to kiss you." 

    Jiang Mu: "..." 

    That's enough. 

    "Really, I think you look very sexy when you paint seriously." 

    Jiang Mu said grimly: "That's definitely not as sexy as you are now." 

    You Chenguang smiled, "Do you like the way I am now?" 

    Jiang Mu: "...Don't be like this." 

    "I'm asking you seriously." 

    You Chenguang didn't seem to think his words were ambiguous. He felt that they were communicating normally. 

    Jiang Mu: "I don't like it!"

    "Little liar." You Chenguang curled his lips. When he laughed, his chest was slowly rising and falling, making people's hearts tremble. 

    This time painting took longer than the last time I painted Shen Yan. It may be that You Chenguang's figure is too good. Jiang Mu sometimes pretends to paint and looks more distracted. 

    After a few hours, You Chenguang couldn't hold it anymore. After all, people are not professionally doing this. Ordinary people can feel uncomfortable if they sit still for half an hour, let alone a few hours, and only take two breaks in between. When the painting was almost finished, Jiang Mu could see that You Chenguang was uncomfortable. 

    Jiang Mu thoughtfully said: "Chenguang, let's rest first." 

    You Chenguang moved a little and asked: "Have you finished the painting?" 

    Jiang Mu: "It's almost." 

    You Chenguang thought for a while and said: "Can I take a look?" 

    "Yes." Jiang Mu glanced at his work, it was not bad, and quite satisfied. 

    You Chenguang's face was painted perfectly by her, exactly the same as his own. 

    The body is even more beautiful. I can't fault it. I still have my feet left unfinished. I need to add some details and I can finish it today. 

    You Chenguang wrapped the blanket, wrapped his hips, and walked to Jiang Mu's side. 

    When he saw this portrait of his human body, his expression changed slightly. 

    He didn't expect Jiang Mu to paint him so well. 

    You Chenguang was a little moved, and his heart was also shocked. 

    "You painted very well." 

    You Chenguang said that there is no moisture. The colors in this painting alternately change, gorgeous and smooth, soft and layered. In particular, You Chenguang's body was presented by Jiang Mu in an aesthetic form. In the whole of light and dark, his body showed a warm golden tone, without any eroticism or desire, but a little sacred and beautiful. 

Looking at such paintings is simply a pleasure.

    "You like it?" Jiang Mu asked blushing. 

    "I like it very much, and I am very happy." You Chenguang took Jiang Mu's hand and placed it on his lips with a light kiss. 

    Jiang Mu looked at him blankly. 

    You Chenguang's eyes became deep, with a trace of desire surging: "Don't look at me like this, I can't help..." 

    "Don't always talk nonsense..." 

    "I didn't talk nonsense, Twilight, I'm already fascinated by you." He put Jiang Mu's hand on his chest, "If you don't believe it, feel it, here is beating for you." 

    Jiang Mu's palm was pressed against You Chenguang's chest, feeling his strong powerful heartbeat. 

    His chest is hot, and Jiang Mu's palm is hot. 

    "If only I know how to paint, I also want to paint such a portrait for you." You Chenguang said suddenly. 

    "You want beautiful." Jiang Mu looked up at You Chenguang, the shyness and softness in her eyes made You Chenguang crazy. 

    You Chenguang couldn't help it anymore, he hugged Jiang Mu hard, "I told you not to look at me like this, you are seducing me." 

    "I didn't..." Jiang Mu pushed him and whispered an excuse. 

    "Not yet, the look in your eyes makes me crazy." You Chenguang took a deep breath, "I really want to rub you into my bones and not separate from you." 

    You Chen said while moving. The love story is really hot, and I can't stand it for another person. 

    "Then I won't look at you." Jiang Mu whispered. 

    You Chenguang dissatisfiedly forced Jiang Mu to the corner, holding her face domineeringly and kissing. His kiss was hot and ardent, and it was hard to resist. 

    Compared to Shen Yan's youthfulness, You Chenguang's kissing skills were much better. After kissing for a while, Jiang Mu had to hug his waist. 

    Just as the two kissed emotionally, Chu Shuo's voice suddenly came from outside. 

    "Wife, are you at home?"

    Jiang Mu and You Chenguang stiffened at the same time. 

    You Chenguang let go of Jiang Mu and looked at the situation of the two of them right now. 

    There was only a blanket around him, and Jiang Mu's lips were flushed red by him, and his face was full of attractive spring colors. 

    "What to do?" Jiang Mu asked You Chenguang's hand. 

    You Chenguang comforted: "Don't be afraid, don't worry, I'll get dressed first, and you will block the painting with a cloth." 

    Jiang Mu nodded, "Well, good." 

    In fact, she is not afraid at all. She just gave You Chenguang a chance to perform. 

    "If he asks you why you are here later, you don't need to speak, let me say, I know what to do." Jiang Mu said seriously. 

    You Chenguang: "What are you going to say?" 

    "You'll know later." 

    ... After Chu Shuo went upstairs and went to the bedroom to look for Jiang Mu but couldn't find it. When he came out, he saw Jiang Mu and You Chenguang walking from the studio coming out. 

    "Wife, Chenguang, you guys? What's the matter?" 

    Chu Shuo had an inexplicable feeling, Jiang Mu and You Chenguang seemed to be very different. 

    "That's it, I called Chenguang, and I asked him something." Jiang Mu said first. 

    "I have to call home for something, can't I tell you on the phone?" Chu Shuo's face was not very good. There were only two of them at home, what the hell was going on. 

    Jiang Mu looked at him, "About you having a woman outside." When these words came out, both Chu Shuo and You Chenguang were shocked. 

    Chu Shuo was taken aback, and You Chenguang didn't expect Jiang Mu to choose this time for a showdown. 

    Chu Shuo frowned. Although he felt like a storm in his heart, he still had to pretend not to understand, "Wife, what are you talking about, what woman?"

    "You don't have to pretend, I know it." 

    Jiang Mu's look at Chu Shuo made Chu Shuo a little strange, and because of the strangeness, Chu Shuo's heart became more and more flustered. 

    "Wife, what's the matter with you, where am I doing such things outside?" Chu Shuo looked at You Chenguang, "Did you say something to your sister-in-law that made her misunderstand?" 

    Chu Shuo winked at You Chenguang. Think You Chenguang wouldn't really say everything. 

Jiang Mu looked at Chu Shuo disappointedly, "You don't need to look at Chenguang, I discovered it myself. I called him here today to be a testimony." 

    "What testimony?" Chu Shuo had a strong ominous premonition in his heart. 

    Jiang Mu took a deep breath and said in a clear and powerful voice, "I want to divorce you." 

    "You can't just say divorce, my wife, we have been married for so many years, and you haven't figured out what's going on. What about divorce?" Chu Shuo's face was ugly, and he pretended to be angry and said, "Do you just distrust me so much? You don't even give me the opportunity to explain." 

    "Trust you? I only found out that you betrayed me so late because of trusting you. Because you trust you, you will have the chance to cheat." Jiang Mu looked at Chu Shuo's eyes with disappointment, "At this time, you still don't admit it, and if you still say this, it seems that you won't shed tears without seeing the coffin. " 

    Jiang Mu took out his phone, opened the photo in the album, and pointed to the photo of Chu Shuo and Shen Mo hugging and hugging at the Genting Resort. 

    "This... listen to my explanation. It's not what you think. I don't know who gave you this photo, but you believe me. I just helped her a bit at the time. It was a matter of angle..." 

    Chu Shuo is also on the negative corner stubbornly resisted, his acting appearance is really nauseous. 

    Jiang Mu watched him perform almost expressionlessly, "You mean, you have nothing to do with this woman?" 

    "There is only you in my heart. Wife, you have to believe me." 

    Chu Shuo was thinking quickly in his heart. Who took the picture and sent it to Jiang Mu.

    He soon thought of Xu Yujie. 

    But now is not the time to care about that. At this time, the most important thing is to let Jiang Mu calm down and make her believe in his "innocence". 

    Jiang Mu actually guessed that Chu Shuo would not admit it. She could have directly produced irrefutable evidence that Chu Shuo and Shen Mo were cheating at home, but she didn't. She just wanted to see what would Chu Shuo do. Lie, how to act... 

    Then she took out the video and slapped him in the face, making him extremely embarrassed and faceless to see people. 

    "I ask you, do you have anything to do with this woman? I'll give you one last chance to confess." Jiang Mu looked at Chu Shuo pretendingly, with a trace of expectation in her eyes, like a show of true feelings. 

    Chu Shuo was even better at pretending, he grasped Jiang Mu's hand, "I really have nothing to do with her, you must trust me." 

    Jiang Mu sneered ironically. "Chu Shuo, do you know how disgusting you look like this." 

    Jiang Mu took out the video and pressed play. 

    In the video, Chu Shuo and Shen Mo were kissing affectionately in the bedroom of this house, and then they fell on the bed and started other sports. 

    When Chu Shuo saw this, his eyes almost stared. 

    "You have a camera at home?!" 

    He called out in shock. 

    Jiang Mu said angrily: "Yes! How else would I find out that you brought that woman back while I was not at home, why? Now you still want to say that you have nothing to do with her?" 

    Chu Shuo: "I..." 

    Jiang Mu took a step forward, raised her hand and gave Chu Shuo a slap, "This slap is to slap you shamelessly and raise your lover outside." 

    After that, Jiang Mu slapped Chu Shuo again, "This slap hit you for your full of lies. If it is not conclusive evidence, when will you still going to lie to me? The funny thing is, I just wanted to give you the opportunity to confess, but unfortunately... I still look up to you, you shameless liar. "

    After Jiang Mu hit him, he looked at him with a look of enemies, and then said coldly: "Go divorce." 

    "Wife, I was wrong, you forgive me once." Chu Shuo immediately understood his current situation. Even if he was beaten by Jiang Mu, he could only endure, "I'm just confused for a while, you can give me another chance." 

    "You're not worthy." Jiang Mu said coldly, "How long do you think you're derailed? Don't you know? I was confused for a while, do you believe it yourself when you say this?" 

    Seeing Jiang Mu's disgusting eyes, Chu Shuo felt very uncomfortable. He was treated like this for the first time by Jiang Mu. 

    Jiang Mu seemed to be a different person. 

    "Wife, even if you don't forgive me, you still look at Yingying's sake and give me a chance to make up. Yingying can't live without her father. Yingying also needs me." 

    "No, Yingying doesn't need you, she doesn't need a father like you." Jiang Mu turned his head and stopped looking at him. 

    "...I'll break off with that woman. I'm just playing with her. I only love you. You believe me, wife, please." 

    Chu Shuo saw that Jiang Mu was so indifferent and could only continue to beg her. Raising a junior outside, but in fact he never thought about divorce. 

    To him, Jiang Mu is indeed the most important thing, Shen Mo is just a spiritual comfort, bringing him some joy and comfort, but Jiang Mu is his wife, Shen Mo is impossible. 

    Chu Shuo knew this in his heart. 

    If Jiang Mu can promise to forgive him, he can immediately break off with Shen Mo. 

    This sentence is true. 

Jiang Mu looked at him and his face became calm. 

    She suddenly said: "I say nothing, why should I trust you?" 

    Chu Shuo thought for a while, "I can write a guarantee." 

    "Guarantee?" Jiang Mu's eyes flickered, "Then write it." 

    You Chenguang just glanced at Jiang Mu, his expression was very disapproving.

    But Jiang Mu gave him a relieved look, making him wait with peace of mind. 

    You Chenguang didn't say anything. 

    Chu Shuo hurriedly found paper and pen to write a letter of guarantee in front of Jiang Mu. 

    Jiang Mu stood by and instructed him: "Write everything you did, and what you plan to do, how do you regret it..." You Chenguang didn't understand that Jiang Mu asked Chu Shuo to write this.

    The evidence is complete and there is no need for a guarantee. 

    But Jiang Mu seemed to be very caring. 

    Fifteen minutes later, Jiang Mu held the letter of guarantee written by Chu Shuo in his hand and read it carefully. 

    "It's okay." Jiang Mu seemed to be satisfied with the guarantee, and said in a relaxed tone, "I will cut off contact with Shen Mo from now on, and I will never do anything I'm sorry to Jiang Mu...". " 

    Chu moon to see her look has improved, and quickly said:" Wife, so ... " 

    Jiang Mo frown, said: "Not allowed to call me wife. " 

    "Twilight, you read this letter of guarantee I also wrote, can we not divorce?" 

    "Do not divorce?" Jiang Mu sarcastically smiled, "Impossible, we will divorced this marriage, even if you kneel down and beg me... I won't be with you again."

    "What, but you asked me to write a guarantee." Chu Shuo was stunned. 

    "Did I say I will not leave after you write it? This is something you need to write." Jiang Mu smiled and put away the guarantee. 

    Chu Shuo wanted to vomit blood. 

    In fact, Jiang Mu asked Chu Shuo to write the guarantee because he wanted to use it as evidence. The lawyers have said that this kind of guarantee would be accepted by the court. 

    But except this, she also has other uses of this guarantee.

    Jiang Mu: "I will move out today, and I will give you the divorce agreement tomorrow. "

    Chu Shuo's chest was sultry, and Jiang Mu's eyes pierced uncomfortably. 

    "Jiang Mu, I beg you... For the sake of the child, can we not divorce?" Chu Shuo was scared. If Jiang Mu left, he might not come back. 

    He gritted his teeth and fell on his knees.