[World 1] Chapter 24

    Shen Mo opened the forum and didn't need to look for it. The first hot post was about her. 

    Just for a while, the number of replies has exceeded two thousand. 

    Shen Mo hesitantly clicked on the post, and when she saw the screenshot inside, it was like a bolt from the blue. 

    The whole school knew about her and Chu Shuo. 

    Shen Mo's face was pale, fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, and there was a chill in her back. 

    "What to do? How could this happen, it must be Jiang Mu... She made the video, which was taken at her house..." 

    Shen Mo's hand was shaking, and she couldn't hold her phone firmly. 

    The principal's office is also discussing this matter, and school leaders are furious. 

    "This kind of incident is so big, how much negative impact will it bring to the school, what is it?" 

    "The VCR at the event was suddenly changed, I don't know what happened." 

    "Not sure? Not sure yet. If you don't check, who is responsible?" 


    Xu Yujie never thought that this matter would make such a big mess before doing it, thinking that Jiang Mu just wanted Shen Mo to be ugly and out of breath, but now not only the whole school knows, School leaders are also losing their temper. 

    Moreover, it was also spread that the man in the video was Jiang Mu's husband. 

    Everyone knew that Jiang Mu had a good relationship with her, so they asked her about her situation one by one. 

    She didn't know what to say. 

    The teachers in the office surrounded Xu Yujie. 

    "Why don't you know? Don't you have the best relationship with Jiang Mu?" 

    "But, I haven't seen you go together recently? What happened?" 

    Xu Yujie's face was not very good when asked. 

    "But I heard that Jiang Mu resigned today."

    Xu Yujie was shocked: "Resigned?" 

    "Yeah, don't you know?" 

    Xu Yujie was stunned, and began to panic in her heart. 

    Jiang Mo resigned, why? 

    At this time, the head teacher of the Youth League Committee appeared at the door of the office. 

    "Teacher Xu, come with me, the principal is looking for you." 

    There was only one voice in Xu Yujie's mind: it's over. 

    Xu Yujie smiled stiffly and said, "Okay." 

    On the way, she was brainstorming in her mind, what should I do? 

    I was discovered. 

    Xu Yujie stopped and said to the director: "May I go to the bathroom."

The director frowned, but the bathroom was at the end of the corridor. It wouldn't be long before going there, so he agreed, "Go." 

    Xu Yujie entered the bathroom. After checking, she called Jiang Mu after she was sure there was no one inside. 

    After the call was connected, Xu Yujie lowered her voice and said, "Jiang Mu, the principal is looking for me. It may have been found out that I played the video." 

    "That's it." Jiang Mu's voice didn't seem to care. 

    Xu Yujie was anxious, "I did it to help you." 

    "Oh? Isn't that a way for you to save yourself?" Jiang Mu sneered. 

    Xu Yujie said angrily: "!? You you are now burning bridges to it" 

    Jiang twilight remain indifferent, "the bridge is not my demolished, you do things carelessly, was discovered, have anything to do with me?" 

    "You'd better be ready in a moment, I will not hide it for you, I will tell the principal that you ordered me to do this."

    "Okay, then I'll go to Chen Feng and tell him about your cheating." Jiang Mu had guessed that she would be like this, and didn't panic at all. Xu Yujie's handle was caught by her, so there was no need to worry.

    "You!" Xu Yujie was discouraged at once. 

    She even forgot about it. 

    "But, in this case, I will definitely be fired from the school. You can't ignore me, or I will have to die." Xu Yujie was unwilling. Without this job, it would be even more difficult for her at home. Originally, Chen Feng's parents didn't like her. At the beginning, agreeing to get married was based on her decent work. She was a university teacher. If her job was gone, wouldn't she be so blinded. 

    Jiang Mu smiled, "I really overestimated your IQ. I have already resigned, so I will only die without breaking the Internet. If you have to die, then work and lose your husband."

Xu Yujie at this moment was very angry and helpless, Jiang Mu resigned. 

    What's the point of her telling Jiang Mu. 

    It's all like this, and the idiot knows that Jiang Mu must be divorced from Chu Shuo. Even if it is to Chu Shuo's place, it will be of no use. It will not affect Jiang Mu much, but she can't, she won't work without a job. If he knows about the cheating, she will definitely get divorced, and she signed an agreement before marriage, and after the divorce, she won't get anything. 

    Xu Yujie was so angry that she vomited blood, she could only break her teeth and swallow in her stomach. 

    "I... I was wrong, don't tell Chen Feng." Xu Yujie's arrogance went out completely. 

    "Well, I believe you should know what to say later, then I'll hang up if that's all." Jiang Mu said politely. 

    After the phone was hung up, Xu Yujie felt soft and slowly sat on the ground with her back against the wall. 


The next day, the school announced its handling of this matter. 

    As a teacher, Xu Yujie did something to damage the school's reputation and was suspended.

    Shen Mo misbehaved and received the punishment, which will be recorded in the file, and she will leave school for one year. 

    This is the criticism from the whole school, and Shen Mo is really famous now. 

    Shen Mo fainted when she saw the teacher's message in the class group in the dormitory. 

    Although several students in the dormitory looked down on her now, they had a good relationship with Shen Mo before. They couldn't bear to see her like this, so they sent her to the hospital, and finally left a girl to accompany her for an examination. 

    When she got the test results, the girl glanced at Shen Mo, her expression was very strange, surprised and disgusted expression when she saw it. 

    Shen Mo hurriedly took the checklist. 

    How come! ? 

    "I'm leaving now." The girl didn't have the last bit of pity for her. 

    Shen Mo's body was cold, and she said to herself: "I'm pregnant..."

She calculated the time, it happened to be at the beginning of last month. 

    What to do... 

    Shen Mo panicked, she first called Shen Yan. 

    But Shen Yan did not answer. Shen Yan just learned about Jiang Mu's resignation. He felt that Jiang Mu had lost her job because of Shen Mo. He also saw the video. 

    He didn't expect that Shen Mo would be shameless to this point and go to Jiang Mu's house to have a relationship with Chu Shuo. 

    He couldn't face Shen Mo now, and Jiang Mu didn't reply to her message. He was anxious to contact Jiang Mu. He was upset when he saw Shen Mo's call and hung up. 

    Shen Mo was in great distress at the moment. She was suspended from school by the school leaders and became pregnant. Her most dear brother refused to pay attention to her. 

    No matter how strong she was, she was still only a girl in her early twenties. She couldn't stand such a blow and started to cry in the hospital. 

    She cried and sat on the ground, looking extremely pitiful. 

    Two kind people came to help her and asked her what's wrong.

    Shen Mo couldn't tell. 

    After she left the hospital, she decided to tell Chu Shuo that after all, the child belonged to Chu Shuo, and he must take care of her at this time. 

    But Chu Shuo didn't answer the phone either. 

    Shen Mo was very angry and took a photo of the checklist and sent it to Chu Shuo. 

    Shen Mo: [ I'm pregnant ] 

    Chu Shuo called in the next second. 

    Shen Mo sneered and answered the phone. 

    Chu Shuo: "Where are you?" 

    Shen Mo looked around, "I'm at the entrance of the attached hospital." 

    Chu Shuo: "Wait for me there, I will come right away." 

    Chu Shuo still doesn't know about Shen Mo being suspended from school. I just thought about the pregnancy and couldn't let Jiang Mu know, the reporter solved the matter. 

    He had been thinking about it these days, and the news that he was just pregnant gave him a severe alarm. 

    Can't continue. 

    He and Shen Mo must be cut off immediately.

    Shen Mo felt a little better when he saw that he was eager to come over to find her. 

    She touched her belly, a little confused. 

    This child, it is not time to come. 

    But... she just took a year off, can she be born? 

    If she had this child, would her relationship with Chu Shuo be stronger? 

    After thinking about it, Shen Mo felt that there was no harm in this child staying. 

    Twenty minutes later, Chu Shuo finally appeared in front of Shen Mo. 

    When Shen Mo saw Chu Shuo, her eyes were red, and tears fell away. 

    When she looked up at Chu Shuo pitifully, the expression on her face was stiff for a moment.

    Because Chu Shuo looked at her coldly, completely different from before. 

    "Let me see the results of the inspection." Chu Shuo said lightly. 

    Shen Mo hesitantly handed the result to him, "It's been more than a month..." 

    Chu Shuo recalled that he had a drink that day and went to Shen Mo's at night. He did it when he was drunk and forgot to wear a condom. 

    After Chu Shuo remembered it, his expression changed. 

    "You plan to..." 

    "This child can't be born." 

    Shen Mo looked at Chu Shuo in surprise. She didn't expect Chu Shuo to be so unrelenting. He didn't even hesitate or feel distressed, and immediately just said no. 

    Shen Mo: "But..." 

    "But what? Do you still want it to be born?" Chu Shuo's tone seemed to be outrageous. 

    Shen Mo was a little frustrated, and his heart was very unbalanced. This child belongs to her. He said that if I don't want it, you don't want it. Did you consider her feelings? 

    "Why can't it be born?" Shen Mo said stubbornly. 

    Shen Mo had always followed Chu Shuo's words and had never confronted him, so Chu Shuo was very surprised by her sudden resistance. 

    "Your brain is broken?" Chu Shuo's face turned blue. 

    He snorted coldly, "Don't even think about this kind of thing." 

    Chu Shuo took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Shen Mo. 

    "This is for you, you go and perform the operation." 

    Shen Mo did not answer, but looked at Chu Shuo with a sad expression. 

    Chu Shuo felt inexplicable, how could Shen Mo become like this.

    Actually, Shen Mo didn't want to be like this. There have been too many things recently. She was hit one after another, and all her patience and calmness were dissipated. She couldn't calm down and think, so her performance became more and more out of control. He must hold Chu Shuo and say in a considerate voice that she will be obedient, and then shed a few tears, making Chu Shuo feel sorry for her. 

    Use Chu Shuo's self-blame and pity to get more benefits. 

    This is what she should do. 

    Shen Mo knew it in her heart, but she couldn't do it, she couldn't bear it. 

    "What the hell is going on with you?" Chu Shuo felt that Shen Mo's attitude was simply inexplicable. He grabbed Shen Mo's hand, put the card in her hand, and turned away. 

    Looking at Chu Shuo's back, Shen Mo felt a little broken. 

    When Chu Shuo returned to the company, he received a call from the court. Five days ago, Jiang Mu asked his lawyer to file a divorce lawsuit with the court. The case has been filed and he called to inform him. 

    Chu Shuo didn't expect that Jiang Mu would choose to sue for divorce, and she didn't even consider divorce by agreement. 

    He thought for a while and asked the secretary to contact the lawyer. 

    A few days later, Jiang Mu and Chu Shuo each took their lawyers for the first meeting. 

    The divorce lawyers of both parties are fighting for the best interests of their clients. The most important thing is to grab the custody of the children. 

    What Chu Shuo said to the lawyer was that it is best not to divorce. If Jiang Mu disagrees, he must grab Chu Ying's custody rights and be willing to pay as much money. 

    But the evidence that Jiang Mu showed was really unfavorable to them. Even in court, the judge would favor Jiang Mu because of Chu Shuo's various behaviors. 

    The two lawyers spoke with each other, Chu Shuo and Jiang Mu didn't need to say anything, Jiang Mu went out to answer the phone, and Chu Shuo followed out. 

    Jiang Mu hung up the phone and turned around to see Chu Shuo standing behind her. 

    "I never thought that you would be so unfeeling?"

    Jiang Mu felt a little funny. He cheated for more than a year, and now he says she is unfeeling. 

    Do I still have to be soft-hearted if you are not unfeeling? 

    It's her kindness that didn't make you an eunuch. 

    Jiang Mu didn't want to waste a word with him, and gave him a cold glance before going in. 

    Chu Shuo stopped her, "I won't let Yingying follow you." 

    Jiang Mu: "Do you think you can still be the master?" 

    Jiang Mu's unbridled appearance made Chu Shuo feel extremely strange. 

    Chu Shuo said disappointedly: "Jiang Mu, you seem to be a different person." 

    Jiang Mu blinked and showed a smile that fascinated Chu Shuo. 

    Chu Shuo saw her smile, his eyes softened for some reason. 

    But in the next second, he heard Jiang Mu say: "Yes, I have become someone you can't afford to climb." 

    Chu Shuo: "Jiang Mu!" 

    Chu Shuo was angry, and reached out and took Jiang Mu's hand. But Jiang Mu thrown it away directly, and then slapped him.

    "Don't touch me." 

    Jiang Mu's disgusting tone made him feel very hurt. 

    Chu Shuo looked at her, the pain in his heart made him unable to notice the pain on his face, and he asked in a low voice, "You hate me so much?" 

    Jiang Mu said, "Hate you? You think too much of yourself, you are dirty." 

    Chu Shuo wanted to say something, his cell phone rang, and he took it out to see that it was Shen Mo's call. 

    He hesitated, and when he looked up, Jiang Mu had already left. 

    Chu Shuo thought for a while and answered the phone. 

    "What's the matter?" 

    Shen Mo's voice on the phone was also very indifferent: "I don't agree to kill the child."