The Winner Or Loser

"He is no friend just a basted" shoto said as as he wiped of the blood from his mouth.

'That's right kill him for your snowflake'  Riku said in his head as shoto took off his tie and jacked and gave it to you, And ran to bakugo starting a big explosion and ice battle.

"Your dead to think you can just touch my snowflake without permission" shoto said as he punched bakugo in the jaw were bakugo hit him.

"Stop it you two!?!" You screamed as you felt a hand on your should it was the number 2 hero hawks, "Stay out of this" hawks said as you recognised the voice.

His voice sounds like who called me that one time you thought as everyone went running for shelter but because of bakugo and shoto fighting things fell and there was a woman under a piece of broken glass.

"Move!?! You screamed as you used your ice to hold the falling glass so it wouldn't cut the poor woman.

"Are you alright mam" you said as she nodded and hawks brought her to the others as you looked down to see your dress ruined.

"Oh come on l loved this dress" you said as hawks came over to you "now it's time for you to get out here, don't want future Mrs todoroki to be hurt" hawks said with a wink as you blushed at the thought as Mrs todoroki.

|with Bakugo & shoto|

"Your dead icyhot" bakugo shouted as he sent him a explosion but shoto pushed it off with his ice.

"This isn't the sports festival you know icyhot" bakugo said as he ran to him to try to grab him but shoto used his ice to make him slip and lose his balance.

"Shit" bakugo said as he saw shoto jumping to him as shoto foot came in contact with bakugo's face as bakugo flew to the wall.

"Good damn it" bakugo said as he heard something crack "what is this fight even about" bakugo said as he used the wall for support to stand up right.

"Why do you think" shoto said as he slapped his foot on the ground as ice came out blocking bakugo.

"It's because of y/n of course she's mine and you touched her with your hands that were never supposed to touch her" shoto said.

As bakugo tried to get out and use his quirk, but it didn't work as shoto got closer right to his face and grabbed bakugo's face.

As shoto looked around to see if anyone was there but there wasn't as he turned back to bakugo with murder in his eyes.

As bakugo felt scared more then being in that slug villains clutches, "now you must pay for your crimes like all the others I killed" shoto said in a whisper.

As bakugo was about to respond until he felt something go in his neck it was a knife, "Now you will not look at my y/n simply because you will be dead good bye katsuki bakugo" shoto said as he burned bakugo's body all the way to ash.

Enji was watch from afar, so history repeats it's self my son Enji thought as he smiled and walked out with others to see you come up to him.

"Todoroki has the fighting ended" you said as he nodded and you sighed and walked in to see the whole place destroyed.

Until you saw shoto next to a huge burn mark on the wall as you ran up to him, "Shoto are you okay we're is bakugo" you said as shoto turned to you.

"I don't know he escaped" he lied as you looked down sad and hugged him "I'm sorry shoto I shouldn't have danced with him" you said.

It's all your lovers fault for going to him you should punish her shoto Riku said in his head.

I can't I wouldn't hurt her and if I did she would be scared of me shoto thought.

"Shoto let's go home please I don't want to stay here anymore" you said as he looked down at you and kissed you.

"Your mine" shoto said in a whisper but you heard it and smiled "yes I'm yours" you said as shoto blushed, as he picked you up and ran outside to the limo and opened the limo and put you on the seat.

As the limo started as shoto got on top of you and kissed your neck and grab your ass to pull you to him closer.

you moaned as he took of his shirt and throw it somewhere as you blushed under him, as he pulled at your dress as he got it off from him to see your matching underwear for him to smirk.

"Did you wear my favourite colour ?" shoto asked as he kissed your neck and took off his pants.

"Maybe I did or maybe I didn't" you flirted back as he started taking off your bra.

"Wait were really going to do this in a car" you asked as shoto smirked.

"YES!?!" Shoto said as he pulled off your bra to see your breasts as he touched them very softly as he kissed them.

"careful shoto remember I'm on my you know" you said as you felt something go into you, you moaned as shoto kissed you so you wouldn't sound as loud.

As you looked down to see his fingers in you as you blushed and looked away for shoto to grab your chin and make you look at him and kiss you again.

As you felt something twitching at your leg to feel his 'thing' as you felt him grab your hand and did what he did in the bathroom in the cinema.

As he ordered you to put your hands in his pants as you did what he told you what to do.

As he moaned for you to rub it harder as you did he pulled down his boxers to come face to face with his thing. (🤣🤣)

As you felt something come up in your stomach as you moaned one more time as you then released on his fingers with some blood you felt embarrassed as he also felt the same as he came on your hands.

As you both fell as he looked at you "do you want to keep going?"  shoto asked as you nodded.

As grabbed his thing ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉) and put it to you, "Please be carefully please, I'm on my period" you said as he nodded and put it in as you scratched his back.

"That's hurts shoto" you said as he stopped what he was doing and saw tears go down your face.

"I'm sorry my snowflake" shoto said as he tried to make it better, "It's fine it will be okay once I get use to it" you said as you started moving on your own.

As he moaned as his member twitched inside of you as he started moving as well, "Y/n get on top of me" shoto ordered you as you got on top of him as you moved up and down.

"Oh my Snowflake" shoto said as he grabbed your hips to make you go faster.

"I'm close snowflake" he said as he made you ride him faster.

Yes your doing it your making her yours Riku said in his head as he moved inside you one more time as he bursted in you.

As you both moaned as you also came as you grabbed his red and white hair when you then saw his burned scar.

How did I not see that scar you thought as you touched it as you both were cooling down from your love making as you just sat on him and touched his burned scar.

"How did you get this scar" you asked as he put his hand on yours.

"My mother, she burned me"

Shoto said remembering the past as he shivered as you got off him as you pulled out to pick up both your clothes.

"Thank you my snowflake" he said as both got dressed when Mai came in, "your here" she said as she opened the door to your house.

Wait they were in the limo they must had heard us oh no you thought as you felt shoto lips to your ear.

"They didn't hear they were behind soundless glass so the couldn't see or hear us so don't worry" shoto said making you feel better, "That's good" you said as you opened the door.

"That was a journey huh shoto" you said as you looked at him to see some blood on his cheek.

"Oh no did I get my blood oh you oh no I'm sorry" you said trying to find something to wipe it off with "it's fine" he said.

Shit some blood of bakugo's got on me but she thinks it's her's shoto thought.

'Yeah good that she thinks it's hers so when will you tell her?' Riku asked in his head.

Soon, will soon and she will be mine and only mine.......


|Next chapter: tell her now or later|