Riku's Past

But Riku was stopped by ice, you turned your head to see Shoto on the window sill.

"Riku!" Shoto screamed, you turned to Enji bleeding out on your hospital bed. "Get (y/n) out of here!" Shoto shouted again.

Mr Smith ran over to you and picked you up, "wait enji's still in that room" you said grabbing Mr Smith's shirt, "we have to go back" you said shaking his shirt.

"Miss (y/n) he will be fine" Mr Smith said as a bunch of police force came running by you too. "Where is the room the suspect is in?" A officer asked.

"In there" Mr Smith said using his free hand to point where Mr Smith ran from. "Okay, Korra you stay here and protect them while the rest of us go in there" a officer said.

Korra Nodded her head, "yes sir" she said turning to you and Mr Smith, "have any of you got any wounds?" Korra asked. Both you and Mr Smith shaked your head, "but the number one hero is in that room were the rest went" you said.

All of your attention went to a officer running towards you all, "he's a monster ru-" the officer was saying before crimson flew everywhere. Korra's eyes widened as her partner fell to the floor hard dead.

Mr Smith covered yours and korra's eyes, "I-I" Korra was saying but didn't get to say thing when you heard her scream. You bit your lip, "what happened?" Mr Smith said to himself.

"Riku" you said to yourself you heard movement beside you, Korra stood up and grabbed her gun and ran. "Stop don't go that way" you screamed after her but she couldn't hear you as she turned the corner.

There was gunshot's until finally there was a scream and the gunshot stopped, "shit" Mr Smith whispered.

Your head fell down, too many people have died today it's not fair you thought. "We got to get out of here" Mr Smith grabbing your arm and running.

|With Riku and shoto|

"now then" Riku was saying until officers came into the room, "stop where you are" one said which made Riku turn his head to the officers, "well I just found something more interesting" Riku said.

He ran towards them, the officer's started shooting at him, but for some reason Riku kept dodging them easily. Shoto felt like he was watching a movie in slow motion.

Riku grabbed an officer's head and threw it off, shoto's eyes widened, "keep shooting" a officer said until his arm was cut clean off. "Sir-" another said until there leg was ripped off them.

Riku just stood there laughing, "and here I thought you was stronger then that" Riku said, the last officer left standing dropped his gun and made a run for it.

"Oh I love a good chase" Riku said clicking his fingers and that black ink followed the officer that ran out. "Give it a minute" Riku said until finally hearing a scream.

"Oh there's one more office left and it's a girl" Riku said, until he heard footsteps coming closer to the room that he and shoto was In. Riku took a step out of the room for a bullet to go right threw him.

"Come on my dear put your back in to it like this" Riku said running up to Korra and stabbing her threw the stomach using his nails.

Shoto did nothing but watch, his attention was more focused on his father tho. "My son" Enji said holding onto his stomach.

Shoto felt his father put his hand on top of his head, "take care of (y/n) my son" Enji said. "You crazy old man save your breath" shoto said he was about to run after Riku but Enji stopped him.

"Promise me" Enji said shoto turned his head to his father and nodded, "I'm promise" he said running out the room. Enji lifted his hand to see his blood he sighed, "I was to careless" Enji said he laughed.

|Back with you and Mr Smith|

You both was out of the hospital, "my car's over here" Mr Smith leading you to the car park, "I can't run for him forever" you said trying to pull your hand back. You realised he had a death grip on you, "Mr Smith?" You said.

You head running behind you, you turned your head to see Riku, shi- you was thinking before you felt Mr Smith turn you around. Your back was against his, "what are yo-" you was saying until a knife was put to your neck, "come a step closer and I cut her throat open" Mr Smith said your eyes went wide.

Riku stopped in his path, "yeah that's right now take a step away from us or she gets it" Mr Smith said. What is happening? You asked yourself.

"You better get that a knife away from Yuki" Riku said, you looked confused, that's not my name you thought. (If your name is Yuki then you can change it)

"I don't know who this Yuki is but you better step back" Mr Smith said, he's never said that name before you thought. Riku bit his lip, "Yuki!" he out loud.


"Please just don't hurt Yuki" Riku said, a man in all back was holding a girl with a knife to her neck and standing on a edge "no I'm not giving her back for what you did to my wife" the man said holding the girl.

"Yuki just hold on" Riku said, the girl called Yuki holdeded her hand out for Riku reach, but the man holding her lost his footing and fell back.


|End of flashback|

Riku was breathing heavy, "(y/n)" you heard your name to see Shoto run out the hospital, shoto you thought. Shoto saw the doctor holding the knife to your throat.

"What are you doing?" Shoto asked concerned, "get out of here Yuki is mine" Riku said shoto looked over to Riku, "who's Yuki? That's (y/n)" shoto said starting his fire.

"No that's Yuki!" Riku said, shoto shaked his head, "I don't know the full detail of what happend in your past but that is (y/n) not Yuki" shoto said rurning to you.

"Just sit tight (y/n) I will get to you" shoto said starting his ice quirk.

"because I made a promise"

|Next chapter: promise|