Yuki (final)

Shoto hit his head on the wall in anger, "god damn it if only I could kill Riku again and again, I need to get my mind off (y/n) being safe" shoto said to himself.

|Back with you|

You looked all around you, you turned to see Yuki also looking around trying to find a way out for you.

"Anything?" You asked her but she just shaked her head, "nothing sorry" Yuki said. You sighed and fell to your knees.

"I'm so useless" you said to yourself, Yuki turned to you, "well if your useless how have you survived this long?" Yuki asked you blinked.

"Well that is true but still I have let all those people die that old man, the police force, my friends" you said to yourself grabbing your hair.

"I mean we all make mistakes all the time I mean look at me I was killed by a murderer, my family had a car accident and my lover was a villain" Yuki said.

You bit your lip, "I'm sorry" you said Yuki shaked her head, "it's fine besides here I get to see them" Yuki said. You looked down, "oh wait I think I have found something" Yuki said.

You turned to her, you saw a opening a white light, "where will that take me?" You asked. "Probably back to your body" Yuki said, "well I can't find anything so I might as well try" you said.

You stepped a few steps back and then ran for the white light,you jumped threw, "good luck (y/n)" you heard Yuki call out to you as you fell.

Your eyes flew open, "m-miss y/n?" A nurse said, you sat up you grabbed your side in pain, "g-get Mr todoroki!!" A doctor said.

A nurse ran out the room, you looked around you, "I'm back" you said your voice sounded different, "miss y/n I can't believe your awake" a voice said you looked to see Mr Smith.

You started at him, how has he not been arrested for having a knife to my neck. You thought.

You was going to say something until you heard the door, you turned your attention to see a sleepy shoto who looked like he hadn't slept in months.

His eyes connected with yours, "s-snowflake" he said, you just sat there and smiled, "hi" you said he ran over to you and hugged you.

"You fucking dummy you had me worried sick about you" shoto screamed, you felt him shaking, oh shoto you thought rubbing his back.

"Do you hurt anywhere?" He asked, you shaked your head, "but why does my voice sound different?" You asked, Mr Smith came into your line of vision.

"Well when you stabbed yourself you damaged your voice box, that's why your voice sounds different" Mr Smith said, "will it ever go back to normal?" You asked sadly Mr Smith shaked his head.

"Sorry no" Mr Smith said but you shaked your head, "I can live with it" you said, you touched your neck to feel the knife blade mark.

You sighed, "my nurses also healed your stomach wound" Mr Smith said you nodded, "thanks" you said, "no problem miss l/n" Mr Smith said.

"May I ask why did you put that knife to my throat?" You asked, Mr Smith rubbed his neck, "well that was to make Riku back away from us but I guess I got to cut up in the moment" Mr Smith said said.

"Yeah also about that I called some friends" shoto said as two officers came into the room, "Mr Smith?" A officer said. Mr Smith sweated, "yes" he said, "your coming with us to the office for awhile" the other officer said leading Mr Smith out.

Shoto sighed, "when did you call the police?" You asked, shoto turned to you, "when that nurse told me you woke up" shoto said, "I just want him no way near you after all of this" shoto said.

Shoto turned to the door, "where are you going?" You asked him, he turned to you, "to tell my father that you woke up" shoto said.

You sat there with wide eyes, "when did he start calling his father, father" you said laughing a bit, "thank you Yuki" you whispered to yourself.

|A few month's later|

You finally was getting out of the hospital, but what you didn't know that the whole of Japan heard about your recovery, so you know what that means paparazzi.

When you was finally out the hospital, people crowded you asking you questions like: how did you survive?, did shoto todoroki kill you?, what do you have to say about all the people Mr todoroki has killed?

You said nothing but had your head down the whole time, a car pulled up to see Mai and cole, shoto's servants. You did a little smile and got in the car.

"Welcome back Mr todoroki" Mai said, "where too?" Cole asked, "to miss l/n's house" shoto said and the car started and drove off.

"Mai did you do what I told to do before I left those month's ago?" Shoto asked Mai nodded, "I made sure to tell your mom to that you are back in japan" Mai said.

The car pulled up to your house, I haven't been here in months and it still looks the same as I left it. You thought, you heard another door close behind you.

Shoto got out off his side, "I thought you was going home?" You asked shoto smiled, "I am home tho" he said you blushed, "besides we need time together after all of this shit" shoto said.

You opened your door to see everything still in one peace, "do you want anything?" You asked, "yeah I would like something~" he said you turned to him.

"And what would that be?" You asked he smirked, "you~" he said you blushed again. "Stop 😣"

|A few hours later|

Both you and shoto was just in bed watching Netflix, "I missed this" you said shoto nodded in agreement, "but you know what?" Shoto asked, "what?"

"Your still mine~"

|The end|

Finally finished book 1 and 2, thanks for reading

Byeeee 👋