Maria Analiza or Liza is a typical college student that does not know what to do for her future. She does not even want the course she is taking, Nursing, but still able to get good grades and become one of the summa cum laude of her batch. She wants to become a business woman or a chef but upon the advice of her mom she took up Nursing due to her ability to healing others.
She has brown almond eyes, black curly hair, a fair skin complexion and a slim body. Her eyes almost express everything of her. It is indeed the mirror of her soul. Her skin glows whenever the sun rays hit her. Whenever her body moves, her hair sways as well as if dancing with the grooves.
She has a best friend named Michael Alejandro who is taking up a business course. She has a secret crush on him and never give any hint to him about it. They have been going out a couple of times but others say they are dating.
One afternoon, few days away before their graduation, Liza and Mike meet at the park to spend their time leisurely. Liza tells Mike her dream.
"Mike, I had dreamt something. It was so weird and different," Liza said remembering her dream vividly.
"My sweet Liz, what was it about? Is it about you and I?" Mike interrupted as he winks at Liza giving a playful grin.
"Oh shut up! Look! It is some kind of premonition but I still doubt it. In the dream, I was a human with some abilities of a witch and I was about to get married to someone who happened to be a hybrid of wolfie and vampire," Liza continued. "And I believe that there is no such vampire and werewolf existing in this twentieth century."
"Oh really! So it's not me. Ouch! You hurt my feelings! Hahaha," Mike said sarcastically.
Mike notice the sudden tension between them, and Liza's brown eyes gave it away the sadness she suddenly felt after hearing Mike's words.
"I'm sorry. I'm just kidding", Mike said with full of regret in his tone. He does not mean to mention those words but he feels jealous and hurt at the same time after Liza told him about her dream and he does not know why he suddenly feel a pang in his heart. He wishes that it was he whom she dreamt to spend an eternity and not with any other man.
"It's alright. There's nothing to apologize", Liza told Mike as she hugs him to avoid the awkwardness between them. "I need to go. It's getting late. Mom might be looking for me sooner or later. I don't want my phone get bang of phone calls from her. Dad has not yet arriving."
"Ok then. I will accom-"
"No need, Sweetie. I still have to drop-by at the grocery."
"Well, Ok. See yah tomorrow."
Liza hugs Mike again before they parted ways. Unknown to her, Mike follows her until she arrives at her home safely. He does it once he feels danger approaching Liza.
At home.
"Mom! I'm home!" Liza shouted as she enters their house.
"I'm here at the kitchen, Sweetie", Amelia, Liza's mom replied.
"I'm coming! Did dad arrive?"
"Not yet. Maybe in few minutes. Please get some eggs at the fridge. I'm planning to cook omelet."
"How I wish I could be with dad. I want to explore the places he is going, the very beauty and sceneries of those places", Liza replied. "Here's the eggs, Mom, and please put some cheese. It's good."
Dingdong. Dingdong.
"Do you expect any visitor today, Mom?" Liza asked curiously.
"Nope, Sweetie, only your father's arrival", her mom answered as Liza heads to the main door in their living room to answer the doorbell. Amelia starts frying fish fillet while she prepares the omelet.
Dingdong. Dingdong. Dingdong.
"Wait!", Liza yells as she approaches the door.
Liza opens the door. The look in her face is the mixture of emotions. It is her father accompanied by three mean-looking men and they stop talking once she opens the door. It is unusual for her father to use the doorbell since he has his owns keys even if he has companions.
"Good eve, Dad", Liza greeted her father, Samuel, with a smile and hug. She let them enter the house and she go straight to her mom.
"Mom, Dad is here with some 'mean-looking' weirdos."
"How is my lovely lady and my sweet child?" Samuel asked as he enters the kitchen.
"I'm cooking for our dinner. Are they going to eat with us?" Amelia answered her husband while she starts to prepare mashed potato. She let Liza finish cooking the omelet and fish fillet.
"They will not. I met them outside. By the way, they want to talk to you regarding some matters before they leave", Samuel told her wife with a look that his wife already knows that it is something to do with Nicholas.
"Ok then. Honey, please continue doing this. We will just talk to them. Privately", Amelia instructs Liza. "And no eavesdropping, ok?"
"Fine!" Liza answers with frown. When she started college, she is forbidden to know her parents' visitors. Either she is sent upstairs or let her finished the unfinished kitchen chores of her mother. There are times that she becomes curious on how her mother knows who are their visitors even though she haven't seen them yet so she tried to eavesdropping countless of times.
As Amelia and Samuel enters the living room, she put the guards on so that Liza won't hear anything they are about to discuss as a precaution.
"Good day, Princess. His Majesty wants this to be handed to you" one of the three guys named Adam started as Eman gave the papers to Amelia.
"What's this?" Amelia spoke with power and authority.
"It is a travelling document. His Majesty wants to meet his daughter as soon as she can", Steves answers nervously.
"He could have just give it to Sam."
"The Prince is already on his way here when your father received the papers", Adam continues.
"That's right, Honey. Father asked me if I could stay a little bit longer to wait the papers but unfortunately, I had to leave as soon as possible since I have something to deal with Zander", Samuel continued.
In their knowledge, Nicholas disapproves Samuel being a human not knowing that he likes Samuel for his daughter. There was a spell in which he had inflicted upon the request of Nickolas parent's and he is trying to break it to awaken the sleeping beast inside Samuel.
"Her Majesty, Prince, we have to leave immediately. Thank you for accommodating us" the three said in unison. They bowed their heads with respect and left the house and went to Mike's house in instant.
"What happened to your visit?" Amelia asked as she browse the documents. She noticed that most of it are status report of her kingdom and few traveling document for them. A note written by her father inserted at the middle part of the document caught her eye.
"Father said that we are running out of time. The enemies are getting stronger. He is planning to transform me into a vampire or a lycan so -" Samuel answered but cut off when the word transform registered in Amelia's mind.
"What the! Why he would do that. We are trying to live peacefully here," Amelia protested.
"Exactly! I am the father of this family and I must have a word when it comes to the safety of the family. Your father is right that marrying me would bring only disgrace to our family and transforming me into one of those immortals would somehow eases his worries."
"You know how much I dislike the idea. You are special in your own way. You even accepted me even though I have a witch ancestry and could leave forever." There was a long silence between the couple.
"Uhmm, Honey I have something to tell you."
"What is it?"
"I overheard dad yesterday. I dropped by to visit them yesterday and stay for the night. Before I came to see Nicholas."
"I overheard him talking to mom that I was not really a human. Do you know about it?"
"Not really. Your blood smell like a human but your physical features tells differently. And now you give me a hint."
Another silence filled the room. And it was then when Amelia put the guards down.
"Mom? Dad? Is everything alright? The dinner is ready", Amelia interrupted. "Where are your visitors?"
"We're coming!", her mom answered.
"They already left", Samuel replied.
"Oh!" Liza said curiously. By that time curiosity is hitting the best at Liza. She is now starting to figure out why her father starts to conduct business at their home wherein he never did that and noticed that her mother seems hiding something from her.
Samuel and Amelia headed to the dining area where Liza is already starting to pile her plate with loads of omelet and fillets. They finish eating without any conversation which is unusual to the family. Liza senses the problem but she keep it to herself.
After dinner, Liza volunteers herself to clean the dishes while her parents went back to continue their unfinished business.
Amelia reads the note.
The kingdom needs you. We do not have any upper hand in the situation. The enemy gets larger and stronger while ours diminish and gets weaker. We need a powerful ally that would help us. Day by day, incidents are reported about the enemies trying to unwind and conquer the kingdom.
After reading the note, Amelia stared at it. Samuel knows that in order to gain a strong ally they have to give up their daughter to marry the son of a possibly an ally with a larger army that could fight with them but they already promised her to Zander. They are silent for the mean time thinking of what other ways they could do.
Liza enters the living room after cleaning their dishes and senses the uncomfortable silence between her parents. She is about to ask her mother what was happening when she noticed the paper her mom is staring at. She looks at it as if in her mind she is burning it. When suddenly...
"Ouch!" Amelia shouted and she suddenly dropped the paper. It is only that time that Liza came into her senses. Samuel shifted his position and noticed Liza leaning in the door frame of their dining area seriously looking at them.
"Care to explain what is in your mind?" Samuel asked coldly when he notice that Liza is looking seriously at the paper.
"Uhmm... I sense problem then, I was about to ask you what was going on but the paper mom was holding caught my attention. I don't know why but I feel like I want to burn it into ashes as I imagine it in my mind then mom blurted out" Liza explained with fear in her words.
That time, the questions in his father's thought were answered. Even though her daughter was a human, she is able to possess some characteristics of a witch. He glance her wife with a knowing looking and she just nodded.
"It's alright. There is nothing to be afraid of", her father said. "You looked too serious in your stance."
"You must be tired from practice. You have to rest and sleep", her mom ordered.
"Ok, Mom. Please wake me up early tomorrow."
Liza headed to her room. Once her parents were sure that she is already inside her room, they started talking about what happened a while ago.
"Did you know what your daughter did to you?" Samuel questioned Amelia.
"She burned it. I just manage to dozed it off and return it back to normal."
"How come she know that. Do you teach her?"
"No. Why would I? I want our daughter to live in peace. I don't want her to be dragged in the mess of our worlds."
"Amelia, we should tell her the truth. She deserves to know it."
"No! I highly object. It is not safe. I don't know how will she handle it."
"How she will handle or how will you handle her and yourself once she learned her nature?"
"I don't know Sam, I don't know and i don't want to know."
"She is already showing signs of being a witch she is nearly 21. Other than that, she starts to be curious about us. The sudden change of our behavior. She became observant lately."
"I'm afraid what if we loss her. She is not used to this kind of environment."
"We don't have a choice but to tell it to her or we end up regretting of hiding it to her."
Amelia went up to Liza's room to check her daughter. When she opened the door, she was thankful that Liza was asleep. She spoke few words to her that could make Liza slumber deeply and have a dream about her true nature.