She is... He is...

Mike P.O.V.

Our graduation rights is tomorrow but Liza is still not recovering from what had happened to her a week ago. Most of the time, she screams at the top of her lungs due to the trauma that she had experienced. Marie stays with her during daytime whenever Amelia or Samuel is not around while I have to stay with her the whole night.

Her uncle, Alejandro, set ups different wards in their area to protect her from unknown enemies. Sebastian even called for extra security to protect her niece from intruders.

"How is she, Mike?" Amelia asks.

"I don't know, Auntie. She always tell Marie someone had been in the balcony but whenever I'm on watch I never see someone though I always smell a faint odor too foul for my heightened senses."

"That's so weird. Had you mention this to my brother?"

"Yes and he is apparently working on how this so-called outcast witches would show themselves to us. Sometimes he mentioned that Liza's stalker were demons."

"That wouldn't be surprising for an outcast to visit her but demons they were supposed to be locked in hell."

"It was about 3 or 4 days ago when I smelled a scent so foul that I had to go back home and look for deodorizer that would overpower the stench in her room. When I returned to her Uncle Sebastian told that the scents belongs to demon that tried to approach Liza but due to the ward, their skin burnt causing the foul odor."

"As I know, we do not have any enemies against demons unless they were allies of the enemies."

"It's good that you finally decided to went out of your room, slowpoke" Mike said when he noticed that Liza is walking to the kitchen.

"I am hungry and Marie had eaten all of my food," Liza said with a frown in her face.

"I thought she is very conscious when it comes to her figure," Amelia said.

"Well, it was before the graduation pictures was taken. She wants to have a perfect body shots that time."

"What food do you want, honey?"

"Pancakes, mom with chocolate syrup and chocolate chips."

"Mike, please take care of her while I prepare another set of breakfast."

"Let's go outside. Morning walk is good especially for someone who had been stuck for years in her room."

"I don't want. I feel sick."

I had grab her hand and drag her outside the house. Before we leave, I noticed Aunt has a playful smile in her face.

"Be safe, kids! Be back after an hour."

"Yes, Mom."

After an hour, Liza decided to go back and look for something to munch while watching.


"Horror or fantasy"

"Fantasy of course."

"Then we will have horror later."

After watching Twilight and and Pan, Liza and Marie started to rummaging the kitchen. He followed to prepare their drinks. When they came back, Liza's hands was loaded of two plates of pancakes while Marie brings the utensils and the condiments.

"Hey, slowpoke, handover the choco syrup and whip cream. Also the blueberry juice I had made."

"Kids, I'll be going to town to buy some food for tomorrow celebration after the graduation. Stay safe and don't stress yourselves. You should be at your best state tomorrow."

"Yes, Auntie"

"Yes, Mom. Please buy some ice cream. Cookies n cream."

"Auntie, may you buy me cake?" Marie asked. "I am craving for strawberry flavoured only."

After Amelia had left, we devour the food she had made for us. We watched two more comedy movies Before I changed it to change it to horror.

"Horror time!"

"Nope. It's getting late I don't want to be scared in my room considering I'm sleeping alone."

"That ain't gonna happen, Love. I'll be sleeping with you tonight. Marie isn't feeling well, so, she can't accompany you."

"You'll be going home and prepare for graduation tomorrow, Lazy ass"

"I am going home. I feel dizzy," Marie said after hours of watching and eating.

"We will drop you to your place," Liza offered.

"No, It's Ok. I could manage to walk. It's only 3 blocks away from here. I will call you once i arrive home."

"Alright. Careful."

We hugged Marie and she left.

We continue watching another movie. Her parents arrived shortly after finishing the last movie and I had to bid goodbye as Liza insist that I need to go home for our graduation tomorrow. We texted after I reached home and she told me that she would get ready to sleep. How I wish I could be with her tonight instead.

Third person P.O.V.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Liza, wake up." Amelia called at her door trying to wake Liza.

"It's too early!"

"You don't want to get late in your graduation, do you? You still have to prepare."

"Yes, Mom!" Liza shouted dragging herself to the bathroom to take a warm relaxing shower.

After an hour of warm shower, she started fixing her hair and called out to her mom for help. She doesn't want to hire a make up artist for her make up since she wants it simple. Her mom use the hair straightener for curling her hair. She applied light pink blush on and lip stick. She used a dark blue eye shadow to emphasize her eyes.

Liza put on her white dress which fell above her knees and her black shoes. she looked on the mirror now last time to check her looks.

"You are very pretty, honey."

"Thank you, Mom. Finally, I'll be graduating. Thank you for all your support, especially this last few weeks."

"Ladies, we don't want to get late are we?", her father called out from her door. "Oh, sweetheart, you are so beautiful."

"Thanks, dad, for everything especially now that having troubles you are always here to protect me."

"Shhh! You're make up might ruin unless you want to be a cry baby and have a smudge face. Let's go before everything intensifies."

The ride to the university was quite silent but they enjoy each others company. Liza occasionally looks at her watch and hoping that the graduation would end so soon. It makes her feel edgy every minute that she is out of the house. she only wants is to sleep.

"Honey, you seemed pretty tense? Is there something that's bothering you?", Amelia asked concerned.

"None, mom. I just want to sleep and I feel sick and tired."

From the rear view of the car, her father glanced at her and noticed something was different from her.

"Have you found your mate, Sweetheart?"

"No! Dad!"

"I am just asking because you are in heat. You are mated to a werewolf since you undergone that."

"Mom! I don't found him. Unless he is Mike." Liza's eyes widened and realization hit here of what Mike had said during their walk at the clubhouse.

"OH MY GOSH! THIS IS NOT HAPPENING! MOM! MIKE CAN'T BE MATE!", Liza yelled but she is yelling no one in particular.

"Best wishes, Honey", Amelia give a peck on her daughter's cheeks.

"He will not touch her unless they went to Russia and that will be in two days, right Amy?." his father told teasing her. When Amelia realized what was his father had told, her eyes widened.

"Dad! I can't believe I am hearing this from you", Amelia said and she throw a bottle to his father but he dodged it quickly.

"Kids! That's enough. We don't want to ruin her graduation aren't we, honey. We are few blocks away from the venue."

The remaining ride was silent but her parents were sending teasing glances to her that made her very irritated. When they reached the parking area, she immediately went out of the car.

"Honey, please don't go near your mate as much as possible. You are in the school premises and you won't be able to control yourself when you are around each other." her father told her before she left to look for her friends.

"Why is that?"

"Liza, Mike is half werewolf and half vampire. They were too possessive when it comes to their mate. If he was not able to control himself, he will claim you at anytime in anyplace and you might not want it in a very crowded place," her mom warns her.

"Thanks for the heads up guys." Liza bid her goodbyes to her parents and look for her friends. She doesn't have much but only her three friends.

After an hour, the graduation ceremony started, the students lined up in two lines as what they had practiced. but since there were some students were absent during the practice, their pairings adjusted, but unfortunately, Liza and Mike got paired.

"You smell like strawberry and vanilla," Mike whispered in her ears.

"No, I don't. I used a different shower gel today." Liza said as she tries to shrug Mike off.

"Oh really? But you still smell the same strawberry and vanilla." Mike said but this time he is holding her hands and giving butterfly kisses to her left hand that send shiver to her.

"You, two, please stop. You could cause unwanted attention." Maria said irritably that caught the attention of her friends in the line.

"Are you alright, Marie? You don't look well," Liza asked concerned.

"Here is the water that you had asked," Chris handed to his mate a bottle of water with a taste of apple.

"What's happening to her, Chris? She doesn't easily get sick or something," Liza questioned him so that Mike's attention would be diverted to their friends.

"She is.. I think.. Uhmmm.."

"Say it!" Liza raised her voice that caused the noise to tone down around them since there were still a lot of students waiting for their turn to march. "Oops! Sorry!"

"She's pregnant." he whispered that almost no one could hear but them and Liza sent a kick to his jewels. He almost fell but was able to hold on Marie's hand to avoid from getting more attention.

"Students please fall in line." The professor announced.

The students behave themselves and very cheery for the final step in their school except Liza who is sending deadly glares to Chris who is two students before them.

Once they stepped inside their auditorium, Liza can't help herself to find where her parents were sitting while she is walking. Mike had to tug her so she would stay in focus on their graduation.

"Keep moving and stay focus or you are going to stay out of the line, hun", Mike whispers.

Facing the auditorium, she was seated at the left side fourth row. And when Liza turned to her left at the benches, she noticed her parents smiling proudly at her and she waved at them.

The ceremony took almost 5 hrs due to the amount of students and those with medals and honors. Being with highest ranking student, Mike delivered the final speech addressing everyone specially the parents, professors and mentors and his loved ones.

"I never thought that you would be the one to deliver the speech, Son," Zander said to his son after they meet to the lobby together with Liza's family.

"Well it's a surprise that's why you don't have any invitations," Mike said.

"We will be going to the hotel now. or you will just follow?" Sam asked Zander.

"We will be joining you guys."

"You guys go ahead. Text me the hotel and restaurant and we will follow, " Mike said dragging Liza away from them.

"You behave, son." Zander said almost yelling so that his son could hear and they left

"Hey, guys! Our family would be going to a hotel restaurant for a dinner celeb. Would you like to join?", Mike asked Chris and Marie.

"I will not take no for an answer Marie," Liza said demanding

"Sorry I am really not feeling well to-"

"Because you are not eating properly. Are you feeding your mate, Chris?"

"Yes, off course but she throws everything. I have to convince her to eat"

"Now, let's go! Shall we?" Liza said hooking right arm to Marie dragging her to Mike's car while the guys follow them.

"I already mind link mom and dad to go with us and also to let Marie's parents know so they could join also," Chris said to Mike. They took their time walking so they could converse privately.

"It seems a new family will be created tonight."

"What do you mean? Does she knows already?"

"I think she already know that we are mates but since this would be a family dinner might as ask her hand from her family."

"Are you proposing now?"

"No, when we visit Russia. I will do that before full moon so that we could get married on full moon. Dad mind link that they were already heading to The Plaza."

"Ok. I'll inform them. Who drives your baby?"

"Off course you. I have to devour this precious moment with my mate. You already had your moment with Marie."

"Ladies, I am truly sorry to inform you that you would be seating with your mates not with each other. and since Mike said that I will be driving... Hey why would I drive? It's your car after all."

Mike sent a double meaning smirk to them.

"I am not seating with him. I had enough of him" Liza demanded.

"But I don't get enough of you", Mike dragging Liza to the back seat while tossing the keys of his Audi to Chris.

The drive was silent but the mates in front are constantly touching and teasing with each other while at the back Liza tried to sit as far away as she could. She was annoyed and irritated and showed him away but the space was limited and she was cornered by Mike sending a lustful smile. As Liza tried to stop him but he is too strong for her liking.

"What's with you, wolf?" Liza suddenly blurted followed by a spank on his right cheek.

Mike looked at her shock and pained as her actions hit him. He felt rejected on what she had done.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it", Mike said rubbing his cheek and looking at her wide eye.

"Dude, are you ok? What's with the hit, Luna?" Chris asked him.

"He can't contain it to himself." Liza said. Marie reached for them and punch Mike straight to his face.

"I'll kill you if you hurt her", Marie said angrily and her eyes were turning bright red.

The two males growled dangerously at her but Liza looked at her friend shocked.

"Marie, calm down. He is not hurting me. he just want to have his way on me. He is my mate," Liza tried to calm her and glare to Chris. "Can't you calm her down?"

"She has been like that since we did it. We just did it once and I swear she really is pregnant and her mood swings is making me crazy."

They decided to switch there seats to avoid any more commotions. The guys seated at the front glancing at their mates at the rear view mirror once in a while. The two girls were just seating together having their girl time.

"I never thought that you already overcome it," Mike mind-linked Chris.

"Well, she seduced me. She made me drunk that night and things happened. Women are really hard to understand. They get what they want. By hook or by crook." Chris answered the the link.

"Does she know what happened?"

"Not yet. I don't know how will I tell. Hopefully she won't treat me less of a man."

"You better start to learn how to heal fast, Chris. She throws quite a punch." Mike said so that the girls could hear him.

"I am way pass that stage. I'm not aware that Liza could hit you."

"Well, thanks to that slap. I felt suddenly awake from the trance. My wolf had been restless since we met this morning."

"Oh? Did you do it already?"

"Not yet. Why? Is there a connection if we do it to his action?" Liza butted in.

"Uhmm. In our community, yes, there is a connection. If you are in heat, the male would claim the female. But in our case, Marie is the more dominant one I guess."

"I beg to differ. You are way to slow. If we did not do that, my parents will kill you for being slow to claim your stake."

"What happened when you ask her to move out?" Mike ask Chris.

"You already know it. You are really making fun out of tormenting me. How come you are my best friend but you enjoy the pain of others."

"Liza don't know what happened." Mike protested.

"Her parents wants me to marry her at the moment I told her and if I did not do that, they will cut my jewels and make me chew it in my wolf form." Chris answered turning red due to shame when he remember it. "I had to call dad for his help or i won't come out alive."

Everyone laugh at his statement making Chris redder than Marie's lips.