Chapter 4

Ash's POV

"Welcomee homeee!!"they suprised me

"Welcome home princess"mommy hugged me

"Mommy,I'm not a princess anymore" I said

Well i can't blame her, i'm her only daughter

"You're still my princess" Mommy said while smiling

I just smiled back

"Mommy stop treating her like a baby" Simon said to mommy like he's so irretated

I looked at him and i put my tongue out

"Your just jealous because mommy don't call you her baby anymore bleee" I teased him

Simon is my eldest brother and Safir is my second brother and i am the youngest

That is why i always teased Simon cuz he get mad easily

"Hahahahahahaha, don't be mad"i teased him again

So we ended up running around the house

"Stop running around the house you two!" Safir shouted that make the both of us stopped

We look at him and we look at each other again with an evil smile

"Don't you even dare to think of doing,what your thinking about right now" He slowly stand and started walking backwards

Me and simon looked at each other and slowly starting to run towards him

"I said don't even think of ittttt!!!!!" Now we're trying to catch him

After a minute of tickling and running i ended in my room

Tommorow would be the first day of class

Safir knock on my door, and open it

He tapped me on mg shoulder and sat down at the chair of my table

"You ready for tommorow?" Safir asked me

I nod at him

I've been so busy this past few weeks

Because of leading the mafia and preparing for the school

"I hope that you and your bestfriends would be comfortable here"he said

Yeah i feel like Me,Mary,Cay woudn't be that comfortable easily, since the three of us just came back from Jespor

"We'll be fine" I gave him a smile

Then he kissed me in the forehead and bid goodnight

"Sleep tight and prepare for tommorow lil sis" then he go out of my room

Then i lay down and open my phone...

From: Mary

Heyy Ashhh!!!

To: Mary


From: Mary

Well.... i wonder if we can go to school together tommorow?

To: Mary

Of courseee haha... I would love to!!

From: Mary

Yaayyy!!! Lets just talk tommorow and sleep now... Goodnight!! See yah

To: Mary

Okayyy... See yah Mary!! Goodnight

Cay is definitly sleeping right now...

So i turn of my phone and set the alarm clock, turn of my lamp shade and sleep

Tommorow will be the start of my new journey...

This would be ecxiting...
