~10~Wanna Run¿?

I'm currently on a video call with Sharon, Susan and Marissa

"Annie, when maleficent kicked you out, you should have called us, we would have helped you" Susan says, looking really down

"Come on, Sue, she doesn't even know our houses" Sharon protests

It's true, I don't know their houses, mom never gave me time out to pay them a visit

They've taken me home a couple of times when I missed the bus though, so they know where the house is

But mom never wanted me to have visitors and they always stayed a few houses away from the house to avoid mom's wrath.

And when I still had a phone, that is when dad was still alive, they've seen my room on video calls

Well, the room that used to be mine before dad died

"She could have called, my dad wouldn't mind her staying with us" Sue countered

She actually has a point, if I could log in to The Game in a cyber cafe. I could have contacted any of them

I don't think I'll feel very comfortable living off of her parents' kindness

"You guys, knock it off" Rissa orders

They both shut their mouth so fast, you'd think Marissa was their mom

"What should I do, guys?" I whined, going back to the main point

"What else? You have to find a way outta there. We all know that this guy spells danger" Sue states in a way that says that's the best option but Rissa has a totally different opinion

"Annie, they haven't done anything bad to you so far, have they?" She questions, with a thoughtful look on her face and I know exactly what she's thinking

"What are you saying, Rissa?" Ronnie asks Rissa in so much shock, I have to refrain from laughing at her expression

"I'm saying, maybe it was destiny that you just happened to witness the gunshot, An" Rissa says

"Witness a gunshot?" Ronnie and Sue exclaim at the exact same time

Yeah, we didn't tell them about the gunshot

"Uh.." I start to think of a suitable lie but Rissa isn't having that

"Yes, Annie witnessed a gunshot, she saw the man shoot another drop dead" Rissa concluded

Ronnie and Sue's eyes go so wide, I'm really afraid they're gonna pop

"This just proves all the more, you have to get out of there, Annie and you need to go fast" Sue deadpanned

And Sharon agreed

"Listen, Annie" Rissa starts getting all our attentions "we can't make any choice for you but we will give you advice, I think if he wanted you dead, he would have killed you long ago and think about it, where would you go if you leave there? Back to the streets?"

"Um..she'll come stay in my house" Sue counters

"Or mine" Ron agrees

"We know Annie and she'll feel more comfortable being kidnapped than living in any of your houses" Rissa shoots back

Rissa's right though, I'll feel better staying here than with either of them

Now, they're all silent and looking to me for a decision

"I don't know guys" I run my hand through my now loose hair "Rissa's right though, I'd hate to feel like a liability"

"Come on, Annie, you could die in the hands of this guy" Sue says, looking really upset "for the love of God, we all know him"

"I'll just think about it" I say, wanting to end this already

"You know, Rissa's kind of right, if this mystery man wanted you dead, why would he get you a laptop, an iphone 13, an awesome bedroom, good food..." Ronnie lists, placing her left hand index finger on each of her right hand fingers as she goes along

"We get it" we all stop her

"The point is" she sends us a look "he wouldn't spend so much on you just to up and have you killed"

She's right, why would he get me comfortable just to kill me

"I still think it's dangerous" Sue informs

"Let's talk about something less depressing?" I ask with a pleading look cos honestly, this topic is draining me

"Yeah, I've got a baking competition coming up" Ronnie cheers happily

"Shut up, Ron, you'll burn a house down if you ever tried to fry eggs" I laugh with Rissa and Sue and we laugh even harder at the glare Ronnie was sending us

"I can fry an egg at least" she pouted "and I meant in the game, you birdbrains"

"How would you bake in the game when you don't know a thing about cooking?" Sue asked as we recovered from our laughter

"With the help of my bestest friend in the whole wide world" Ronnie exclaimed with a wide grin

"You want me to help you win? How?" I give her a baffled look

"No, not you" she shakes her head as her brows pull together "Google"

"Ouch" I place one hand on my chest where my heart is "You just hurt this"

"I'll just bake while using Google, no one would ever know" she smiles, feeling like a genius

"You know, there's a time limit, right¿" Sue supplies

"Stop being a negative bitch, bozo, I'll win that competition and you know what the prize is?" Ronnie counters and goes on and on about the prize


After the call with the girls, I play the game for a bit.

I got married a few days ago.

Fighting with my new husband is so fun, he has such skills, I could learn a lot from him

But underneath the fierce fighter he seems to be, is a very humorous softy

And he also has an inner gang he fights with

I met them and introduced the girls and we make a pretty good team

I have a really bad craving for blueberry pancakes

I know what you're thinking and I'm thinking that too

Even the girls noticed, I'm growing a belly bump

I'm craving food, I'm throwing up at the smell of food, I'm growing fuller breasts

Even I'm starting to think I'm pregnant

What am I saying? I'm a freaking virgin

I storm out of the room

All these talk is getting to me, I just need those pancakes.