I was surrounded by nothing but light,
"where the fuck am I?" I mumbled as I looked around I noticed the table, The puddles of blood that soaked the sheets seemed darker as the blood had been there a while. I stood there as a doctor appeared out of the white light, his face was black with nothing besides the shape of his head.
"Seth it's time for us to take her to the morgue" the doctor said with no mouth
"give me a moment" I heard a voice say, as I looked away from the faceless doctor I noticed a ragged man hunched over the blue cloth. The doctor seemed to hover around the man only approaching when he feels safe, he placed his hand on the mans shoulder
"come on, it's time to go" the doctor stopped speaking as the mans head turned and thats when I saw it ,his face...my face ,my hazel eyes staring in to the doctors non-existent eyes.
"I will go when I'm ready" I said as the doctor backed away, I stood there and looked at myself as I was hunched over the table, I could tell I hadn't slept in days as my eyes were surrounded by heavy dark bags I also hadn't been showering since my red hair was matted with grease and so was my beard. Then I remembered when this was. Axil shook me awake
"Seth do you want some breakfast?" he asked as I saw just opening my eyes, I wasn't awake enough to respond so I just nodded as he handed me another unmarked can I could already tell what it was as Aries shoveled beans into her mouth. she still wasn't fully healed from the last fight, she must be burning through alot of her energy, I sat there and watched her eat and drink till her hearts content I almost fet like this was normal like we were on a camping trip gathered around the fire, eating questionable food as we told each other scary stories, I could almost the smell of melted chocolate as we made Smores over the bright flame that lit up the beautiful green forest but I looked around us and the only thing the fire lit up was the twisted dead branches breaking through the darkness as they try to pull you into the darkness so they could feed you to what ever lurks in there. Axil noticed I had finished my tin of beans
"do you want another one?" he asked I shook my head and then he asked Aries "what about you angel do you want another tin?" she just shook her head and burped into her fist, Axil gave me the 'you always find the stranges ones' look. I gave him a small chuckle with a cheeky grin, which didn't even feel strange when I looked at Axil even seeing him like this, he has changed so much since he died and I couldn't help but be proud as he started to gear up in his leather trench coat. After we all geared up i realised that we don't have a plan, then it came to me,
"Axil, I think you and Aries should wait here while I go to the werewolf town" they both stopped moving and looked at me as if I was insane,
"Seth we barely survied the wildling attack" Aries said as she approached, I took a deep breath before I spoke
"I dont want to put you two in danger, if my plan doesn't go right", she stopped two feet away from me before she began to stare into my eyes and I couldn't help but get lost in her Emerald green eyes, they were so bright and gorgeous.
"Are you an idiot?" her question shook me out of my trance,
"what?" I said in disbelief
"are you an idiot?" she repeated and then Axil decided he wanted to join in,
"she has a point seth, you dont know anything about that town besides that it's run by a pack of werewolves" Axil started to put the fire out. I let out a sigh before rubbed my face.
"Okay, listen to me for a second Aries think about it you are a fallen angel who can get infected with werewolf toxin and turn half wolf/angel, don't get me wrong that would be awesome" I said sarcastically "and Axil I don't want you to ruin your trench coat" I chuckled a little as I said it, but they just kept giving me such judgemental looks so I carried on with my speech "if I go in there alone then and try to talk them in to staying there so we can figure out a way out of here" I saw Axil about to open his mouth " I know you have made deals with this pack before but they know you and if this goes up then they will know your scent and will track you down, thats why I should go so if it does fuck up then I can get out of there before they can catch a good scent off of me" they both seemed to calm down their gazes and looked at each other before they nodded.
"Okay I will show you the way but you have to swear that if it goes belly up you will come straight back here and we will go" Axil said as he walked over to me, he reached me as I took his hand in a handshake I said
"I will do you one better", my hand started to glow with a bright golden light, once the light faded Axil pulled away from the handshake and watched as a symbol glowed on the plam of his hand
"what is this? "he asked with a puzzled look on his face
"it's a symbolic link so we're connected" he had a worried expression on his face so I attempted to give him some reassurance "don't worry it's just so we can send each other small messages" the symbol started to fade in to his skin as he watched it fade. Aries had started to hover around us "your turn" I said as I reached my hand out to her. She took my hand and as she did I could feel how smooth and delicate her hands were, she watched as gold light started to shine through our hands but then she looked into my eyes and even though we did it not that long after her eyes looked different still gorgeous but was filled with worry so I whispered "I'll be okay ,I promise. I've got you two watching my back, I trust you" she smiled and I could see the worry drain out of her eyes. The light faded but I didn't even notice because I was stuck in a trance as I stared into her eyes, I could feel her getting closer but then a fake cough from axil brought me back, as I looked at Axil he nodded, I knew what that meant so I slowly let go of Aries. "Okay come on then Axil lets go" I said as I picked up my bag,
"there is food and drink in your bag, if you want it while we're gone" Axil said to Aries
"thank you" she replied before we started our hike to the werewolf village, my first step in to the woods I could feel the darkness go over me and seep into my pores which made me feel on edge, thats when I knew it this isnt gonna end well.